When the indicator comes into view, stop the pump.

A、 When the indicator is visible, stop the pump.

B、 When the indicator comes on , stop the pump.

C、 Stop the pump unless the indicator comes into view.


CAP supplements the airplane's maintenance manual (or Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness) which is the primary document containing the procedures for the continuing airworthiness of the airplane.
It shall be made clear that when the subject system or equipment is installed, the associated Supplement must be in the Pilot's Operating Handbook at all times.
Pilots Operating Handbooks are prepared in accordance with "GAMA Specification No.1".
Those instructions necessary to park or store the aircraft in normal or abnormal conditions such as with engines removed, aircraft damaged, etc. for short or long terms in extremes of weather conditions.
The check list may be followed by additional information to provide pilots with a better understanding of the reasons for actions in the check list.
It is intended that manufacturers retain and exercise reasonable judgement and latitude in the content of their publications with respect to depth and scope of coverage.
These tests should require no special equipment or facilities other than that installed on the aircraft and should be comparable to the tests performed by the flight crews.
In some cases, wires are color coded and these should be indicated on the wiring diagram.
This letter also provides procedures that can be used to help mitigate moisture ingress into the connector cavity until such time that the moisture problem can be resolved and a service bulletin is available to correct the problem.
Get medical aid immediately.

When the indicator comes into view, stop the pump.

A、 When the indicator is visible, stop the pump.

B、 When the indicator comes on , stop the pump.

C、 Stop the pump unless the indicator comes into view.


CAP supplements the airplane's maintenance manual (or Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness) which is the primary document containing the procedures for the continuing airworthiness of the airplane.

A. The supplements of CAP are the airplane's maintenance manual (or Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness). The CAP is the primary document containing the aircraft's continuous airworthiness procedures.

B. The airplane's maintenance manual (or Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness) serves as the main document that contains the procedures to ensure the continuing airworthiness of the airplane. CAP is a supplementation to the manual.

C. CAP supplements the airplane's maintenance manual (or Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness). The supplements are the major document and involve in the procedures for the continuing airworthiness of the airplane.
It shall be made clear that when the subject system or equipment is installed, the associated Supplement must be in the Pilot's Operating Handbook at all times.

A. Apparently, the Supplement about the subject system or equipment, if installed, must be in the Pilot's Operating Handbook whenever applicable.

B. You shall know clearly that when the subject system or equipment is installed, the Pilot's Operating Handbook must always contain the related Supplement.

C. When the subject system or equipment is installed, you need to clearly identify the associated Supplement in the Pilot's Operating Handbook at all times.
Pilots Operating Handbooks are prepared in accordance with "GAMA Specification No.1".

A. According to the "GAMA Specification No.1", compile the Pilots Operating Handbooks.

B. Prepare Pilots Operating Handbooks through "GAMA Specification No.1".

C. Edit "GAMA Specification No.1", in accordance with Pilots Operating Handbooks.
Those instructions necessary to park or store the aircraft in normal or abnormal conditions such as with engines removed, aircraft damaged, etc. for short or long terms in extremes of weather conditions.

A. Those instructions necessary to park or store the aircraft in normal or abnormal conditions such as with engines removed, aircraft damaged, etc.neither short-term nor long-term.

B. Instructions required for parking or storing the aircraft under normal or abnormal conditions, such as engine removal, aircraft damage, etc., which are used for short-term or long-term under extreme weather conditions.

C. Those instructions necessary to park or store the aircraft in normal or abnormal conditions such as with engines removed, aircraft damaged, etc.either short-term or long-term.
The check list may be followed by additional information to provide pilots with a better understanding of the reasons for actions in the check list.

A. Additional information may follow the check list to make the check list easier for the pilots to understand it.

B. The additional information should be followed by the pilots to make better understanding the check list.

C. The additional information is followed the check list, to make the pilots better understanding the check list the pilots should read it in sequence.
It is intended that manufacturers retain and exercise reasonable judgement and latitude in the content of their publications with respect to depth and scope of coverage.

A. Manufacturers would like to reserve and exercise the right to make reasonable judgments about the depth and scope of the contents of their publications.

B. Manufacturers are requested to reserve and exercise the right to judge contents of their publications of reasonable depth and scope.

C. Manufacturers are required to reserve the right of sound judgment on the contents of their publications by the bureau.
These tests should require no special equipment or facilities other than that installed on the aircraft and should be comparable to the tests performed by the flight crews.

A. These tests need no special equipment or facilities except those installed on the aircraft, and are like the tests performed by flight crews.

B. These tests need some special equipment or facilities that are not installed on the aircraft. And these tests are the same to the tests performed by flight crews.

C. These tests need special equipment or facilities that are installed on the aircraft, and are identical with the tests performed by flight crews.
In some cases, wires are color coded and these should be indicated on the wiring diagram.

A. In some cases, wires are color coded and these should be shown on the wiring diagram.

B. In some cases, wires are color coded and these should be installed on the wiring diagram.

C. In some cases, wires are color coded and these should be explained on the wiring diagram.
This letter also provides procedures that can be used to help mitigate moisture ingress into the connector cavity until such time that the moisture problem can be resolved and a service bulletin is available to correct the problem.

A. If there is a available service bulletin to correct the problem of moisture ingress into the connector cavity,the letter then will be useless.

B. Refer to this letter to help mitigate moisture ingress into the connector cavity even if there is a available service bulletin to correct the problem.

C. If there is a available service bulletin to correct the problem that moisture ingress into the connector cavity, the letter then will provide procedures .
Get medical aid immediately.

A. You must obtain medical help as soon as you can.

B. You must obtain medical help as more as you can.

C. You must obtain medical instructions as soon as you can.

解析:这道题目考察的是对英语句子的理解能力。正确答案是A选项:You must obtain medical help as soon as you can. 这句话的意思是“你必须尽快获得医疗帮助”。关键词是“medical aid”意思是“医疗援助”,所以正确的表达应该是“medical help”。

如果你选择B选项:You must obtain medical help as more as you can. 这句话是错误的,因为“more”是比较级,表示“更多”,在这个句子中并不合适。

如果你选择C选项:You must obtain medical instructions as soon as you can. 这句话也是错误的,因为题目中提到的是“medical aid”而不是“medical instructions”,所以这个选项也不符合题意。