Make sure that there is continuous movement of the probe.

A、 Guarantee a consistent performance of the probe.

B、 Maintain an uninterrupted movement of the probe.

C、 To ensure continuous movement, the probe must be kept in motion.


Recommended Fuel Conservation Information shall be integrated into this section to show the pilot how to minimize fuel usage during operation of the airplane.
"Maintenance Practices" which are a combination of servicing, removal/installation, adjustment/test, inspection/check, cleaning/painting, and approved repairs should follow the Troubleshooting Section.
This document shall specify, for a crack inspection, the minimum size crack expected to be discovered or, if no minimum is defined, a statement to this effect.
It is generally preferable to remove the damage prior to submitting information to Boeing for review except for dents on metallic and composite structures, and delamination or punctures to composite structure unless removal is already approved by SRM, CMM
Those units and components are used for recording data not related to specific systems.
Where possible, examples, associated conditions and technique should be presented on the same page as the chart. If space is not sufficient to include the necessary information, then the page facing the chart should be used.
When you install the antenna, the alignment arrow must point forward.
Stay away from surfaces that move.
Open communication should exist with the operator telling the manufacturer as soon as some new kind of situation arises and the manufacturer responding back with solid help to the operator.
When the wind speed decreases to less than 30 knots, you can open the cargo door.

Make sure that there is continuous movement of the probe.

A、 Guarantee a consistent performance of the probe.

B、 Maintain an uninterrupted movement of the probe.

C、 To ensure continuous movement, the probe must be kept in motion.


Recommended Fuel Conservation Information shall be integrated into this section to show the pilot how to minimize fuel usage during operation of the airplane.

A. Suggested Fuel Conservation Information shall be incorporated into this section to show the pilot how to reduce the fuel usage to a minimum.

B. In order to show the pilot how to take full advantage of fuel during operation of the airplane, Suggested Fuel Conservation Information shall be merged into this section.

C. Approved Fuel Conservation Information shall be merged into this section so as to show the pilot the fuel usage during operation of the airplane.
"Maintenance Practices" which are a combination of servicing, removal/installation, adjustment/test, inspection/check, cleaning/painting, and approved repairs should follow the Troubleshooting Section.

A. "Maintenance Practices" include servicing, removal/installation, adjustment/test, inspection/check, cleaning/painting, and approved repairs. "Maintenance Practices" should obey the instructions of the Troubleshooting Section.

B. "Maintenance Practices" include servicing, removal/installation, adjustment/test, inspection/check, cleaning/painting, and approved repairs. "Maintenance Practices" should be located after the Troubleshooting Section.

C. "Maintenance Practices" include servicing, removal/installation, adjustment/test, inspection/check, cleaning/painting. And approved repairs should be located after the Troubleshooting Section.
This document shall specify, for a crack inspection, the minimum size crack expected to be discovered or, if no minimum is defined, a statement to this effect.

A. This document shall clearly states the minimum size crack you may discover in a crack inspection. If no minimum is defined, it shall have a statement that has the same effect.

B. This document shall specify the minimum allowed crack size expected to be discovered for a crack inspection or, if no minimum is defined, an equally valid standard.

C. The minimum crack size you are going to discover during a crack inspection shall be included in this document. However, if you could not set forth a standard, a statement shall take place.
It is generally preferable to remove the damage prior to submitting information to Boeing for review except for dents on metallic and composite structures, and delamination or punctures to composite structure unless removal is already approved by SRM, CMM

A. It is not recommended that we remove the damage prior to submitting information to Boeing,such as dents on metallic and composite structures, and delamination or punctures to composite structure.

B. If the removal of dents on metallic and composite structures, and delamination or punctures to composite structure is approved by SRM,CMM,or SB,it is preferable to remove the damage prior to submitting information to Boeing.

C. It is recommended that we remove the damage prior to submitting information to Boeing,such as dents on metallic and composite structures, and delamination or punctures to composite structure.
Those units and components are used for recording data not related to specific systems.

A. Those units and components are used to keep account of data that is unrelated to a particular system.

B. The purpose of those units and components is to obtain values that are independent of a particular system.

C. The function of these units and components is to save the files that have nothing to do with a peculiar system.
Where possible, examples, associated conditions and technique should be presented on the same page as the chart. If space is not sufficient to include the necessary information, then the page facing the chart should be used.

A. Present the examples, associated conditions and technique on the possible page of the chart and use the page including the chart to concise the necessary information if the space is insufficient.

B. Present the chart, examples, associated conditions and technique on the same page if possible and use the page facing the chart if the space is insufficient for the necessary information.

C. Try to place the examples, associated conditions and technique on the same page as the chart if possible and use another page including the chart to describe the necessary information when the space is not sufficient.
When you install the antenna, the alignment arrow must point forward.

A. During antenna installation, disregard the direction the alignment arrow is pointing.

B. Align the antenna in the opposite direction in consideration of the alignment arrow in installation.

C. When installing the antenna, make sure the alignment arrow is directed towards the front.
Stay away from surfaces that move.

A. Please stand near the moving surfaces.

B. Never stay near the removed surfaces.

C. Do not stay near the moving surfaces.
Open communication should exist with the operator telling the manufacturer as soon as some new kind of situation arises and the manufacturer responding back with solid help to the operator.

A. When some new kind of situation occurs, the operator should communicate openly with the manufacturer. The manufacturer should supply the operator solid assistance.

B. When the new situation gets worse, it should build the open communication between the operator and manufacturer. The operator claims the situation to get the feedback from the manufacturer.

C. When something new happens, open interconnection should exist between the manufacturer and the operator. The operator should report to the manufacturer to obtain effective discount.
When the wind speed decreases to less than 30 knots, you can open the cargo door.

A. You need to open the cargo door when the windspeed exceeds 30 knots.

B. Wait for the wind speed to increase to over 30 knots before opening the cargo door.

C. You are allowed to open the cargo door when the wind speed reduces to less than 30 knots.