A、 只有因工作需要,或在非飞行关键阶段中由于生理原因,一名驾驶员才可以离开座位。pilots may only leave their seat for work reasons or for physiological reasons during a non-critical phase of the flight.
B、 巡航阶段可以到客舱用餐。During the cruise phase, they can dine in the passenger cabin.
C、 巡航阶段可以到客舱短时间休息。During the cruise phase they can take short breaks in the passenger cabin.
A、 只有因工作需要,或在非飞行关键阶段中由于生理原因,一名驾驶员才可以离开座位。pilots may only leave their seat for work reasons or for physiological reasons during a non-critical phase of the flight.
B、 巡航阶段可以到客舱用餐。During the cruise phase, they can dine in the passenger cabin.
C、 巡航阶段可以到客舱短时间休息。During the cruise phase they can take short breaks in the passenger cabin.
A. 民用机场经验收合格,取得机场使用许可证,方可开放使用
B. 民用机场使用许可证由地区管理局颁发
C. 机场关闭后禁止航空器起降
A. VIS 800米
B. VIS 1600米,云高400米
C. VIS 1600米
A. 机场上有雨
B. 机场附近有雨,但机场上无雨
C. 机场附近有雷暴,但机场上无雷暴
A. 跑道无内移时,是白色和红色的组合
B. 跑道无内移时,是红色和黄色的组合
C. 跑道无内移时,是白色和黄色的组合
A. 190
B. 195
C. 198
A. APU进气门关闭
B. APU 电瓶关断
C. APU 负载控制活门关闭
D. APU 失效
A. A)在舱门指示窗口上的绿色机械指示和一条咨询信息green mechanical indication in the indicator window of the door and an advisory message
B. B)只在状态页上的一条咨询信息An advisory message on the status page only
C. C)状态页上的状态信息和简图页上的绿色勤务门图标Status message on the status page and a green service door icon on the synoptic page
D. D)简图页上的绿色勤务门图标和舱门窗口上的绿色机械指示A green service door icon on the synoptic page and green mechanical indication in the indicator window of the door
A. 1
B. 1.5
C. 2
A. 机翼防冰
B. 机翼过热
C. 副翼失效
D. 右机翼防冰