A、 雷暴云区
B、 雷暴前方
C、 雷暴前进的右方
A、 雷暴云区
B、 雷暴前方
C、 雷暴前进的右方
A. 跑道中心线或跑道中心线灯
B. 跑道入口标志或跑道入口灯
C. 接地区标志
A. 私用驾驶员执照为24 个月,商用驾驶员执照和航线驾驶员执照为12 个月
B. 私用驾驶员执照和商用驾驶员执照为24 个月,航线驾驶员执照为12 个月
C. 统一为24 个月
A. 层状云
B. 锋面雾
C. 积雨云
A. 灰白色
B. 灰色
C. 浓白色
A. 查阅MEL,并与机务人员沟通确认符合放行标准。Refer to MEL and communicate with maintenance personnel to confirm that they meet the release standards;
B. 查阅MEL,可以不与机务人员沟通确认符合放行标准。Refer to MEL and may not communicate with maintenance personnel to confirm whether meet the release standards;
C. 不用确认机务人员按照MEL执行维护程序(M)(如有);Don't need to verify the maintenance personnel conducting the maintenance procedures (M) as per MEL (if any);
D. 不用与机组成员预习MEL的操作程序(O)(如有);Don't need to preview MEL operation procedures (O) (if any) together with the flight crew members;
A. 形成并且可能含有冰雹;
B. 形成较为严重的晴空颠簸;
C. 出现较强的放电。
A. 层积云和高积云;
B. 雨层云中有积雨云
C. 积云和积雨云
A. 所有火警和过热探测,所有灭火剂,APU自动灭火逻辑和引气泄露探测。All fire and overheat detection, all extinguishers, APU automatic fire fighting logic and bleed air leak detection.
B. 所有火警探测设备(包括厕所烟雾探测器)和所有灭火设备。All fire detection equipment (including the lavatory smoke detector) and all firefighting equipment.
C. 供发动机,APU和货舱的烟雾和火警探测和灭火系统。Smoke and fire detection and extinguishing systems for the engines, APU and cargo bays.
D. 供发动机,APU,货舱,主起落架舱和厕所的烟雾和火警探测和灭火系统。Smoke and fire detection and extinguishing systems for the engines, APU, cargo bays, main landing gear bays and lavatory.