A、 练习中注意坡度不要过大或过小During exercise, the bank cannot be too big or too small;
B、 注意配平的使用技巧;Take care of the technique while using trim
C、 PM应及时报出速度、高度、下降率、俯仰和坡度等相 关参数;PM shall report speed, altitude, vertical speed, pitch and bank etc. in time;
D、 监控飞行员调航向游标增加或减少180°(至少180°为一 次练习)。PM shall adjust heading bug to increase or decrease 180° (for one exercise, at least 180°).
A、 练习中注意坡度不要过大或过小During exercise, the bank cannot be too big or too small;
B、 注意配平的使用技巧;Take care of the technique while using trim
C、 PM应及时报出速度、高度、下降率、俯仰和坡度等相 关参数;PM shall report speed, altitude, vertical speed, pitch and bank etc. in time;
D、 监控飞行员调航向游标增加或减少180°(至少180°为一 次练习)。PM shall adjust heading bug to increase or decrease 180° (for one exercise, at least 180°).
A. 积状云
B. 层状云;
C. 任何种云或干雪
A. 最晚在程序转弯之前襟翼20°要设置到位,保持襟翼20°的速度程序转弯。Flap 20°shall be set in position at the latest before the procedure turn, maintain flap 20° speed to make the procedure turn.
B. 如果直线进近,在距离IF 点或等同于IF 点的位置前3-5 海里,襟翼20°要设置到位。If it’s a straight approach, the flap 20°shall be set in place 3 to 5 nautical miles before the IF point or any point equivalent to the IF.
C. 当IF 点或等同于IF 点的位置距接地点小于8 海里时,襟翼20°要在距离接地点12 海里前的位置设置到位。If the IF point or the point equivalent to the IF is located less than 8 nautical miles from the touchdown point, the flap 20°shall be set in position 12 nautical miles away from the touchdown point.
D. 当IF 点或等同于IF 点的位置距接地点小于8 海里时,襟翼20°要在距离接地点10 海里前的位置设置到位。if the IF point or the point equivalent to the IF is located less than 8 nautical miles from the touchdown point, the flap 20°shall be set in position 10 nautical miles away from the touchdown point.
A. 有强烈降水和地空闪电
B. 有浓积云
C. 有滚轴状云或雨幡
A. 风切变警报
B. 危险天气警报;
C. 机场警报
A. 红色RED
A. 应急襟翼电门 emergency flap switch
B. 襟翼手柄flap lever
A. 当地地形影响气压
B. 地面有较强的地转偏向力
C. 风和地面之间的磨擦
A. 飞机正常,但旅客或机组成员却受到或可能受到过安全方面的威胁
B. 遭遇严重颠簸
C. 飞机油量少于公司燃油政策规定的最低标
D. TCAS 发出 TA 警告