A、 空气距离饱和的程度
B、 空气含水汽的能力
C、 空气中水汽含量的多少
A、 空气距离饱和的程度
B、 空气含水汽的能力
C、 空气中水汽含量的多少
A. 删除备用飞行计划 Deletes the secondary flight plan
B. 用于清除草稿栏上的数据 Is used to clear data from the scratchpad
C. 清除现用飞行计划Clears the active flight plan
D. 用于清除现用数据库 Is used to clear the active data base
A. 中断起飞过程中推力手柄收至慢车且反推放出。The thrust levers are retarded to idle during a rejected takeoff and thrust reverser are deployed
B. 中断起飞过程中推力手柄收至慢车且反推在过渡中。The thrust levers are retarded to idle during a rejected takeoff and thrust reverser are in transit
C. 中断起飞过程中推力手柄收至慢车。The thrust levers are retarded to idle during a rejected takeoff
D. 中断起飞过程中推力手柄收至慢车,反推放出且使用刹车。The thrust levers are retarded to idle during a rejected takeoff and thrust reverser are deployed and brakes applied
A. 只有侧窗选择一侧的雨刷在操作Only the wiper for the side selected operates
B. 如果襟翼放下则自动选择高速High speed is automatically selected if the flaps are down
C. 两侧雨刷会在同一选择速度下操作Both wipers will operate at the selected speed
D. 机长一侧电门具有优先权Pilot side switch selection has priority.
A. 能见度大于 10 千米,1500 米以下有云,但无降水
B. 能见度大于 5 千米,1500 米以下无云,且无降水
C. 能见度大于等于 10 千米,1500 米以下无云,且无降水和积雨云
A. 地面风向雷暴吹去
B. 因强风而形成的沙暴堤
C. 雷暴云顶出现云砧并有远电
A. 大气不稳定;
B. 晴空颠簸;
C. 强烈颠簸
A. 襟翼不在0度,相应汇流条供电且任一发电机运转。Flaps not at zero, respective bus is powered and any generator is operating.
B. 襟翼不在0度且APU供电或外接电源相连时。Flaps are selected out of 0-degrees with the APU on line or when external power is connected.
C. 任何时候起落架放下且AC电源接通时Any time the landing gear is selected down with AC Power ON.
D. 自动打开如果发动机或发动机发电机失效。Automatically come on if an engine or engine generator fails.
A. 高压区的风大于低压区的风
B. 等压线越密,风速越大
C. 在摩擦层中,风垂直穿过等压线
A. 云高60 米,能见度1 公里
B. 云高60 米,能见度600 米
C. 云高100 米,能见度1 公里
A. 空气驱动发电机汇流条 ADG BUS
B. 直流勤务汇流条 DC SERV BUS
C. 飞机电瓶 Aircraft batteries
D. 电瓶充电器 Battery charger