A、 气温升高,大型飞机的升限要升高;
B、 气温变化对喷气式飞机的升限没有影响;
C、 气温升高,所有飞机的升限都要减小
A、 气温升高,大型飞机的升限要升高;
B、 气温变化对喷气式飞机的升限没有影响;
C、 气温升高,所有飞机的升限都要减小
A. 先before
B. 后 after
C. 一起 together with
A. 白天增强,晚上减弱
B. 晚上增强,白天减弱
C. 无明显日变化
A. 赤道低压带与副热带高压带之间;
B. 副热带高压带与副极地低压带之间;
C. 副极地低压带与极地高压之间
A. 30
B. 35
C. 40
A. 驱动燃油泵 driven fuel pumps
B. 可变几何作动筒 variable geometry actuators
C. 反推装置 thrust reversers
D. 压缩机导流叶片 compressor stator vanes
A. 当检测到任何内部故障时 when any internal fault is detected
B. 当检测到故障LCV关闭时 when the LCV is closed for detected faults
C. 出现特定故障着陆后60秒关闭APU shutdown the APU 60 seconds after landing for selected faults
D. 当APU失火时 in the event of an APU fire
A. 100/70
B. 90/60
C. 80/50
D. 70/40
A. 机械的且当轮放下时保持打开。Mechanical and remain open when gear are down.
B. 液压的且当轮放下时保持关闭。Hydraulic and remain closed when gear are down.
C. 飞机没有前起落架舱门。Aircraft has no nose gear doors.
D. 气源的Pneumatic.
A. 回油引射泵scavenge ejectors
B. 主引射泵main ejectors
C. 燃油增压泵fuel boost pumps
D. 转输引射泵transfer ejectors