A、 飞行高度大于31,600英尺。Flying above 31,600 feet
B、 当结冰探测系统发出ICE信息,或处于结冰条件且空速小于230KIAS。When ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system, or when in icing conditions and the airspeed is less than 230 KIAS.
C、 从日落到日出。From sunset to sunrise
D、 当SAT是M40º C 或更低。When SAT is M40º C (M40º F) or below
A、 飞行高度大于31,600英尺。Flying above 31,600 feet
B、 当结冰探测系统发出ICE信息,或处于结冰条件且空速小于230KIAS。When ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system, or when in icing conditions and the airspeed is less than 230 KIAS.
C、 从日落到日出。From sunset to sunrise
D、 当SAT是M40º C 或更低。When SAT is M40º C (M40º F) or below
A. 防冰和漏气探测器(AILC)探测到左侧引气管道引气泄露。 A bleed air leak detected by AILC in the left bleed ducting.
B. 防冰和漏气探测器(AILC)探测到右侧引气管道引气泄露。 A bleed air leak detected by AILC in the right bleed ducting.
C. 引气泄露后引气关闭且系统未选择关闭。Bleed shutdown after bleed leak and system not selected off.
D. 在通电自检测试中(PBIT),左引气管路的漏气双探测环路失效。 Loss of both leak detection loops in left bleed ducting during PBIT.
A. 左发超温
B. 左油门杆
C. 右油门杆
D. 右发震动
A. 现用模式指示绿色,预位模式指示白色Active modes are indicated in green, armed modes are indicated in white
B. 现用和预位模式指示白色 Active and armed modes are indicated in white
C. 现用模式持续闪烁,预位模式指示白色。Active modes flash continuously, armed modes are indicated in white
D. 现用模式是蓝色,预位模式是白色。Active modes are in blue, armed modes are in white
A. 主页和旅客勤务组件上 primary page and passenger service unit
B. 空乘页面 flight attendant’s page
C. 主页和状态页 primary page and status page
D. 状态页和遮光板 status page and glare-shield
A. 0.04克/210升
B. 0.05克/210升
C. 0.06克/210升
D. 0.08克/210升
A. 环境空气温度Ambient air temperature
B. 空气密度Air density
C. APU 发电负载APU generator loading
D. 引气需求Bleed air demands
E. 以上全部All of above
A. 因为地转偏向力垂直作用在高低压中心的连线上
B. 因为地转偏向力有与水平气压梯度力相平衡的趋势
C. 因为空气与地表的磨擦力使得空气的运动向垂直于水平气压梯度力的方向偏转
A. 6
B. 12
C. 18
D. 24
A. 罗盘,备用姿态指示器和大气数据计算机。compass, standby attitude indicator and air data computer
B. 备用PFD,备用空速和MFD。 Standby PFD, standby airspeed and MFD
C. 综合备用仪表和备用水平状态指示器Integrated standby instrument and standby HIS
D. 综合备用仪表和备用罗盘Integrated standby instrument and standby compass