A. -2℃~-8℃
B. -8℃~-15℃
C. 0℃~-2℃
A. 20
B. 30
C. 60
D. 90
D. V/S
A. 中断起飞过程中推力手柄收至慢车且反推放出。The thrust levers are retarded to idle during a rejected takeoff and thrust reverser are deployed
B. 中断起飞过程中推力手柄收至慢车且反推在过渡中。The thrust levers are retarded to idle during a rejected takeoff and thrust reverser are in transit
C. 中断起飞过程中推力手柄收至慢车。The thrust levers are retarded to idle during a rejected takeoff
D. 中断起飞过程中推力手柄收至慢车,反推放出且使用刹车。The thrust levers are retarded to idle during a rejected takeoff and thrust reverser are deployed and brakes applied
A. 正确
B. 不正确
A. 跑道被侵占Runway intruded;
B. 飞机着陆过程中出现跳跃后 After a bouncing up during landing
C. 短跑道机场(跑道长度≤2400 米),湿跑道顺风落地,平 飘超过接地区时For the airport with short runway (runway length ≤2400m), runway is wet and landing with tailwind, the floating is beyond the touchdown zone;
D. 机长认为有必要时When the captain believes it necessary.
A. 白色 White
B. 红色 Red
C. 琥珀色 Amber
D. 绿色 Green
A. 地面机务
B. 机长
C. 运控人员
A. 航空器的翼展和速度
B. 航空器的重量和速度
C. 航空器的翼展和重量
A. 激活安定面配平电门。Activating the stab trim switches
B. 在FCP上按压AP ENG按钮。Pressing the AP ENG button on the FCP
C. 按压YD DISC 按钮。Pressing the YD DISC button
D. 以上全部。All of the above