A、 锋将因地形上升绝热冷却而由暖锋变成冷锋;
B、 锋将受地形阻挡移速减慢天气转好;
C、 地形抬升将补充锋的抬升并使飞行条件更加恶劣
A、 锋将因地形上升绝热冷却而由暖锋变成冷锋;
B、 锋将受地形阻挡移速减慢天气转好;
C、 地形抬升将补充锋的抬升并使飞行条件更加恶劣
A. 热雷暴的成熟阶段
B. 在暖锋前面形成的雷暴
C. 与冷锋或飑线相联系的稳定性雷暴
A. 1~19 座
B. 20~50 座
C. 51~70 座
A. 飞机电瓶向ACMP 3B提供电源。Aircraft batteries supply electrical power to ACMP 3B.
B. 空气驱动发电机向ACMP 3A提供电源。Air-driven generator supplies electrical power to ACMP 3A.
C. 飞机电瓶向ACMP 1B 和2B 提供电源。Aircraft batteries supply electrical power to ACMP 1B and 2B.
D. 空气驱动发电机自动放出给备用泵3B供电。Air-driven generator automatically deploys to provide electrical power to backup pump 3B.
A. A)在舱门指示窗口上的绿色机械指示和一条咨询信息green mechanical indication in the indicator window of the door and an advisory message
B. B)只在状态页上的一条咨询信息An advisory message on the status page only
C. C)状态页上的状态信息和简图页上的绿色勤务门图标Status message on the status page and a green service door icon on the synoptic page
D. D)简图页上的绿色勤务门图标和舱门窗口上的绿色机械指示A green service door icon on the synoptic page and green mechanical indication in the indicator window of the door
A. 主页,状态页和液压简图页的信息as messages on the primary, status and HYDRAULIC synoptic pages
B. 只在主页和音响警告Only on the primary page and as an aural warning
C. 只在主页和状态页以及音响警告On the primary and status pages and as an aural waring
D. 仅音响警告Only as an aural warning
A. 货舱会自动封闭且释压以灭火。The compartment is automatically sealed and de-pressurized to extinguish the fire.
B. 货舱会自动封闭以隔离灭火剂形成密封环境。The compartment is automatically sealed to contain fire-extinguishing agent.
C. 货舱风扇必须关断以密封货舱。(记忆项目)The cargo fan must be turned off to seal the compartment. (Immediate action item)
D. 冲压空气自动进入货舱以扑灭火焰。Ram air is automatically directed into compartment to blow out the flames.
A. 风挡和侧窗Windshields and window
B. 大气数据探头和传感器Air data probes and sensors
C. 机翼前缘Wing leading edges
D. 风挡雨刷windshield wipers
E. 结冰探测器探头 Ice detector probes
F. 发动机前整流罩 engine nose cowls
A. 能见度极差,飞机颠簸严重,有冰雹和雷电
B. 能见度较差,连绵的小雨,轻到中度颠簸;
C. 云中飞行平稳,但能见度恶劣,长时间在云中飞行可产生中度到强积冰
A. 1000 米到 5000 米
B. 2000 米到 6000 米
C. 3000 米到 8000 米
A. 高压在右、低压在左;
B. 低压在右、高压在左;
C. 低压在右后方、高压在左前方