Restrictions on use of cabin pressurization during Takeoff, landing, or in flight shall be noted.

A、 Use of cabin pressurization during Takeoff, landing, or in flight shall be carefully restricted.

B、 Use of cabin pressurization during Takeoff, landing, or in flight has limitations that shall be observed.

C、 You shall follow the strict requirements when using cabin pressurization during Takeoff, landing, or in flight.


Make sure that there is no blockage in the pipe that prevents airflow.
The mach trim actuator also causes the elevator to be in a more nose down position during takeoff which allows the pilots to move the stabilizer to a more nose up position.
Engine-driven pumps are primary pumps which run continuously when they are turned on.
If the clearance dimension is out of tolerance, adjust the clearance dimension between the extend proximity sensor [44A] and the target [45]. Some of the ducts in the air distribution system are wrapped with insulation material.
Rafts passing tests and inspections may remain in service indefinitely since the inflation tests and material inspections will identify and condemn rafts having more than minor installation defects.
Apply two layers of protective compound to prevent hydraulic fluid damage to the sealant.
This document provides supplemental to the applicable airplane maintenance manual(s).
The check list may be followed by additional information to provide pilots with a better understanding of the reasons for actions in the check list.
Three computers collect data and parameters from the systems and put them together on the data link to the display unit.
There is a risk of fire.

Restrictions on use of cabin pressurization during Takeoff, landing, or in flight shall be noted.

A、 Use of cabin pressurization during Takeoff, landing, or in flight shall be carefully restricted.

B、 Use of cabin pressurization during Takeoff, landing, or in flight has limitations that shall be observed.

C、 You shall follow the strict requirements when using cabin pressurization during Takeoff, landing, or in flight.


Make sure that there is no blockage in the pipe that prevents airflow.

A. Make sure that there is airflow in the pipe to hinder .

B. Make sure that there is something in the pipe to block the airflow.

C. Make sure that there is nothing in the pipe to hinder airflow.

解析:这道题考察的是关于管道通风的知识。正确答案是C:Make sure that there is nothing in the pipe to hinder airflow.


The mach trim actuator also causes the elevator to be in a more nose down position during takeoff which allows the pilots to move the stabilizer to a more nose up position.

A. Pilots have more opportunity to move stabilizer to nose up position during takeoff thanks to the mach trim actuator who commands elevator to a more nose down position.

B. During takeoff, pilots have more opportunity to move elevator to nose up position thanks to the mach trim actuator who commands stabilizer to a more nose down position.

C. During takeoff, pilots have more opportunity to move elevator to nose down position thanks to the mach trim actuator who commands stabilizer to a more nose up position.
Engine-driven pumps are primary pumps which run continuously when they are turned on.

A. The engine-driven pump is the major pump that works endless when it is switched on.

B. The engine-driven pumps are the main pumps that runs continuously during operation.

C. The engine-driven pumps are the secondary pumps that operates infinitely after running.
If the clearance dimension is out of tolerance, adjust the clearance dimension between the extend proximity sensor [44A] and the target [45]. Some of the ducts in the air distribution system are wrapped with insulation material.

A. If the clearance dimension is not accurate, adjust the clearance dimension between the extend proximity sensor [44A] and the target [45]. Some of the ducts in the air distribution system are wrapped with insulation material.

B. Adjust the clearance dimension between the extend proximity sensor [44A] and the target [45] in case of the clearance dimension is out of tolerance. Some of the ducts in the air distribution system are wrapped with non-conductive material .

C. Adjust the clearance dimension between the extend proximity sensor [44A] and the target [45] until the clearance dimension is out of range. Some of the ducts in the air distribution system are wrapped with compound material.
Rafts passing tests and inspections may remain in service indefinitely since the inflation tests and material inspections will identify and condemn rafts having more than minor installation defects.

A. Because the inflation tests and material inspections can identify and condemn rafts which have more than minor installation defects, rafts which pass the tests and inspections may be in service for a period time with no fixed limit.

B. As the inflation tests and material inspections can affirm and declare the minor installation defects of the rafts, rafts checked by tests and inspections may come into service with no definition.

C. Rafts succeed in tests and inspections may keep the service indefinitely from a time that the inflation tests and material inspections identified and announced the rafts with many minor installation defects.
Apply two layers of protective compound to prevent hydraulic fluid damage to the sealant.

A. Apply two kindreds of protective compound to shield the sealant from any harm caused by hydraulic fluid.

B. In order to prevent damage to the sealant from hydraulic fluid, it is necessary to apply two layers of protective compound.

C. To prevent hydraulic fluid from drowning the sealant, it is recommended to apply two layers of protective compound.
This document provides supplemental to the applicable airplane maintenance manual(s).

A. This document and the applicable airplane maintenance manual(s) complement each other.

B. This document may supplement the aircraft maintenance manual(s) as appropriate.

C. This document is explanation to the airplane maintenance manual(s).
The check list may be followed by additional information to provide pilots with a better understanding of the reasons for actions in the check list.

A. Additional information may follow the check list to make the check list easier for the pilots to understand it.

B. The additional information should be followed by the pilots to make better understanding the check list.

C. The additional information is followed the check list, to make the pilots better understanding the check list the pilots should read it in sequence.
Three computers collect data and parameters from the systems and put them together on the data link to the display unit.

A. Data and parameters are gathered by three computers from the systems and put together on the data link to the display unit.

B. Data and parameters are generated by three computers in the system and are displayed on the display unit through the data link.

C. After analyzing the data and parameters from the system, three computers send the final result to the data link for display.
There is a risk of fire.

A. There will be no fire.

B. Fire will occur sometimes.

C. There is danger of fire.