A、 选定的特殊天气报告
B、 天气实况图
C、 重要天气预报图
A、 选定的特殊天气报告
B、 天气实况图
C、 重要天气预报图
A. 一个高压区或高压脊是一个上升气流区;
B. 北半球的高压区有下降气流,南半球的高压区有上升气流;
C. 一个低压区或一个低压槽是一个上升气流区
A. 600ft AGL
B. 400ft AGL
C. 80ft AGL
D. 50ft AGL
A. 按最大顺风来确定减推力的值
B. 按最大起飞重量来确定减推力的值
C. TO/GA 起飞
A. FMS有故障The FMS has malfunctioned
B. 飞行计划还未输入FMS The flight plan has not been inputted into the FMS
C. 时区已改变The time zone has changed
D. 数据库28天周期已过期 The data base 28 day cycle has expired
A. 雨幡
B. 焚风
C. 云砧
A. 可从内侧和外侧打开。Can be opened from the inside and outside
B. 仅可从内侧打开。Can only be opened from the inside
C. 仅可从外侧打开。Can only be opened from the outside
D. 液压操作的。Is hydraulically operated
A. 如果时间来不及确定进入程序,过台后立即背台转弯,平行于背台航线。在规定的计时后,再向台飞向等待航线。If the time is too late to enter the holding procedure, turn over immediately after passing the station, maintaining parallel to the outbound route. After the specified timing, then fly inbound to the holding route.
B. 必须进入等待航线并以等于或低于航空当局规定的速度飞行。如果不能遵照相应的最大等待空速,则必须通知空中交通管制(ATC)It’s a must to enter the holding route and fly at a speed equal to or lower than that prescribed by the aeronautical authorities. If it is not possible to comply with the corresponding maximum holding airspeed, the Air Traffic Control (ATC) must be notified.
C. 按高度要求,初始的出航段应飞行1 分钟或1.5 分钟。随后的出航段时间应按需调整以获取正确的入航段时间。According to the altitude requirements, initially the aircraft shall be maintained on the outbound leg 1 minute or 1.5 minutes. Subsequent flight time on the outbound leg should be adjusted as needed to obtain the correct inbound leg time.
D. 如果由于颠簸需要增加空速或如果不可能遵循等待程序中的任何部分,则应立即通知ATC。If an increase in airspeed is required due to turbulence or if it is not possible to follow any part of the holding procedure, the ATC shall be notified immediately.
A. 近距传感电子组件 proximity sensing electronic unit (PSEU)
B. 近距传感器 proximity sensors
C. 近距电门 proximity switches
D. 以上全部 all of above
A. APU引气可用。APU bleed air is available.
B. APU能提供电源负载。APU is able to supply electrical loading.
C. APU在运转。APU is running.
D. APU自检测试已完成。APU BITE test is complete.