A、 机身前顶部;the forward top of the fuselage
B、 机身前机腹;the forward belly of the fuselage
C、 机身后顶部;the backward top of the fuselage
D、 机身后机腹;the backward belly of the fuselage
A、 机身前顶部;the forward top of the fuselage
B、 机身前机腹;the forward belly of the fuselage
C、 机身后顶部;the backward top of the fuselage
D、 机身后机腹;the backward belly of the fuselage
A. 1 小时
B. 2 小时
C. 3 小时
A. 在低空造成强烈的垂直风和水平风切变
B. 强烈的下击雷电损坏飞机
C. 下沉气流使高度表读数偏高
A. 水汽凝结时
B. 水汽出现时
C. 气温露点差较小时
A. 能见度≥10 千米
B. 能见度大于 10 千米
C. 能见度为 9999 米
A. 巡航cruise
B. 地面ground
C. 爬升 climb
D. 下降 descent
A. 35.24 m
B. 36.24 m
C. 37.24 m
D. 38.24 m
A. 所有火警和过热探测,所有灭火剂,APU自动灭火逻辑和引气泄露探测。All fire and overheat detection, all extinguishers, APU automatic fire fighting logic and bleed air leak detection.
B. 所有火警探测设备(包括厕所烟雾探测器)和所有灭火设备。All fire detection equipment (including the lavatory smoke detector) and all firefighting equipment.
C. 供发动机,APU和货舱的烟雾和火警探测和灭火系统。Smoke and fire detection and extinguishing systems for the engines, APU and cargo bays.
D. 供发动机,APU,货舱,主起落架舱和厕所的烟雾和火警探测和灭火系统。Smoke and fire detection and extinguishing systems for the engines, APU, cargo bays, main landing gear bays and lavatory.