These tests should require no special equipment or facilities other than that installed on the aircraft and should be comparable to the tests performed by the flight crews.

A、 These tests need no special equipment or facilities except those installed on the aircraft, and are like the tests performed by flight crews.

B、 These tests need some special equipment or facilities that are not installed on the aircraft. And these tests are the same to the tests performed by flight crews.

C、 These tests need special equipment or facilities that are installed on the aircraft, and are identical with the tests performed by flight crews.


This document shall specify, for a crack inspection, the minimum size crack expected to be discovered or, if no minimum is defined, a statement to this effect.
This is the minimum concentration of flammable vapors in air below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition.
Detection system is used to detect and indicate the formation of ice.
This commonality permits greater ease of learning and understanding for pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians and engineers alike.
Select the hydraulic system that you will pressurize.
Where possible, examples, associated conditions and technique should be presented on the same page as the chart. If space is not sufficient to include the necessary information, then the page facing the chart should be used.
Water displacing corrosion inhibiting compound has been applied during construction on certain airplanes in the locations shown in this figure. Periodic reapplication in these, and other locations, is required to maintain effectiveness of this protection.
Handbooks shall be readily revisable.
If one or more blades are missing, make an entry in the engine logbook.
Remove the sensor to get access to the adjacent structure.

These tests should require no special equipment or facilities other than that installed on the aircraft and should be comparable to the tests performed by the flight crews.

A、 These tests need no special equipment or facilities except those installed on the aircraft, and are like the tests performed by flight crews.

B、 These tests need some special equipment or facilities that are not installed on the aircraft. And these tests are the same to the tests performed by flight crews.

C、 These tests need special equipment or facilities that are installed on the aircraft, and are identical with the tests performed by flight crews.


This document shall specify, for a crack inspection, the minimum size crack expected to be discovered or, if no minimum is defined, a statement to this effect.

A. This document shall clearly states the minimum size crack you may discover in a crack inspection. If no minimum is defined, it shall have a statement that has the same effect.

B. This document shall specify the minimum allowed crack size expected to be discovered for a crack inspection or, if no minimum is defined, an equally valid standard.

C. The minimum crack size you are going to discover during a crack inspection shall be included in this document. However, if you could not set forth a standard, a statement shall take place.
This is the minimum concentration of flammable vapors in air below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition.

A. This is the maximum portion of flammable vapors in air. If the portion is bigger, when an ignition source touched the gas, it would cause the fire to be diffused.

B. This is the minimum volume of flammable vapors. If the volume is lower, when the gas contacted with an ignition source, the fire would not come out.

C. This is the minimum density of flammable vapors in air. If the density was lower, when an ignition source touched the gas, it would not cause the spread of flame.
Detection system is used to detect and indicate the formation of ice.

A. Detection system will provide information about how to detect ice.

B. Detection system is utilized to find and display ice formation.

C. The detection information of ice is from the indication system.
This commonality permits greater ease of learning and understanding for pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians and engineers alike.

A. This commonality requires greater learning and understanding for pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians and engineers alike.

B. This commonality makes it easier for pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians and engineers alike to learn and understand.

C. This commonality brings about better learning and understanding of the pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians and engineers alike.
Select the hydraulic system that you will pressurize.

A. Choose the hydraulic system you will apply pressure.

B. Pressurize the selected hydraulic system.

C. Choose the hydraulic system you will depressurize.
Where possible, examples, associated conditions and technique should be presented on the same page as the chart. If space is not sufficient to include the necessary information, then the page facing the chart should be used.

A. Present the examples, associated conditions and technique on the possible page of the chart and use the page including the chart to concise the necessary information if the space is insufficient.

B. Present the chart, examples, associated conditions and technique on the same page if possible and use the page facing the chart if the space is insufficient for the necessary information.

C. Try to place the examples, associated conditions and technique on the same page as the chart if possible and use another page including the chart to describe the necessary information when the space is not sufficient.
Water displacing corrosion inhibiting compound has been applied during construction on certain airplanes in the locations shown in this figure. Periodic reapplication in these, and other locations, is required to maintain effectiveness of this protection.

A. At the location shown in the figure, waterproof corrosion inhibiting compound has been used on certain aircraft construction. To keep the effectiveness of this protection, reapply the compound in these or other locations periodically.

B. Water displaying corrosion inhibiting compound has applied on certain airplanes structure in the locations in this figure. Periodic reapplication must be applied in these and other locations, so as to maintain effectiveness of this protection.

C. Water displacing anti-seize compound has been applied on certain airplanes construction in the locations in this figure. Periodic reapplication should be utilized in these and other locations, in order to keep effectiveness of the protection.
Handbooks shall be readily revisable.

A. Handbooks shall be revised easily.

B. Handbooks should not be revised easily.

C. Handbooks should be developed easily.
If one or more blades are missing, make an entry in the engine logbook.

A. If one or more blades are broken, make an entry in the engine logbook.

B. If one or more blades are in place , make an entry in the engine logbook.

C. If one or more blades are absent, make an entry in the engine logbook.
Remove the sensor to get access to the adjacent structure.

A. Detach the sensor to establish a physical connection with the adjoining structure.

B. Install the sensor to block access to the adjacent structure.

C. Take out the sensor to reach to the neighboring structure.