A、 200 米;
B、 300 米;
C、 400 米
A、 200 米;
B、 300 米;
C、 400 米
A. 不能
B. 能
C. 由机长最终决策
A. 仅出现在雷暴单体的前方右侧;
B. 出现在雷暴单体的所有侧边和雷暴单体的正下方;
C. 出现在雷暴单体运动的前方和单体之正下方
A. 290
B. 300
C. 310
A. 该处存在严重的晴空颠簸
B. 该处有风切变
A. 航空器开始起飞滑跑轮子转动的瞬间
B. 航空器起飞滑跑抬前轮的瞬间;
C. 航空器进入跑道对正起飞方向的瞬间
A. 尽管系统1和2共享同一套热交换器,但两套系统之间没有液压油混合。Although systems 1 and 2 share the heat exchanger there is no mixing of hydraulic fluid of the two systems.
B. 由于只有一个热交换器,两个系统都必须被增压以防止两个系统之间的液压油混合。Since there is only one heat exchanger both systems must be pressurized to prevent mixing of hydraulic fluid between the two systems.
C. 在地面上必须避免使用液压系统1和2,因为液压滑油冷却不充分,而与外部空气温度无关。On ground use of hydraulic system 1 and 2 must be avoided because of insufficient cooling of hydraulic oil, independent of the outside air temperature.
D. 在启动期间的极低温度(10℃和更低)下,热交换器冷却空气旁通热交换器。At very low temperatures (10C and lower) during start-up the heat exchanger cooling air is by- passed around the heat exchanger.
A. 执行灭火程序后火警信息仍然持续 The fire persists after carrying out fire extinguishing procedure
B. 火警信息消失 The fire goes out
A. 左机翼油箱left wing tank.
B. 右机翼油箱right wing tank.
C. 中央油箱center tank.
D. 集油箱collector tanks.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4