20. I’ve just had an interview, and guess what? They _______ me the job!

A、  offer

B、  offered

C、  admit

D、  admitted 


6-2 New year, new goal! For the past five years, I made the same promise to myself every spring: “I am going to get into shape”. Each year, I promised myself that I was going to lose weight and go down two dress sizes, so that I would look good (or at least normal) on the beach. However, it was the same story every year. Just two weeks after I’d made the resolution, I went back to my old bad habits. This year I decided to do things differently. I realized that my goal of dropping two dress sizes was unrealistic, and probably even unhealthy. When I examined my goal, I decided that it was too short-sighted to be meaningful. Why would I work so hard for just two weeks on the beach? When I thought about it, I realized it was more important to be healthy and strong than to look slim. Examining and changing my goal made a big difference. Instead of trying to lose weight, a friend and I decided we’d run a marathon in July. We planned our exercise schedule together, which was really motivating. We ate healthily, without worrying about our weight. Instead of obsessing about how we looked, we focused on our running performance. So, what happened? Not only did I manage to run the marathon, I also went down a dress size. What did I take away from this experience? What we think we need isn’t always what’s good for us. It pays to examine our goals. 59. What helped to motivate the writer to achieve her goal?
8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 78. According to Sally, what should you do about emails when you’re on vacation?
2-2 What to do after an interview There are many articles telling you how to prepare before an interview, but there is less advice about what to do afterwards. However, what you do after an interview is really important. Not only can it help you to prepare for future interviews, but it might also help you to increase your chances of getting the job. It is very important to think about your interview performance. Write down everything you remember, especially the questions you were asked. Then think about how you answered them. Don’t use this as an opportunity to be too negative about your performance, as this will not help with your confidence. Instead, try to be honest with yourself about what you did well, and where you could improve for the next time. Write a thank-you letter to the hiring manager. Not only does this show them that you are grateful for the time they took to speak to you, it is also an opportunity to make you stand out from the other candidates. After your interview, take time to connect with your interviewer on professional social media sites. If they accept your request, it could mean that they are interested in staying in touch. Even if you do not get the job, you will have taken an important step in growing your professional network. Finally, don’t spend all your time waiting to hear how the interview went. Stay calm, focus on learning new skills and start preparing for your next interview. 18. How can you show you are grateful to the hiring manager?
4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 39. What job did Anna do before she started blogging?
4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 40. What does Anna think about her success?
4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 38. How long did it take before a publisher noticed Anna?
18. ---What’s wrong with you?---_________________.
5. I spend hours each day alone, sitting at my working table in complete silence.
15. ---__________________ ?---Hold on, please.
10-1 What makes a job rewarding Not everyone wants the same things in a job. For some people, a good salary and benefits is the most important thing, while others are looking for some flexibility and the freedom to make decisions. What makes a job rewarding is very personal, but there are some common factors. Want to find out what these factors are? Then read on. For a job to be rewarding, it should not be too stressful. If you’re working long hours non-stop, you are unlikely to feel happy about your chosen career. However, a little stress at work can be a positive thing, as people feel good when they successfully meet challenges at work. Most people find caring for others rewarding. Nurses and doctors are obvious examples of caring jobs, but there are many other jobs which involve caring for other people’s well-being, for example teaching or even looking after customers in a hotel. There are jobs in every industry that involve caring for others in some way. People who find their jobs rewarding usually have positive relationships with their bosses, colleagues and customers. This doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with your colleagues. It does mean that you can turn to your colleagues for help when you need it. Finally, if you find your job difficult and can’t get any better at it, no matter how hard you try, you will probably not find your job rewarding. For a job to be rewarding, you need to feel as if you can do it well.93. What does the writer say about caring careers?

20. I’ve just had an interview, and guess what? They _______ me the job!

A、  offer

B、  offered

C、  admit

D、  admitted 


6-2 New year, new goal! For the past five years, I made the same promise to myself every spring: “I am going to get into shape”. Each year, I promised myself that I was going to lose weight and go down two dress sizes, so that I would look good (or at least normal) on the beach. However, it was the same story every year. Just two weeks after I’d made the resolution, I went back to my old bad habits. This year I decided to do things differently. I realized that my goal of dropping two dress sizes was unrealistic, and probably even unhealthy. When I examined my goal, I decided that it was too short-sighted to be meaningful. Why would I work so hard for just two weeks on the beach? When I thought about it, I realized it was more important to be healthy and strong than to look slim. Examining and changing my goal made a big difference. Instead of trying to lose weight, a friend and I decided we’d run a marathon in July. We planned our exercise schedule together, which was really motivating. We ate healthily, without worrying about our weight. Instead of obsessing about how we looked, we focused on our running performance. So, what happened? Not only did I manage to run the marathon, I also went down a dress size. What did I take away from this experience? What we think we need isn’t always what’s good for us. It pays to examine our goals. 59. What helped to motivate the writer to achieve her goal?

A.   She started to enjoy feeling healthier.

B.   She kept thinking about how good she would look.

C.   She pictured herself on the beach.

D.   She worked towards her goal with a friend.
8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 78. According to Sally, what should you do about emails when you’re on vacation?

A.  Check them regularly to make sure you’re not missing anything.

B.  Ask your colleagues to phone you, rather than send emails.

C.  Don’t check your emails.

D.  Check your emails, but just once or twice a day.
2-2 What to do after an interview There are many articles telling you how to prepare before an interview, but there is less advice about what to do afterwards. However, what you do after an interview is really important. Not only can it help you to prepare for future interviews, but it might also help you to increase your chances of getting the job. It is very important to think about your interview performance. Write down everything you remember, especially the questions you were asked. Then think about how you answered them. Don’t use this as an opportunity to be too negative about your performance, as this will not help with your confidence. Instead, try to be honest with yourself about what you did well, and where you could improve for the next time. Write a thank-you letter to the hiring manager. Not only does this show them that you are grateful for the time they took to speak to you, it is also an opportunity to make you stand out from the other candidates. After your interview, take time to connect with your interviewer on professional social media sites. If they accept your request, it could mean that they are interested in staying in touch. Even if you do not get the job, you will have taken an important step in growing your professional network. Finally, don’t spend all your time waiting to hear how the interview went. Stay calm, focus on learning new skills and start preparing for your next interview. 18. How can you show you are grateful to the hiring manager?

A.   By saying thank you at the end of the interview.

B.   By offering to connect on social media.

C.   By writing a thank-you letter.

D.   By making a telephone call to say thank you.
4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 39. What job did Anna do before she started blogging?

A.   She was a lawyer.

B.   She was a secretary.

C.   She worked in a clothes shop.

D.   She was a model.
4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 40. What does Anna think about her success?

A.   She feels that it all came down to luck.

B.   She feels it all came down to her hard work.

C.   She thinks she was lucky, but she also worked hard.

D.   She feels she doesn’t deserve it.
4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 38. How long did it take before a publisher noticed Anna?

A.   One week

B.   Two weeks

C.   One year

D.   Two years
18. ---What’s wrong with you?---_________________.

A.   I’ve got a headache

B.   She’ll take some medicine

C.   I’ve got a new bike

D.   I’m a doctor
5. I spend hours each day alone, sitting at my working table in complete silence.
15. ---__________________ ?---Hold on, please.

A.   Are you Bruce, please

B.   Who are you

C.   Are you at home, Bruce

D.   May I speak to Bruce, please
10-1 What makes a job rewarding Not everyone wants the same things in a job. For some people, a good salary and benefits is the most important thing, while others are looking for some flexibility and the freedom to make decisions. What makes a job rewarding is very personal, but there are some common factors. Want to find out what these factors are? Then read on. For a job to be rewarding, it should not be too stressful. If you’re working long hours non-stop, you are unlikely to feel happy about your chosen career. However, a little stress at work can be a positive thing, as people feel good when they successfully meet challenges at work. Most people find caring for others rewarding. Nurses and doctors are obvious examples of caring jobs, but there are many other jobs which involve caring for other people’s well-being, for example teaching or even looking after customers in a hotel. There are jobs in every industry that involve caring for others in some way. People who find their jobs rewarding usually have positive relationships with their bosses, colleagues and customers. This doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with your colleagues. It does mean that you can turn to your colleagues for help when you need it. Finally, if you find your job difficult and can’t get any better at it, no matter how hard you try, you will probably not find your job rewarding. For a job to be rewarding, you need to feel as if you can do it well.93. What does the writer say about caring careers?

A.   Any job which involves caring for others is rewarding

B.   Being a nurse is much more rewarding than being a teacher

C.   Caring jobs are usually the worst paid.

D.   Caring jobs are good because they are flexible.