A、 襟翼位置 Flap position
B、 起落架位置Gear position
C、 座舱高度 Cabin altitude
D、 以上全部 All of the above
A、 襟翼位置 Flap position
B、 起落架位置Gear position
C、 座舱高度 Cabin altitude
D、 以上全部 All of the above
A. 防冰和漏气探测器(AILC)探测到左侧引气管道引气泄露。 A bleed air leak detected by AILC in the left bleed ducting.
B. 防冰和漏气探测器(AILC)探测到右侧引气管道引气泄露。 A bleed air leak detected by AILC in the right bleed ducting.
C. 引气泄露后引气关闭且系统未选择关闭。Bleed shutdown after bleed leak and system not selected off.
D. 在通电自检测试中(PBIT),左引气管路的漏气双探测环路失效。 Loss of both leak detection loops in left bleed ducting during PBIT.
A. 源选择面板上的大气数据按钮放在'正常'位turn the AIR DATA knob to position 'NORM' on Source Select Panel
B. 源选择面板上的大气数据按钮放在'1'位 turn the AIR DATA knob to position '1' on Source Select Panel
C. 源选择面板上的大气数据按钮放在'2'位 turn the AIR DATA knob to position '2' on Source Select Panel
D. 源选择面板上的姿态航向按钮放在'1'位 turn the ATTD/HDG knob to position '1' on Source Select Panel
A. 障碍物是红色,跑道末端灯是琥珀色
B. 障碍物和跑道末端灯均是红色
C. 障碍物是琥珀色,跑道末端灯是红色
A. 发动机附件齿轮箱 engine accessory gear
B. 后设备舱 aft equipment bay
C. 液压油箱 reservoir
D. 前货舱 forward cargo bay
A. 中云
B. 卷状
C. 海上层积云
A. 飞机全重小于或等于最大着陆重量(MLW)时,垂直下降率大于600 英尺每分钟或10 英尺每秒的着陆 A landing at a vertical descent rate greater than 600 feet per minute or 10 feet per second when the airplane gross weight is less than or equal to the maximum landing weight (MLW);
B. 飞机全重大于最大着陆重量(MLW)但小于或等于最大 起飞重量(MTOW),垂直下降率大于360 英尺每分钟 或6 英尺每秒的着陆;A landing at a vertical descent rate greater than 360 feet per minute or 6 feet per second when the airplane gross weight is greater than the maximum landing weight (MLW), but less than or equal to the maximum take-off weight (MTOW);
C. 飞机在一条可用的跑道表面侧滑,或着陆时发生不能控 制的侧滑并且从可用的跑道表面移动到不可用的跑道 的着陆; A landing where the airplane lands with an uncontrolled sideways skid or continues to move from the applicable runway surface to a runway surface that is not applicable;
D. 以上全部above all
A. 导航扇区图和HSI Nav sector and HIS
B. FMS计划地图和TCAS FMS plan map and TCAS
C. HSI和FMS 计划地图 HSI and FMS plan map
D. 导航扇区图和TCAS Nav sector and TCAS
A. ①②③
B. ②③④
C. ①②④
B. 50英尺飞越跑道入口开始 start from 50ft overfly the runway threshold
C. 100英尺飞越跑道入口开始 start from 100ft overfly the runway threshold
D. 飞机接地后 after touchdown
A. 0-1-5-10-20-40
B. 0-1-2-20-30-40
C. 0-1-2-3-4-5-45
D. 0-1-8-20-30-45