A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
A. 民用航空总局;
B. 中央军事委员会;
C. 国务院和中央军事委员会
A. 大于2.0dot;2
B. 大于1.5dot;2
C. 大于1.5dot;3
D. 大于1.0dot;3
A. 选择MDA到0 Selecting MDA to zero
B. 按压DH/MDA旋钮 Pressing the DH/MDA knob
C. 旋转DH/MDA旋钮的外圈 Turning the outer collar of the DH/MDA knob
D. 按压HPA/IN按钮 Pressing the HPA/IN pushbutton
A. 整流罩电源防冰Electrical anti-icing of the cowls
B. T2探头的引气加热Bleed air heating of the T2 probe
C. 垂直安定面的气源防冰Pneumatic anti-icing of the vertical stabilizer
D. 防冰排雨保护系统 Ice and rain protection systems
A. 24VDC,17安培/小时 24 VDC rated at 17 ampere hours
B. 24VDC,25安培/小时 24 VDC rated at 25 ampere hours
C. 24VDC,30安培/小时 24 VDC rated at 30 ampere hours
D. 24VDC,43安培/小时 24 VDC rated at 43 ampere hours
A. 积云阶段,积雨云阶段,消散阶段
B. 生成阶段,降水阶段,消散阶段
C. 发展阶段,成熟阶段,消散阶段
A. 确认性能数据库的修改 confirm performance database revision
B. 确保GPS方案满足所需的导航精确性 assure that the GPS solution meets the required navigation accuracy
C. 允许减少的水平空域间隔 permit reduced lateral airspace separation
D. 确认导航数据库是精确的 verify that the navigation database is accurate
A. 90
B. 70
C. 75
D. 60