A、 进近灯光系统,如果驾驶员仅使用进近灯光作为参考,应当能 同时清楚地看到和辨认“红色终端横排灯”或者“红色侧排灯” for the approach light system, if the pilot only uses the approach light as a reference, he/she should be able to clearly see and identify the "red end cross row lights (only exists in some foreign airports)" or "red side row lights (side short row lights)", otherwise he/she shall not descend below 30m (100 feet) above the elevation of the TDZ;
B、 跑道入口; 跑道入口标志; 跑道入口灯; 跑道端识别灯; 目视进近下滑道指示灯Runway threshold; Runway threshold marks;Runway threshold lights;Runway end identification lights; VASI lights;
C、 接地区或者接地区标志; 接地区灯; 跑道或者跑道标志; 跑道灯TDZ or TDZ marks;(8) TDZ lights;(9) Runway or runway marks;runway lights
D、 以上全部 all of the above
A、 进近灯光系统,如果驾驶员仅使用进近灯光作为参考,应当能 同时清楚地看到和辨认“红色终端横排灯”或者“红色侧排灯” for the approach light system, if the pilot only uses the approach light as a reference, he/she should be able to clearly see and identify the "red end cross row lights (only exists in some foreign airports)" or "red side row lights (side short row lights)", otherwise he/she shall not descend below 30m (100 feet) above the elevation of the TDZ;
B、 跑道入口; 跑道入口标志; 跑道入口灯; 跑道端识别灯; 目视进近下滑道指示灯Runway threshold; Runway threshold marks;Runway threshold lights;Runway end identification lights; VASI lights;
C、 接地区或者接地区标志; 接地区灯; 跑道或者跑道标志; 跑道灯TDZ or TDZ marks;(8) TDZ lights;(9) Runway or runway marks;runway lights
D、 以上全部 all of the above
A. "在航图上标明;
B. 设置飞行障碍灯和标志;
C. 限期清除"
A. 绿色 green
B. 白色 white
C. 琥珀色 amber
D. 红色 red
A. 防冰和漏气探测器(AILC)探测到左侧引气管道引气泄露。 A bleed air leak detected by AILC in the left bleed ducting.
B. 防冰和漏气探测器(AILC)探测到右侧引气管道引气泄露。 A bleed air leak detected by AILC in the right bleed ducting.
C. 引气泄露后引气关闭且系统未选择关闭。Bleed shutdown after bleed leak and system not selected off.
D. 在通电自检测试中(PBIT),左引气管路的漏气双探测环路失效。 Loss of both leak detection loops in left bleed ducting during PBIT.
A. 在冻雨中飞行
B. 在雨层云中飞行
C. 在毛毛雨中飞行
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
A. 8, 8
B. 20, 8
C. 25, 8
D. 0, 8
A. 风速
B. 气压
C. 气温