A、 安装在机身右侧的堵塞型舱门。A plug type door installed on the right side of the fuselage
B、 安装在机身左侧的堵塞型舱门。A plug type door installed on the left side of the fuselage
C、 安装在机身右侧地液压操作舱门。A hydraulically operated door installed on the right side of the fuselage
D、 安装在机身左侧的液压操作舱门。A hydraulically operated door installed on the left side of the fuselage
A、 安装在机身右侧的堵塞型舱门。A plug type door installed on the right side of the fuselage
B、 安装在机身左侧的堵塞型舱门。A plug type door installed on the left side of the fuselage
C、 安装在机身右侧地液压操作舱门。A hydraulically operated door installed on the right side of the fuselage
D、 安装在机身左侧的液压操作舱门。A hydraulically operated door installed on the left side of the fuselage
A. 空速和高度Airspeed and altitude
B. 姿态和航向Attitude and heading
C. 飞行模式显示Flight mode annunciation
D. 上述所有 All of the above
A. 8°
B. 9°
C. 10°
D. 11.2°
A. L/R START VLV OPEN(左/右发 起动活门开)
B. L/R START VALVE(左/右发 起动活门)
C. L/R ENG SRG OPEN(左/右发 喘振打开)
D. L/R ENG DEGRADED(左/右发 降级)
A. 平均能见度;
B. 跑道能见度;
C. 有效能见度
A. 客舱门或勤务门被打开 passenger door or service door is open
B. 电子设备舱打开 avionics bay door is open
C. 客舱门或勤务门关闭 passenger door or service door is closed
D. 电子舱门关闭 avionics bay door is closed
A. 550
B. 800
C. 1200
D. 1600
A. 6100 米(20,000 英尺)
B. 3700 (12,000 英尺)
C. 7600 米(25,000 英尺)
A. 1
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
A. 地球上各地区接收到的太阳能有差异
B. 地球表面上气压的改变
C. 气团的运动
A. 形态 副翼
B. 形态 方向舵
C. 形态 扰流板
D. 形态 AP