A、 琥珀色的PASSENGER DOOR显示但没有警告音An amber PASSENGER DOOR message is displayed but no aural is sounded
B、 红色的PASSENGER DOOR显示且音响警告'DOOR'响起。A red PASSENGER DOOR message is displayed and an aural 'DOOR' is sounded
C、 琥珀色的PASSENGER DOOR显示且音响警告'DOOR'响起。An amber PASSENGER DOOR message is displayed an aural 'DOOR' is sounded
D、 红色的PASSENGER DOOR显示但没有警告音。A red PASSENGER DOOR message is displayed but no aural is sounded
A、 琥珀色的PASSENGER DOOR显示但没有警告音An amber PASSENGER DOOR message is displayed but no aural is sounded
B、 红色的PASSENGER DOOR显示且音响警告'DOOR'响起。A red PASSENGER DOOR message is displayed and an aural 'DOOR' is sounded
C、 琥珀色的PASSENGER DOOR显示且音响警告'DOOR'响起。An amber PASSENGER DOOR message is displayed an aural 'DOOR' is sounded
D、 红色的PASSENGER DOOR显示但没有警告音。A red PASSENGER DOOR message is displayed but no aural is sounded
A. 白色 White
B. 红色 Red
C. 琥珀色 Amber
D. 绿色 Green
A. 右上侧upper right hand side
B. 右下侧Lowerright hand side
C. 左上侧upper left hand side
D. 左下侧Lowerleft hand side
A. 绿色 Green
B. 白色 White
C. 红色 Red
D. 黄色 Yellow
A. 最大可用推力减小,爬升性能下降
B. 最大可用推力不变,爬升性能下降
C. 最大可用推力减小,爬升性能不变
A. 电子飞行显示器 Electronic Flight Displays
B. 显示转换面板和显示控制面板 Display Reversionary Panel and Display Control Panel
C. 源选择面板 Source Selector Panel
D. 以上全部 All above
A. 骑兵冲锋警告声 cavalry charge aural warning
B. 警告喇叭声 waring horn
C. 语音信息 voice message
D. 噼啪声 clacker aural warning