A. 地面扰流板放出,但是飞机不在地面上。A ground spoiler is deployed and aircraft is not on the ground.
B. 内侧地面扰流板不工作。Inboard ground spoilers are inoperative.
C. 外侧地面扰流板不工作。Outboard ground spoilers are inoperative.
D. 地面减升模式不安全。Ground lift dumping mode is unsafe.
A. 220
B. 250
C. 280
A. 黄色
B. 红色
C. 白色
A. 1200
B. 1300
C. 1400
D. 1500
A. 航空器已经在雷达屏幕上识别,接下来发布的指令都是在雷达识别的基础完成,直到雷达识别结束
B. 航空器已经被识别,并接收与其他航空器的间隔信息
A. 按压当侧FD按钮对耦合FD或自动驾驶无影响。Pressing the onside FD pushbutton has no effect on the coupled FD or autopilot
B. 按压当侧FD按钮会移除两侧PFD上的FD。Pressing the onside FD pushbutton will remove the FD from both PFD
C. 按压当侧FD按钮会移除当侧PFD上的FD。Pressing the onside FD pushbutton will remove the FD from onside PFD
D. 按压对侧FD按钮对耦合FD或自动驾驶无影响。Pressing the offside FD pushbutton has no effect on the coupled FD or autopilot
A. L/R START VLV OPEN(左/右发 起动活门开)
B. L/R START VALVE(左/右发 起动活门)
C. L/R ENG SRG OPEN(左/右发 喘振打开)
D. L/R ENG DEGRADED(左/右发 降级)