A、 接近预选高度的1000尺内approaching within 1000 ft of a preselected altitude
B、 当XFR被选When XFR is selected
C、 预选高度截获Preselected altitude captured
D、 在FCP选择的高度保持模式Altitude hold mode selected at FCP
A、 接近预选高度的1000尺内approaching within 1000 ft of a preselected altitude
B、 当XFR被选When XFR is selected
C、 预选高度截获Preselected altitude captured
D、 在FCP选择的高度保持模式Altitude hold mode selected at FCP
A. 接近预选高度的1000尺内approaching within 1000 ft of a preselected altitude
B. 当XFR被选When XFR is selected
C. 预选高度截获Preselected altitude captured
D. 在FCP选择的高度保持模式Altitude hold mode selected at FCP
A. 一个
B. 两个
C. 无
A. 逆温层中空气密度小,有利于大型飞机飞行;
B. 逆温层是稳定气层,其下能见度通常较差;
C. 逆温层中温度随高度升高而降低
A. V2+10
C. V2
A. 起动发动机最高可达27000英尺start the engines up to 27,000ft
B. 操作空调系统最高可达37000英尺operate the air conditioning system up to 37,000ft
C. 起动发动机和操作空调无高度限制 start the engine and operate the air conditioning with no altitude restrictions
D. 操作空调系统最高可达25000英尺operate the air conditioning system up to 25,000ft
A. 机长
B. 飞行签派员
C. 宣布进入应急状态的人
A. 创建燃油流从一个机翼油箱到对侧发动机,以达到平衡机翼油箱油量。Create fuel flow from one of the wing tanks to the opposite engine in order to balance the wing tank quantities.
B. 在机翼油箱之间转移燃油以平衡机翼油箱油量。Moving fuel between wing tanks to balance the wing tank quantities.
C. 从中央油箱转移油到一个机翼油箱以平衡机翼油箱油量。Moving fuel from the center tank to one of the wing tanks to balance the wing tank quantities.
D. 使用中央集油箱为APU提供燃油流。Use center collector tank fuel to provide fuel flow for the APU.
A. 绿色 green
B. 白色 white
C. 琥珀色 amber
D. 红色 red