A. APR 非指令激活 Indicates an uncommanded APR activation.
B. 表明超速测试失效或者多种可能影响发动机飞行性能的故障组合Indicates overspeed test failed or a combination of faults that may affect engine in−flight performance.
C. FADEC 已经探测到一个可能会导致发动机推力降低和受限制响应的故障。Indicates that FADEC detected a combination of faults that may result in reduced engine control authority.
D. 相对应的发动机的 FADEC 过热Indicates an overheat condition of respective FADEC.
A. 12
B. 24
C. 48
D. 72
A. "国务院
B. 民航局
C. 国务院﹑中央军委空中交通管制委员会
A. 主页primary page.
B. 状态页status page.
C. 燃油简图页FUEL synoptic page.
D. 飞行操纵简图页FLIGHT CONTROLS synoptic page
A. 8;0.05%
B. 10;0.05%
C. 10;0.04%
D. 8;0.04%
A. 左集油箱left collector tank
B. 右集油箱right collector tank
C. 左机翼油箱left wing tank.
D. 右机翼油箱right wing tank.
A. 请示管制员,按当地法规办理
B. 不加批准的施加管束措施
A. 关闭
B. 调至最亮
C. 调至合适的亮度
A. 以较小的下降率从最后进近定位点开始下降,从而在梯级下降定位点高度或以上飞越,然后过渡到公布的垂直下降梯度
B. 从通过最后进近定位点以后的一点开始下降,使航空器以相应公布的垂直下降梯度下降并且在飞越梯级下降定位点时满足高度限制要求
C. 以上两种方式均可
A. 先拉出控制手柄和旋转舱门向下到锁定位。First pull the control handle and swing the door downward into the locked position.
B. 通过按压辅助手柄触发面板弹出控制面板,拉出控制手柄且旋转舱门向下到锁定位。Eject the control handle by pressing the secondary handle trigger plate, pull the control handle and swing the door downward into the open locked position.
C. 人工打开压力释放舱门,拉出手柄且舱门自动打开。Manually open pressure relief door, pull handle and door will open automatically.
D. 从水平位置拉出旋转手柄,顺时针选择并按压舱门朝内。Pull rotating handle from its flush position, rotate clockwise and push door inward.