A、 100
B、 150
C、 200
A、 100
B、 150
C、 200
A. 查阅MEL,并与机务人员沟通确认符合放行标准。Refer to MEL and communicate with maintenance personnel to confirm that they meet the release standards;
B. 查阅MEL,可以不与机务人员沟通确认符合放行标准。Refer to MEL and may not communicate with maintenance personnel to confirm whether meet the release standards;
C. 不用确认机务人员按照MEL执行维护程序(M)(如有);Don't need to verify the maintenance personnel conducting the maintenance procedures (M) as per MEL (if any);
D. 不用与机组成员预习MEL的操作程序(O)(如有);Don't need to preview MEL operation procedures (O) (if any) together with the flight crew members;
A. 反推操作和防冰thrust reverse operation and anti-icing
B. 发动机起动和防冰 engine starting and anti-icing
C. 地面减升和发动机起动 ground lift dumping and engine starting
D. 应急起落架放出和发动机起动 emergency gear extension and engine starting
A. 左;500
B. 右;500
C. 左;300
D. 右;300
A. APU进气门关闭
B. APU 电瓶关断
C. APU 负载控制活门关闭
D. APU 失效
A. 一个发动机驱动泵和2个交流电动泵。one engine driven pump and two alternating current motor pumps.
B. 2个交流电动泵。Two alternating current motor pumps.
C. 2个发动机驱动泵。Two engine driven pumps.
D. 一个发动机驱动泵和一个交流电动泵。One engine driven pump and one alternating current motor pump.
A. 山谷风盛行的地区
B. 孤立山峰的后面
C. 高大山脉的背风面上空
A. 形成西风,风速增大;
B. 风向向顺时针方向偏转,风速增大;
C. 风向向逆时针方向偏转,风速增大
A. 不伴随降雨的湍流
B. 雾
C. 开始消散的雷暴