A、 从地面到600 米高度范围内
B、 从跑道到300 米高度范围内
C、 从地面到1500 米高度范围内
A、 从地面到600 米高度范围内
B、 从跑道到300 米高度范围内
C、 从地面到1500 米高度范围内
A. 按压当侧FD按钮对耦合FD或自动驾驶无影响。Pressing the onside FD pushbutton has no effect on the coupled FD or autopilot
B. 按压当侧FD按钮会移除两侧PFD上的FD。Pressing the onside FD pushbutton will remove the FD from both PFD
C. 按压当侧FD按钮会移除当侧PFD上的FD。Pressing the onside FD pushbutton will remove the FD from onside PFD
D. 按压对侧FD按钮对耦合FD或自动驾驶无影响。Pressing the offside FD pushbutton has no effect on the coupled FD or autopilot
A. V2+10
B. V2+12
C. V2+20
D. VT-15
A. 应急28VDC备用电源 emergency 28 VDC backup electrical power
B. 重要28VDC备用电源给APU essential 28 VDC backup power to the APU
C. 将115VAC电源转换为28VDC电源 conversion of 115 VAC power to 28 VDC power
D. 冗余28VDC电瓶电源 redundancy 28VDC battery power
A. 1B液压泵和AC勤务汇流条 1B hydraulic pump and AC service bus
B. 2B液压泵和AC汇流条2 2B hydraulic pump and AC bus No. 2
C. 3B液压泵和AC汇流条1 3B hydraulic pump and AC bus No. 1
D. 3B液压泵和AC重要汇流条 3B hydraulic pump and AC ESS bus
A. 缝翼襟翼电子控制组件 The SFECU
B. 推杆机制 The Stick Pusher mechanism
C. 缝翼电子控制组件 The SECU
D. 以上全部 All of the above
A. 35℃
B. 40℃
C. 45℃
D. 30℃