A、 层状云
B、 积状云
C、 没有区别
A、 层状云
B、 积状云
C、 没有区别
A. 在航段页顶部是前一个飞过的路点(青蓝色),下一行去即将飞往的点(紫红色),然后接下来的路点(白色)The previous past waypoint (cyan) is at the top of the LEGS page, the TO waypoint is on the next line (magenta), and successive waypoints are below the TO waypoint (white).
B. 在航段页顶部是前一个飞过的路点(白色),下一行去即将飞往的点(紫红色),然后接下来的路点(青蓝色)The previous waypoint (white) is at the top of the LEGS page, the TO waypoint is on the next line (magenta), and successive waypoints are below the TO waypoint (cyan).
C. 在航段页顶部是前一个飞过的路点(紫红色),下一行去即将飞往的点(青蓝色),然后接下来的路点(白色)The previous waypoint (magenta) is at the top of the LEGS page, the TO waypoint is on the next line (cyan), and successive waypoints are below the TO waypoint (white).
D. 所有航路点均为白色;All waypoints have the same white colour.
A. 机长个人不应卷入对实际问题的处理
B. 机长应该协助客舱组尽快解决问题
A. 可以自由飞行;
B. 可以按VFR
C. 自由飞行;
D. 必须取得空中交通管制单位的许可
A. 任一ACP上的扬声器音量旋钮。With the speaker volume knob on either ACP
B. 其它测试面板上的HI/LO电门。With the HI/LO switch on the miscellaneous test panel
C. 自动地,双发运转。Automatically, with the engines running
D. 无法被调整。It cannot be adjusted
A. 雷达观测不能保证避开某些云和降水
B. 当在最强回波间飞行并刚好处于最强回波区外面时,肯定可以避开冰雹
C. 在强回波区之间的无回波区飞行时,可始终目视看见雷暴云体
A. 8°
B. 9°
C. 10°
D. 11.2°
A. 核实飞机是否通过SDF点的正上方
B. 核实飞机速度是否符合SDF点的要求
C. 核实飞机高度是否低于SDF点的限制高度
A. 积雨云
B. 锋面低云
C. 高积云
A. 200海里/小时;
B. 230海里/小时;
C. 250海里/小时;
D. 280海里/小时。
A. 轻度风向转换
B. 中度颠簸
C. 轻度颠簸