48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.

A、  tempt

B、  cite

C、  vent

D、  steam


27. If I _______ (leave / left)this job, I’d miss my colleagues. They’re so friendly!
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 63.Why should you video call your friend before the interview starts?
1-1 How to make the most of a career fair. If you get the opportunity to go to a career fair, you should make the most of it. Career fairs are a great way to speak to different employers. So, how can you take advantage of all that is on offer? The first thing you should do is to prepare yourself. Find out which organizations are going to be there and do your research. Make sure you know who you want to speak to and think about what you want to say. You should also prepare an up-to-date copy of your résumé to show to anyone who might be interested in your skills and experience. On the day of the career fair, you should make the right impression. You don’t have to wear your best suit, but dressing smartly will show that you are professional. If you think of the fair as an interview, then it’s more likely you’ll get one in future. It’s a good idea to arrive early on the day of the career fair. This can mean you don’t have to stand in a long queue. However, staying around until the end of the fair means you may have the chance to speak to an employer one to one. Finally, don’t forget to follow up on any interesting people you meet at the fair. If you’ve spoken to an employer, try to connect with him / her online. Stay in touch with potential employers and they will be reminded of who you are and what you can offer. 5. According to the writer, why should you connect with the employers you have met?
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 61.Choose the best title for the article.
1.---Would you like to go out for a walk with us?---_________, but I must finish my homework first.
19. If you wear these shoes to your interview, I don’t think you’ll make a good _______.
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 47. What was the writer’s job before she was fired?
4-1 Do you often feel stressed out on a Sunday night? Do you dream of how much better your life would be if you had a different job? And are you jealous of your friends’ careers, which always sound much better than yours? If you recognise any of the above, you probably need a career change. The question is, how are you going to go about getting one? First of all, think about what you’d rather do. Deciding what you like and dislike in your current job is a good starting point. Once you have a good idea of what you want to do, it's time to upgrade your skill set. Think about what you are able to do and how this matches the career you are interested in. For example, you may be interested in a career as a tour guide. Which skills does a tour guide need? Which of these do you have, and which do you need to work on developing? Finally, set yourself some goals, both long and short term. Write a list in which you include your goals for the year, the next six months and then the next six weeks. It can be a good idea to share the goals you have made with a friend, as this can help you to stay motivated. Changing your career is not always easy, but life is too short to stay in a job which does not make us happy and which does not fully utilise our skills. 32. According to the writer, which of the following is a sign you need a career change?
20. When you finish writing the report, please hand it _______ (on / in)to my office.
1-2 My life as a bed tester Last year, I graduated from art school without any definite ideas about what I wanted to do. I knew I didn’t want to work nine to five, and I also didn’t really want to work in an office. Then one day, I saw an advertisement on the graduate career website. It said: “Do you appreciate the importance of a good night’s sleep? Are you interested in flexible working hours? Why not consider a career in bed testing!” I’ve always enjoyed sleeping, so I decided to send my résumé and a cover letter. The interview was very unusual. I was asked to lie down on two different beds and make notes on what I thought about them. It was the strangest interview I’ve ever had, and I couldn’t believe my luck when I found I had got the job. After that, I worked for a year testing beds. I think I slept in about 50 or 60 beds every month! My biggest job was when I visited a big, luxury hotel. I was offered $10,000 to sleep in each one of their hundreds of beds and write about how comfortable they were. It wasn’t a bad salary for such relaxing work. One of the best things about the job is when people at parties ask me what I do. Telling them I am a professional sleeper always gets the conversation started! I don’t know if I’ll do this job forever, but for now it suits me just fine. 9. What’s the writer’s favorite thing about the job?

48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.

A、  tempt

B、  cite

C、  vent

D、  steam


27. If I _______ (leave / left)this job, I’d miss my colleagues. They’re so friendly!
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 63.Why should you video call your friend before the interview starts?

A.   So they can help you to feel more relaxed.

B.   So they can give you some information about the company.

C.   So they can comment on your background and lighting.

D.   So they can help you to change any answers you’re not sure about.
1-1 How to make the most of a career fair. If you get the opportunity to go to a career fair, you should make the most of it. Career fairs are a great way to speak to different employers. So, how can you take advantage of all that is on offer? The first thing you should do is to prepare yourself. Find out which organizations are going to be there and do your research. Make sure you know who you want to speak to and think about what you want to say. You should also prepare an up-to-date copy of your résumé to show to anyone who might be interested in your skills and experience. On the day of the career fair, you should make the right impression. You don’t have to wear your best suit, but dressing smartly will show that you are professional. If you think of the fair as an interview, then it’s more likely you’ll get one in future. It’s a good idea to arrive early on the day of the career fair. This can mean you don’t have to stand in a long queue. However, staying around until the end of the fair means you may have the chance to speak to an employer one to one. Finally, don’t forget to follow up on any interesting people you meet at the fair. If you’ve spoken to an employer, try to connect with him / her online. Stay in touch with potential employers and they will be reminded of who you are and what you can offer. 5. According to the writer, why should you connect with the employers you have met?

A.   So they will remember you and what you can offer.

B.   So you can ask them for an interview.

C.   So you can send them your CV.

D.   So you can arrange to meet them for coffee.
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 61.Choose the best title for the article.

A.   The advantages and disadvantages of online interviews.

B.   How to perform well in an online interview.

C.   What not to do in an online interview.

D.   Why online interviews should be avoided.
1.---Would you like to go out for a walk with us?---_________, but I must finish my homework first.

A.   Of course not

B.   That’s all right

C.   I’d love to

D.   Yes, I do
19. If you wear these shoes to your interview, I don’t think you’ll make a good _______.

A.   realistic

B.   offer

C.   impression

D.   salary
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 47. What was the writer’s job before she was fired?

A.   She was a waitress.

B.   She was a cook.

C.   She was a blogger.

D.   She was a cleaner.
4-1 Do you often feel stressed out on a Sunday night? Do you dream of how much better your life would be if you had a different job? And are you jealous of your friends’ careers, which always sound much better than yours? If you recognise any of the above, you probably need a career change. The question is, how are you going to go about getting one? First of all, think about what you’d rather do. Deciding what you like and dislike in your current job is a good starting point. Once you have a good idea of what you want to do, it's time to upgrade your skill set. Think about what you are able to do and how this matches the career you are interested in. For example, you may be interested in a career as a tour guide. Which skills does a tour guide need? Which of these do you have, and which do you need to work on developing? Finally, set yourself some goals, both long and short term. Write a list in which you include your goals for the year, the next six months and then the next six weeks. It can be a good idea to share the goals you have made with a friend, as this can help you to stay motivated. Changing your career is not always easy, but life is too short to stay in a job which does not make us happy and which does not fully utilise our skills. 32. According to the writer, which of the following is a sign you need a career change?

A.   Feeling that you don’t earn enough money.

B.   Feeling anxious at the end of the weekend.

C.   Spending lots of time reading job advertisements.

D.   Not getting on well with your colleagues.
20. When you finish writing the report, please hand it _______ (on / in)to my office.
1-2 My life as a bed tester Last year, I graduated from art school without any definite ideas about what I wanted to do. I knew I didn’t want to work nine to five, and I also didn’t really want to work in an office. Then one day, I saw an advertisement on the graduate career website. It said: “Do you appreciate the importance of a good night’s sleep? Are you interested in flexible working hours? Why not consider a career in bed testing!” I’ve always enjoyed sleeping, so I decided to send my résumé and a cover letter. The interview was very unusual. I was asked to lie down on two different beds and make notes on what I thought about them. It was the strangest interview I’ve ever had, and I couldn’t believe my luck when I found I had got the job. After that, I worked for a year testing beds. I think I slept in about 50 or 60 beds every month! My biggest job was when I visited a big, luxury hotel. I was offered $10,000 to sleep in each one of their hundreds of beds and write about how comfortable they were. It wasn’t a bad salary for such relaxing work. One of the best things about the job is when people at parties ask me what I do. Telling them I am a professional sleeper always gets the conversation started! I don’t know if I’ll do this job forever, but for now it suits me just fine. 9. What’s the writer’s favorite thing about the job?

A.   Getting to sleep during the day.

B.   Talking about it at parties.

C.   Having a great benefits package.

D.   Being able to work flexible hours.