11. Learning to speak three languages has had a great _______ on my life.

A、  admitted

B、  impact

C、  impression

D、  ambitious


38. We _______ (have to / should)buy Sarah a present. It’s her birthday next week.
4-1 Do you often feel stressed out on a Sunday night? Do you dream of how much better your life would be if you had a different job? And are you jealous of your friends’ careers, which always sound much better than yours? If you recognise any of the above, you probably need a career change. The question is, how are you going to go about getting one? First of all, think about what you’d rather do. Deciding what you like and dislike in your current job is a good starting point. Once you have a good idea of what you want to do, it's time to upgrade your skill set. Think about what you are able to do and how this matches the career you are interested in. For example, you may be interested in a career as a tour guide. Which skills does a tour guide need? Which of these do you have, and which do you need to work on developing? Finally, set yourself some goals, both long and short term. Write a list in which you include your goals for the year, the next six months and then the next six weeks. It can be a good idea to share the goals you have made with a friend, as this can help you to stay motivated. Changing your career is not always easy, but life is too short to stay in a job which does not make us happy and which does not fully utilise our skills. 31. Choose the best title for the article.
2. 别空想了,还是现实点吧。
40. I was _______ to be offered the job, as I didn't think the interview had gone well.
22. Let’s _______ in touch. Here’s my email address.
4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 36. What problem did Anna have?
16. ---Could you tell me how to get to Peterson Building, please?---________________.
7-2 My life as a pet food tester When I tell people that I work as a pet food tester, I get a lot of different responses. Some people laugh, some look disgusted, and others ask me what the food tastes like and how much of it I have to eat. It certainly is an interesting job. However, it’s also a job which needs a high level of skill and qualifications. I have a degree in nutrition, so I know about the kind of food that pets need to stay healthy. An important part of my job is writing reports about the food I taste and making suggestions about how it can be improved. Tasting the food is just one part of what I do. How do I go about tasting the pet food? First of all, I smell it carefully. The food has to smell nice, otherwise the animals won’t want to eat it. Also, pet owners don’t want bad-smelling food in their homes! After smelling the food, I taste it. I keep it in my mouth for a few minutes, taking notes on how it tastes and how it feels in my mouth. It’s really important the food tastes good. If I don’t like it, then probably the animals won’t like it either. The food isn’t the best part of my job, but there are other perks—like the salary. I earn $50, 000 a year. Now that leaves a good taste in my mouth! 67. What kind of person would be a good pet food tester according to the article?
9-1 One of the most important things you can do in the days before a job interview is to work on developing a positive attitude. It’s natural to feel nervous, but a positive mind-set will help you to perform well and to convince the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. In order to feel positive, you need to examine the way you think. If you think things like “I can’t...” or “That’s impossible” you need to change the way you speak to yourself. Instead of thinking “I can’t do public speaking”, tell yourself “I find public speaking difficult, but I’m going to work on it and get better”. It is well-known that preparation will help you to successfully answer interview questions. But did you know that preparing well for an interview can also help you to feel much more confident? On the morning of your interview, do everything you can to make yourself feel relaxed. Do you have a favourite song which makes you feel good? Put it on at top volume and listen to the words. Treat yourself to a healthy breakfast and remind yourself of all you have achieved so far. Finally, tell yourself you are looking forward to, and not fearing, the interview. Finally, see the interview as an opportunity to learn. Try not to think of it in terms of getting the job or not getting the job. See it as a way of getting valuable interview experience and making important connections in your industry. 83. What does the writer suggest you do with your language before an interview?

11. Learning to speak three languages has had a great _______ on my life.

A、  admitted

B、  impact

C、  impression

D、  ambitious


38. We _______ (have to / should)buy Sarah a present. It’s her birthday next week.
4-1 Do you often feel stressed out on a Sunday night? Do you dream of how much better your life would be if you had a different job? And are you jealous of your friends’ careers, which always sound much better than yours? If you recognise any of the above, you probably need a career change. The question is, how are you going to go about getting one? First of all, think about what you’d rather do. Deciding what you like and dislike in your current job is a good starting point. Once you have a good idea of what you want to do, it's time to upgrade your skill set. Think about what you are able to do and how this matches the career you are interested in. For example, you may be interested in a career as a tour guide. Which skills does a tour guide need? Which of these do you have, and which do you need to work on developing? Finally, set yourself some goals, both long and short term. Write a list in which you include your goals for the year, the next six months and then the next six weeks. It can be a good idea to share the goals you have made with a friend, as this can help you to stay motivated. Changing your career is not always easy, but life is too short to stay in a job which does not make us happy and which does not fully utilise our skills. 31. Choose the best title for the article.

A.   How to know if you need a career change and what to do about it.

B.   The best way to look for a new job.

C.   How to make a good impression at a career fair.

D.   How to improve a job which isn’t going well.
2. 别空想了,还是现实点吧。
40. I was _______ to be offered the job, as I didn't think the interview had gone well.

A.   amazing

B.   amazed

C.   amazement

D.   amaze
22. Let’s _______ in touch. Here’s my email address.

A.   make

B.   come

C.   keep

D.   do
4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 36. What problem did Anna have?

A.   Clothes in shops were too expensive for her.

B.   Clothes in shops were too big for her.

C.   Clothes in shops were too small for her.

D.   None of the shops in the town where she lived sold nice clothes.
16. ---Could you tell me how to get to Peterson Building, please?---________________.

A.   Don’t ask me

B.   Sure. You can take the No.3 bus

C.   You’re welcome

D.   Thank you all the same
7-2 My life as a pet food tester When I tell people that I work as a pet food tester, I get a lot of different responses. Some people laugh, some look disgusted, and others ask me what the food tastes like and how much of it I have to eat. It certainly is an interesting job. However, it’s also a job which needs a high level of skill and qualifications. I have a degree in nutrition, so I know about the kind of food that pets need to stay healthy. An important part of my job is writing reports about the food I taste and making suggestions about how it can be improved. Tasting the food is just one part of what I do. How do I go about tasting the pet food? First of all, I smell it carefully. The food has to smell nice, otherwise the animals won’t want to eat it. Also, pet owners don’t want bad-smelling food in their homes! After smelling the food, I taste it. I keep it in my mouth for a few minutes, taking notes on how it tastes and how it feels in my mouth. It’s really important the food tastes good. If I don’t like it, then probably the animals won’t like it either. The food isn’t the best part of my job, but there are other perks—like the salary. I earn $50, 000 a year. Now that leaves a good taste in my mouth! 67. What kind of person would be a good pet food tester according to the article?

A.   Someone who enjoys all kinds of food

B.   Someone who likes animals

C.   Someone who works well in a team

D.   A skilled person with a relevant qualification
9-1 One of the most important things you can do in the days before a job interview is to work on developing a positive attitude. It’s natural to feel nervous, but a positive mind-set will help you to perform well and to convince the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. In order to feel positive, you need to examine the way you think. If you think things like “I can’t...” or “That’s impossible” you need to change the way you speak to yourself. Instead of thinking “I can’t do public speaking”, tell yourself “I find public speaking difficult, but I’m going to work on it and get better”. It is well-known that preparation will help you to successfully answer interview questions. But did you know that preparing well for an interview can also help you to feel much more confident? On the morning of your interview, do everything you can to make yourself feel relaxed. Do you have a favourite song which makes you feel good? Put it on at top volume and listen to the words. Treat yourself to a healthy breakfast and remind yourself of all you have achieved so far. Finally, tell yourself you are looking forward to, and not fearing, the interview. Finally, see the interview as an opportunity to learn. Try not to think of it in terms of getting the job or not getting the job. See it as a way of getting valuable interview experience and making important connections in your industry. 83. What does the writer suggest you do with your language before an interview?

A.   Speak to yourself in a more formal way.

B.   Replace any negative thoughts you have with positive ones.

C.   Learn language related to the job you are applying for.

D.   Make sure you don’t sound over-confident.