A. 着陆时下沉率过大。An excessive sink rate is encountered on landing
B. 飞机低于下滑道2个点。The aircraft is 2 dots below the glideslope
C. 在刚起飞后或复飞过程中,飞机掉高度。Aircraft altitude decreases immediately after takeoff or during a missed approach
D. 进近时起落架放下和襟翼收上。On approach with the gear down and flaps up
A. 1300
B. 1500
C. 1800
A. 8,000 feet
B. 8,500 feet
C. 10,000 ft
D. 14,000ft
A. 积雨云
B. 锋面雾
C. 层积云
A. DCU2 语音不工作
B. DCU1 语音不工作
C. DCU1 告警1不工作
D. DCU1 告警2不工作
A. 前空乘面板 forward attendant’s panel
B. 驾驶舱头顶面板 flight deck overhead panel
C. 旅客登机门 passenger boarding door
D. 旅客勤务组件 passenger service unit
A. 右上侧upper right hand side
B. 右下侧Lowerright hand side
C. 左上侧upper left hand side
D. 左下侧Lowerleft hand side
A. 136kg
B. 363kg
C. 起飞阶段136kg,其他阶段363kg。136kg during takeoff,and 363kg during other phase
D. 起飞和进近着陆阶段136kg,其他阶段363kg。136kg during takeoff、approach and landing,363kg during other phase.
A. 白色;
B. 灰白色
C. 灰色