A、 在航段页顶部是前一个飞过的路点(青蓝色),下一行去即将飞往的点(紫红色),然后接下来的路点(白色)The previous past waypoint (cyan) is at the top of the LEGS page, the TO waypoint is on the next line (magenta), and successive waypoints are below the TO waypoint (white).
B、 在航段页顶部是前一个飞过的路点(白色),下一行去即将飞往的点(紫红色),然后接下来的路点(青蓝色)The previous waypoint (white) is at the top of the LEGS page, the TO waypoint is on the next line (magenta), and successive waypoints are below the TO waypoint (cyan).
C、 在航段页顶部是前一个飞过的路点(紫红色),下一行去即将飞往的点(青蓝色),然后接下来的路点(白色)The previous waypoint (magenta) is at the top of the LEGS page, the TO waypoint is on the next line (cyan), and successive waypoints are below the TO waypoint (white).
D、 所有航路点均为白色;All waypoints have the same white colour.
A、 在航段页顶部是前一个飞过的路点(青蓝色),下一行去即将飞往的点(紫红色),然后接下来的路点(白色)The previous past waypoint (cyan) is at the top of the LEGS page, the TO waypoint is on the next line (magenta), and successive waypoints are below the TO waypoint (white).
B、 在航段页顶部是前一个飞过的路点(白色),下一行去即将飞往的点(紫红色),然后接下来的路点(青蓝色)The previous waypoint (white) is at the top of the LEGS page, the TO waypoint is on the next line (magenta), and successive waypoints are below the TO waypoint (cyan).
C、 在航段页顶部是前一个飞过的路点(紫红色),下一行去即将飞往的点(青蓝色),然后接下来的路点(白色)The previous waypoint (magenta) is at the top of the LEGS page, the TO waypoint is on the next line (cyan), and successive waypoints are below the TO waypoint (white).
D、 所有航路点均为白色;All waypoints have the same white colour.
A. 气流平稳、无恶劣天气、发动机推力增大
B. 气温低、飞机载重量增加、飞机真空速增大
C. 气流平稳、能见度好、空气阻力小
A. A)在舱门内部显示绿色对准指示和一条咨询信息显示the green alignment indicator are presented on the inside of the door and an advisory message is displayed
B. B)外手柄转向逆时针方向The outer handle is turned to the counter clockwise position
C. 在舱门内部显示绿色对准指示且没有EICAS信息显示The green alignment indication are aligned on the inside of the door and no EICAS message are displayed
D. D)舱门简图页上的有指示出现Indications are presented on the DOORS synoptic page
A. 最大着陆重量下,进近时的指示空速
B. 最大商载时,跑道入口处的Vref
C. 最大着陆重量下,跑道入口处的Vref
A. 1309
B. 2537
C. 8824
A. 生产事故航空事故征候事件
B. 构成 CCAR396 及事件样例的事件
C. 构成公司航空安全差错标准的事件
D. 构成公司作风红线底线标准的事件
E. 如果对发生不安全事件是否符合局方和公司这些标准有任何不确定,出于安全考虑,都应及时进行主动报告。
A. 1/2满刻度偏移
B. 1/3满刻度偏移
C. 1/4满刻度偏移
A. 晴转多云;
B. 风向变化;
C. 气压升高