A. 电压超过规定范围。Voltage is outside of specifications.
B. 频率超出规定范围。Frequency is out of specifications.
C. 探测到过大电流。Excessive current is detected.
D. 以上全部。All of the above.
A. 滚轴状云底
B. 云中充满上升气流
C. 频繁的闪电
A. 一至三批,2000 米
B. 一至两批,2000 米
C. 一至两批,1000 米
A. 18
B. 20
C. 24
D. 22
A. VAPP+11kn
B. VAPP+15kn
C. VAPP+20kn
A. 俯仰控制性降低,俯仰脱开将导致操 纵飞机时杆力减半 the control ability of pitch will decrease and the pitch disconnection will lead to the half decrease of force of control coulmn.
B. 如果右侧出现卡阻,则推杆器不工作 Stick pusher is inoperative, if the right side is jammed.
C. 以上全部above all
A. ③④
B. ①②
C. ①②③④