A、 在飞机右侧,靠近机头。On the right side of the aircraft, near the nose
B、 在飞机左侧,主登机门前部。On the left side of the aircraft, forward of the main passenger door.
C、 在衣橱。In the wardrobe
D、 在电子设备舱。In avionics bay.
A、 在飞机右侧,靠近机头。On the right side of the aircraft, near the nose
B、 在飞机左侧,主登机门前部。On the left side of the aircraft, forward of the main passenger door.
C、 在衣橱。In the wardrobe
D、 在电子设备舱。In avionics bay.
A. 右上侧upper right hand side
B. 右下侧Lowerright hand side
C. 左上侧upper left hand side
D. 左下侧Lowerleft hand side
A. Skydrol ®不能让系统压力保持在3000psi以上。Skydrol ® will not maintain system pressure above 3000 psi.
B. Skydrol ®是极度易燃的。Skydrol ® is highly flammable.
C. Skydrol ®是腐蚀性的以及会引发严重的皮肤和眼睛刺激。Skydrol ® is corrosive and can cause severe skin and eye irritation.
D. Skydrol ® 引发的烟雾若吸入则会导致心血管方面的危害。Fumes from Skydrol ® fluid will cause cardiovascular distress if inhaled.
A. 等于真空速;
B. 大于真空速;
C. 小于真空速
A. 可以。接地区RVR是控制RVR,在其故障时可由中间点的RVR代替
B. 不能。接地区RVR故障时由能见度代替,能见度低于着陆标准
A. ①②③④
B. ①②③
C. ①③
A. 航线经过地区的气压分布、天气状况及气温
B. 航线经过的天气系统、云状云量及温度露点
C. 航线经过地区的风向风速、气温和温度露点差
A. 按压当侧FD按钮对耦合FD或自动驾驶无影响。Pressing the onside FD pushbutton has no effect on the coupled FD or autopilot
B. 按压当侧FD按钮会移除两侧PFD上的FD。Pressing the onside FD pushbutton will remove the FD from both PFD
C. 按压当侧FD按钮会移除当侧PFD上的FD。Pressing the onside FD pushbutton will remove the FD from onside PFD
D. 按压对侧FD按钮对耦合FD或自动驾驶无影响。Pressing the offside FD pushbutton has no effect on the coupled FD or autopilot
A. 90
B. 70
C. 75
D. 60