A、 190
B、 195
C、 198
A、 190
B、 195
C、 198
A. 在航线的左边
B. 在航线的右边
C. 在航线的右前方
A. 5.31 m
B. 6.31 m
C. 7.34m
D. 8.34 m
A. 会自动释放 Will automatically discharge.
B. 如果需要,必须由机组释放 If necessary must be discharged by the crew
C. 5秒后会自动释放 Will automatically discharge after 5 seconds
D. 主警戒灯取消后会自动释放 Will automatically discharge after Master Caution is cancelled
A. 应当具有地面教员或飞行教员签注的已完成有关地面理论或飞行训练的证明
B. 应当具有地面教员和飞行教员推荐其参加考试的证明。
C. 以上二者缺一不可
A. 穿过干雪区时积冰的可能性增加
B. 穿过冰晶区或过冷水滴区时积冰可能性增大
C. 当温度低于-20 度时积冰可能性增大
A. 两个湿翼设计燃油箱和一个集油箱用耐油密封条密封 two wet wing design fuel tanks and one collector tank sealed with fuel resistant sealant
B. 两个湿翼设计燃油箱和可选的用于拓展航程的翼尖油箱two wet wing design tanks with optional wing tip tanks for extended ranges
C. 三个整体式燃油箱位于机翼和中央机身机翼箱型结构内three integral-type fuel tanks located in the wings and center fuselage wing box structure
D. 四个燃油箱其中两个是湿翼设计油箱两个是集油箱four fuel tanks of which two are wet wing designed tanks and two are collector tanks
A. 1 个月
B. 3 个月
C. 12 个月
A. 液压系统1压力≥1800psi。 Hydraulic system 1 pressure is ≥1800psi.
B. 液压系统1压力<1800psi。 Hydraulic system 1pressure is <1800psi.
C. 液压系统1压力≤1600psi。 Hydraulic system 1 pressure is ≤1600psi.
D. 液压系统1压力≥1600psi。 Hydraulic system 1 pressure is ≥1600psi.
A. 选择液压系统1 selecting hydraulic system 1
B. 重置PSEU 跳开关Resetting the PSEU circuit breakers
C. 使PSEU失效和重新选择手柄到放出位置Disabling the PSEU and reselecting the gear handle to the extend position
D. 拉出人工释放手柄Pulling the manual release handle