A、 达到 95%转速时At 95% rpm
B、 达到 99%转速两秒后At 99% rpm + 2 seconds
C、 APU 转速达到 46-60%时(取决于飞行高度) 46 - 60% rpm (altitude dependant)
D、 达到 5%转速时About 5% rpm
A、 达到 95%转速时At 95% rpm
B、 达到 99%转速两秒后At 99% rpm + 2 seconds
C、 APU 转速达到 46-60%时(取决于飞行高度) 46 - 60% rpm (altitude dependant)
D、 达到 5%转速时About 5% rpm
A. 在初始检查时 during originating check.
B. 持续性测试 continuously tested.
C. 每10分钟 every 10 minutes.
D. 每30分钟 every 30 minutes.
A. 系统3使用热交换器而机翼油箱内的燃油用于冷却系统1和2的液压管路。System 3 uses a heat exchanger and the fuel in the wing tanks cools system 1 and 2 hydraulic pressure lines.
B. 系统1和2使用热交换器而系统3不需要冷却。System 1 and 2 use a heat exchanger and system 3 has no special provision for cooling.
C. 系统3使用热交换器而系统1和2不需要冷却。System 3 uses heat exchangers and system 1 and 2 do not require cooling.
D. 系统1和2靠流经回流线的冲压空气冷却而系统3不需要冷却。System 1 and 2 are cooled by ram air flowing across the return lines and system 3 has no provision for cooling.
A. 应急28VDC备用电源 emergency 28 VDC backup electrical power
B. 重要28VDC备用电源给APU essential 28 VDC backup power to the APU
C. 将115VAC电源转换为28VDC电源 conversion of 115 VAC power to 28 VDC power
D. 冗余28VDC电瓶电源 redundancy 28VDC battery power
A. 缝翼和襟翼Slats and flaps
B. 地面扰流板Ground spoilers
C. 副翼和方向舵配平Aileron and rudder trim
D. 水平安定面配平Horizontal stabilizer trim
E. 多功能扰流板(MFS) Multifunction spoilers (MFS)
F. 以上全部All of above
A. 自动转换被抑制 automatic transfer is inhibited
B. 整体驱动发电机自动断开 IDG automatically disconnects
C. 自动转换接通 Automatic transfer is engaged
D. 飞行员开启人工转换 pilot initiates manual transfer
A. 机身前顶部;the forward top of the fuselage
B. 机身前机腹;the forward belly of the fuselage
C. 机身后顶部;the backward top of the fuselage
D. 机身后机腹;the backward belly of the fuselage
A. 220
B. 225
C. 230
A. 分别300米、150米、75米
B. 分别600米、300米、150米
C. 分别300米、300米、150米