37. I find it much easier to concentrate when there is _______.

A、  silence

B、  silent

C、  silencer

D、  silences


3.What career will you choose when you finish college?
13. When I woke up it _______ (was raining / rained)and there was a strong wind.
1-1 How to make the most of a career fair. If you get the opportunity to go to a career fair, you should make the most of it. Career fairs are a great way to speak to different employers. So, how can you take advantage of all that is on offer? The first thing you should do is to prepare yourself. Find out which organizations are going to be there and do your research. Make sure you know who you want to speak to and think about what you want to say. You should also prepare an up-to-date copy of your résumé to show to anyone who might be interested in your skills and experience. On the day of the career fair, you should make the right impression. You don’t have to wear your best suit, but dressing smartly will show that you are professional. If you think of the fair as an interview, then it’s more likely you’ll get one in future. It’s a good idea to arrive early on the day of the career fair. This can mean you don’t have to stand in a long queue. However, staying around until the end of the fair means you may have the chance to speak to an employer one to one. Finally, don’t forget to follow up on any interesting people you meet at the fair. If you’ve spoken to an employer, try to connect with him / her online. Stay in touch with potential employers and they will be reminded of who you are and what you can offer. 1. What is the writer’s opinion of career fairs?
5. You ________ (have to / should)arrive ten minutes before the interview, so you have time to relax.
3-2 Dressing for success Until recently, I had never thought about how important our work clothes are. However, this changed when I arrived for my first day of work at my new job. The first thing I noticed was that the receptionist was wearing jeans. Then I met my boss, who was wearing shorts and trainers. Most of my other colleagues were similarly dressed. At first, I felt happy to work in such a relaxed environment, but after a few days, I realized something. People were always checking their social media and eating food at their desks. One colleague even fell asleep sometimes. I am ambitious, and this wasn’t the way I wanted to work. Then I had an idea. I had read about how wearing smart clothes can make people work harder, and I wanted to see if it was true. I remembered that some workplaces let staff come to work in casual clothes on Fridays. I suggested to my boss that our workplace do the opposite, asking staff to dress smartly on Fridays. The first “dress smart” Friday my colleagues looked so smart! And guess what? They seemed to work harder too. Suddenly, it felt like that my workplace was a more energetic place to be. My colleagues noticed the difference—and so did my boss, because three Fridays later, she suggested staff come to work smartly dressed every day. Now my colleagues and I always dress smartly, and as a result, I think our team is happier and more productive.30. How has the writer’s workplace changed?
9-1 One of the most important things you can do in the days before a job interview is to work on developing a positive attitude. It’s natural to feel nervous, but a positive mind-set will help you to perform well and to convince the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. In order to feel positive, you need to examine the way you think. If you think things like “I can’t...” or “That’s impossible” you need to change the way you speak to yourself. Instead of thinking “I can’t do public speaking”, tell yourself “I find public speaking difficult, but I’m going to work on it and get better”. It is well-known that preparation will help you to successfully answer interview questions. But did you know that preparing well for an interview can also help you to feel much more confident? On the morning of your interview, do everything you can to make yourself feel relaxed. Do you have a favourite song which makes you feel good? Put it on at top volume and listen to the words. Treat yourself to a healthy breakfast and remind yourself of all you have achieved so far. Finally, tell yourself you are looking forward to, and not fearing, the interview. Finally, see the interview as an opportunity to learn. Try not to think of it in terms of getting the job or not getting the job. See it as a way of getting valuable interview experience and making important connections in your industry. 81. Choose the best title for the article.
28. If Max works overtime, he _______ (earns / will earn)enough money to come on holiday with us.
3.---Thank you for your delicious dinner.---__________.
9-2 How to start strong at work You’ve had a successful job interview. Congratulations! What comes next is equally important to your chances of career success - your first day on the job. How do you make a positive impact on your new colleagues and boss? Remember the preparation you did before your interview? You’ll need to be just as well-prepared for your first day of a new job. This means thinking about the questions you will need to ask in order to be successful in your role. On your first day, make sure you arrive for work at least 15 minutes early. If you haven’t done the commute before, practise it once or twice during rush hour. This will help to prevent you being surprised by heavy traffic. Make sure you introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Prepare a short introduction, saying who you are, where you worked before and what your new role is. Whatever you do, don’t spend the day alone, as this can become a habit which is hard to break. Remember to put your cell-phone on silent. You need to be 100 percent present at work, especially on your first day. You’ll find it harder to connect with your colleagues if you are busy checking your phone for messages. Finally, make sure to learn the unwritten rules of your office. Finding out about where to wash your coffee cups will show that you are the kind of person who cares about the workspace you share with others. 90. Why should you take care to find out the “unwritten rules” of your office?

37. I find it much easier to concentrate when there is _______.

A、  silence

B、  silent

C、  silencer

D、  silences


3.What career will you choose when you finish college?
13. When I woke up it _______ (was raining / rained)and there was a strong wind.
1-1 How to make the most of a career fair. If you get the opportunity to go to a career fair, you should make the most of it. Career fairs are a great way to speak to different employers. So, how can you take advantage of all that is on offer? The first thing you should do is to prepare yourself. Find out which organizations are going to be there and do your research. Make sure you know who you want to speak to and think about what you want to say. You should also prepare an up-to-date copy of your résumé to show to anyone who might be interested in your skills and experience. On the day of the career fair, you should make the right impression. You don’t have to wear your best suit, but dressing smartly will show that you are professional. If you think of the fair as an interview, then it’s more likely you’ll get one in future. It’s a good idea to arrive early on the day of the career fair. This can mean you don’t have to stand in a long queue. However, staying around until the end of the fair means you may have the chance to speak to an employer one to one. Finally, don’t forget to follow up on any interesting people you meet at the fair. If you’ve spoken to an employer, try to connect with him / her online. Stay in touch with potential employers and they will be reminded of who you are and what you can offer. 1. What is the writer’s opinion of career fairs?

A.   They’re a good way to meet employers.

B.   You will be sure to get a job if you go to one.

C.   They are very crowded, and so not always useful.

D.   It’s more helpful to look up employers online.
5. You ________ (have to / should)arrive ten minutes before the interview, so you have time to relax.
3-2 Dressing for success Until recently, I had never thought about how important our work clothes are. However, this changed when I arrived for my first day of work at my new job. The first thing I noticed was that the receptionist was wearing jeans. Then I met my boss, who was wearing shorts and trainers. Most of my other colleagues were similarly dressed. At first, I felt happy to work in such a relaxed environment, but after a few days, I realized something. People were always checking their social media and eating food at their desks. One colleague even fell asleep sometimes. I am ambitious, and this wasn’t the way I wanted to work. Then I had an idea. I had read about how wearing smart clothes can make people work harder, and I wanted to see if it was true. I remembered that some workplaces let staff come to work in casual clothes on Fridays. I suggested to my boss that our workplace do the opposite, asking staff to dress smartly on Fridays. The first “dress smart” Friday my colleagues looked so smart! And guess what? They seemed to work harder too. Suddenly, it felt like that my workplace was a more energetic place to be. My colleagues noticed the difference—and so did my boss, because three Fridays later, she suggested staff come to work smartly dressed every day. Now my colleagues and I always dress smartly, and as a result, I think our team is happier and more productive.30. How has the writer’s workplace changed?

A.   People are working harder and seem happier.

B.   People are working harder, but seem less happy.

C.   People are working less hard than they did before.

D.   People are working as hard as they did before.
9-1 One of the most important things you can do in the days before a job interview is to work on developing a positive attitude. It’s natural to feel nervous, but a positive mind-set will help you to perform well and to convince the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. In order to feel positive, you need to examine the way you think. If you think things like “I can’t...” or “That’s impossible” you need to change the way you speak to yourself. Instead of thinking “I can’t do public speaking”, tell yourself “I find public speaking difficult, but I’m going to work on it and get better”. It is well-known that preparation will help you to successfully answer interview questions. But did you know that preparing well for an interview can also help you to feel much more confident? On the morning of your interview, do everything you can to make yourself feel relaxed. Do you have a favourite song which makes you feel good? Put it on at top volume and listen to the words. Treat yourself to a healthy breakfast and remind yourself of all you have achieved so far. Finally, tell yourself you are looking forward to, and not fearing, the interview. Finally, see the interview as an opportunity to learn. Try not to think of it in terms of getting the job or not getting the job. See it as a way of getting valuable interview experience and making important connections in your industry. 81. Choose the best title for the article.

A.   How to research a company before an interview

B.   How to get into a positive frame of mind before an interview

C.   How to look your best on the day of an interview

D.   How to follow up after an interview
28. If Max works overtime, he _______ (earns / will earn)enough money to come on holiday with us.
3.---Thank you for your delicious dinner.---__________.

A.   Don’t say that

B.   It’s nothing

C.   I don’t think so

D.   I’m glad you enjoyed it
9-2 How to start strong at work You’ve had a successful job interview. Congratulations! What comes next is equally important to your chances of career success - your first day on the job. How do you make a positive impact on your new colleagues and boss? Remember the preparation you did before your interview? You’ll need to be just as well-prepared for your first day of a new job. This means thinking about the questions you will need to ask in order to be successful in your role. On your first day, make sure you arrive for work at least 15 minutes early. If you haven’t done the commute before, practise it once or twice during rush hour. This will help to prevent you being surprised by heavy traffic. Make sure you introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Prepare a short introduction, saying who you are, where you worked before and what your new role is. Whatever you do, don’t spend the day alone, as this can become a habit which is hard to break. Remember to put your cell-phone on silent. You need to be 100 percent present at work, especially on your first day. You’ll find it harder to connect with your colleagues if you are busy checking your phone for messages. Finally, make sure to learn the unwritten rules of your office. Finding out about where to wash your coffee cups will show that you are the kind of person who cares about the workspace you share with others. 90. Why should you take care to find out the “unwritten rules” of your office?

A.   This will show your colleagues that you care about them.

B.   This will impress the boss, and you may be offered a better job.

C.   If you know these rules, your colleagues will make you coffee.

D.   You may be asked to leave your job if you don’t find them out.