147.He is such a man who is always( )fault with other people.

A、 putting

B、  seeking

C、  finding

D、  looking for


151.We all knew from the very( )that the plan would fail.
197.That tree looked as if it( )for a long time.
4. Passage 7 Greek soldiers sent messages by turning their shields toward the sun. The flashes reflected light could be seen several miles away. The enemy did not know what the flashes meant, but other Greek soldiers could understand the message. Roman soldiers in some places built long rows of signal towers. When they had a message to send, the soldiers shouted it from tower to tower. If there were enough towers and soldiers with loud voices, important news could be sent quickly over distance. In Africa, people learn to send messages by beating on a series of large drums. Each drum was kept within hearing distance of the next one. The drum beats were sent out in a special way that all the drummers understood. Though the messages were simple, they could be sent at great speed for hundreds of miles. In the eighteenth century, a French engineer found a new way to send short messages. In this way, a person held a flag in each hand and the arms were moved to various positions representing different letters of the alphabet. It was like spelling out words with flags and arms. Over a long period of time, people sent messages by all these different ways. However, not until the telephone was invented in America in the nineteenth century could people send speeches sounds over a great distance in just a few seconds. The( )way of communication made use of visible signs.
16.The conflict spread everywhere, into villages,( )into the cities.
3. Passage 15 There is a commonly held myth that Einstein was an underachiever at school, but it really isn't true. While he may have had difficulties with languages, Einstein excelled in physics, mathematics and music. Einstein held many patents and was a keen inventor. While working at Swiss patent office in Bern he took it upon himself to write his own scientific papers in his spare time, mostly at weekends and in the evenings after work. 1905 was Einstein's miracle year. During this year he wrote three fundamental papers, any of which would have guaranteed him immortality in the world of physics. His first was on a new understanding of the structure of light. Einstein argued that light is composed of small particles of energy, called photons, as well as oscillating waves. The second paper built upon the theory of kinetics. Einstein explained how atoms were responsible for the buffeting of particles of material in suspension, like cigarette smoke suspended in air. This paper presented the first direct evidence for the existence of atoms, vindicating an idea that had been around for over 2000 years. His third paper of 1905 was ―On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies‖. Here Einstein derived the theory of ―special relativity‖. In a supplementary paper four months later, he formulated the famous equation, E=mc2, where mass and energy are equivalent, showing that a very small amount of mass converts to a huge amount of energy. This is the driving force behind atomic bombs, and all the stars in the Universe. What effect did Einstein‘s second paper have?
35.( ) his handwriting, I guess he is a timid boy.
10.The fact that something is cheap doesn‘t( )mean it is of low quality.
2.His knowledge of English is( )for the job, although he is not fluent in the language.
71.Let me share( )you something that you may not expect.
23.Those extra-large T-shirts are exclusively( )for weight watchers.

147.He is such a man who is always( )fault with other people.

A、 putting

B、  seeking

C、  finding

D、  looking for


151.We all knew from the very( )that the plan would fail.

A.  outcome

B.   outset

C.   income

D.   output
197.That tree looked as if it( )for a long time.

A.  hasn‘t watered

B.   didn‘t water

C.   hadn‘t been watered

D.   wasn‘t watered
4. Passage 7 Greek soldiers sent messages by turning their shields toward the sun. The flashes reflected light could be seen several miles away. The enemy did not know what the flashes meant, but other Greek soldiers could understand the message. Roman soldiers in some places built long rows of signal towers. When they had a message to send, the soldiers shouted it from tower to tower. If there were enough towers and soldiers with loud voices, important news could be sent quickly over distance. In Africa, people learn to send messages by beating on a series of large drums. Each drum was kept within hearing distance of the next one. The drum beats were sent out in a special way that all the drummers understood. Though the messages were simple, they could be sent at great speed for hundreds of miles. In the eighteenth century, a French engineer found a new way to send short messages. In this way, a person held a flag in each hand and the arms were moved to various positions representing different letters of the alphabet. It was like spelling out words with flags and arms. Over a long period of time, people sent messages by all these different ways. However, not until the telephone was invented in America in the nineteenth century could people send speeches sounds over a great distance in just a few seconds. The( )way of communication made use of visible signs.

A.  French

B.   Roman

C.   African

D.   American
16.The conflict spread everywhere, into villages,( )into the cities.

A.  as well

B.   as well as

C.   in addition

D.   in addition to
3. Passage 15 There is a commonly held myth that Einstein was an underachiever at school, but it really isn't true. While he may have had difficulties with languages, Einstein excelled in physics, mathematics and music. Einstein held many patents and was a keen inventor. While working at Swiss patent office in Bern he took it upon himself to write his own scientific papers in his spare time, mostly at weekends and in the evenings after work. 1905 was Einstein's miracle year. During this year he wrote three fundamental papers, any of which would have guaranteed him immortality in the world of physics. His first was on a new understanding of the structure of light. Einstein argued that light is composed of small particles of energy, called photons, as well as oscillating waves. The second paper built upon the theory of kinetics. Einstein explained how atoms were responsible for the buffeting of particles of material in suspension, like cigarette smoke suspended in air. This paper presented the first direct evidence for the existence of atoms, vindicating an idea that had been around for over 2000 years. His third paper of 1905 was ―On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies‖. Here Einstein derived the theory of ―special relativity‖. In a supplementary paper four months later, he formulated the famous equation, E=mc2, where mass and energy are equivalent, showing that a very small amount of mass converts to a huge amount of energy. This is the driving force behind atomic bombs, and all the stars in the Universe. What effect did Einstein‘s second paper have?

A.  It explained how light was composed of.

B.  It explained how cigarette smoke suspended in air.

C.  It provided direct evidence to oppose the existence of atoms.

D.  It proved an idea that remained unclear for over 2000 years.
35.( ) his handwriting, I guess he is a timid boy.

A.  It is judged that

B.   Judging by

C.   Judged by

D.   Judging
10.The fact that something is cheap doesn‘t( )mean it is of low quality.

A.  necessarily

B.   especially

C.   essentially

D.   practically
2.His knowledge of English is( )for the job, although he is not fluent in the language.

A.  adequate

B.   different

C.   pleasant

D.   complicated
71.Let me share( )you something that you may not expect.

A.  to

B.   with

C.   for

D.   down
23.Those extra-large T-shirts are exclusively( )for weight watchers.

A.  assigned

B.   resigned

C.   assumed

D.   designed