A. 确认性能数据库的修改 confirm performance database revision
B. 确保GPS方案满足所需的导航精确性 assure that the GPS solution meets the required navigation accuracy
C. 允许减少的水平空域间隔 permit reduced lateral airspace separation
D. 确认导航数据库是精确的 verify that the navigation database is accurate
A. 灰白色
B. 浅灰色
C. 浓白色
A. 不能
B. 有时可以
C. 可以
D. 以上都不对
A. 目的地机场
B. 第一备降机场
C. 目的地机场和第一备降机场
A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
D. 35
A. 大于3°/s
B. 大于3.5°/s
C. 大于4°/s
D. 大于5°/s
A. 防冰和漏气探测器(AILC)探测到左侧引气管道引气泄露。 A bleed air leak detected by AILC in the left bleed ducting.
B. 防冰和漏气探测器(AILC)探测到右侧引气管道引气泄露。 A bleed air leak detected by AILC in the right bleed ducting.
C. 引气泄露后引气关闭且系统未选择关闭。Bleed shutdown after bleed leak and system not selected off.
D. 在通电自检测试中(PBIT),左引气管路的漏气双探测环路失效。 Loss of both leak detection loops in left bleed ducting during PBIT.
A. 正确
B. 不正确
A. 仅在地面。Only on ground
B. 仅在空中且两个发电机供电。Only in flight with two generators online
C. 不能打包。Cannot be boxed
D. 按压任一主警告灯两次。Pressing twice either master warning switchlight