A、 在初始检查时 during originating check.
B、 持续性测试 continuously tested.
C、 每10分钟 every 10 minutes.
D、 每30分钟 every 30 minutes.
A、 在初始检查时 during originating check.
B、 持续性测试 continuously tested.
C、 每10分钟 every 10 minutes.
D、 每30分钟 every 30 minutes.
A. "1/3 点的航道偏移;1/3 点的下滑道偏移
B. 1/4 点的航道偏移;1/4 点的下滑道偏移
C. 1/2 点的航道偏移;1/2 点的下滑道偏移"
A. 从可用汇流条重新给襟翼马达供电且将其移动到已选位置。Redirect power to flap motors from operational busses and moves them to selected position.
B. 放出缝翼和襟翼到20度。Extend the slats and move the flaps to 20 degrees
C. 完全放出缝翼,襟翼不动。Fully extend the slats and not move the flaps.
D. 缝翼收起且放出襟翼到20度。Leave the slats retracted and extend the flaps to 20 degrees.
A. 121.5 MHz
B. 243.0 MHz
C. 406.0 MHz
D. 以上全部All of the above
A. 盛行下降气流
B. 盛行上升气流
C. 升降气流并存
A. 发动机发电机操作和/或机轮不承重信号Engine generator operation and/or weight-off-wheels signal
B. 全压/静压探头发出的信号Signals from the pitot/static probes
C. 结冰探测器检测到的结冰条件Icing condition as sensed by the ice detectors
D. 发动机设置超过77%的N1转速Engine setting in excess of 77% N1 rpm.
A. 仅在雷暴中出现;
B. 在气压和温度急剧下降的地方出现;
C. 在大气中任何高度上存在风向或风速变化的地方
A. 货舱会自动封闭且释压以灭火。The compartment is automatically sealed and de-pressurized to extinguish the fire.
B. 货舱会自动封闭以隔离灭火剂形成密封环境。The compartment is automatically sealed to contain fire-extinguishing agent.
C. 货舱风扇必须关断以密封货舱。(记忆项目)The cargo fan must be turned off to seal the compartment. (Immediate action item)
D. 冲压空气自动进入货舱以扑灭火焰。Ram air is automatically directed into compartment to blow out the flames.
A. 正确
B. 不正确
A. 机场上有雨
B. 机场附近有雨,但机场上无雨
C. 机场附近有雷暴,但机场上无雷暴
A. 取决于航空器的型别;
B. 巡航速度的大小;
C. 飞行高度