14. When they first met, they ______ (were doing / did)internships at a design company.

答案:were doing

32. A typical workday for me usually consists _______ lots of meetings.
9. ---What a nice meal! Thank you for having us.---________.
34. I'm fed _______ with my job. I think I need to do something different.
1.How about trying something unusual?
13. ---Do you mind if I open the door?---_______.
8-1 Sometimes, interviewers will ask questions to find out more about the skills you have. For example, employers might want to see if you are a good team worker or if you are able to solve problems. A good way to answer these questions is with the STAR acronym. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. Here is how this works. Imagine you are asked to talk about a time you showed leadership skills. Using the STAR technique, you might say something like: “Two years ago I was made captain of the basketball team. We had a big competition coming up, and the team hadn’t won a match in ten years. I decided to start an intensive training program. We trained every night for three hours. It was hard work, but I motivated my team members by giving them small rewards, like candy, when they scored a basket. In the end we won the competition and now we’re the most successful basketball team in our city!” The story is a good example of the STAR technique. It describes the situation (being captain of the basketball team) the task (having to win the competition) the action (motivating the team) and the result (winning). It’s impossible to predict exactly what you’ll be asked at an interview, but If you practice talking about some of your work and study experiences using the STAR technique, your answers will be well-structured and more likely to make a good impression.72 What kind of questions should you use the STAR technique to help you answer?
4-1 Do you often feel stressed out on a Sunday night? Do you dream of how much better your life would be if you had a different job? And are you jealous of your friends’ careers, which always sound much better than yours? If you recognise any of the above, you probably need a career change. The question is, how are you going to go about getting one? First of all, think about what you’d rather do. Deciding what you like and dislike in your current job is a good starting point. Once you have a good idea of what you want to do, it's time to upgrade your skill set. Think about what you are able to do and how this matches the career you are interested in. For example, you may be interested in a career as a tour guide. Which skills does a tour guide need? Which of these do you have, and which do you need to work on developing? Finally, set yourself some goals, both long and short term. Write a list in which you include your goals for the year, the next six months and then the next six weeks. It can be a good idea to share the goals you have made with a friend, as this can help you to stay motivated. Changing your career is not always easy, but life is too short to stay in a job which does not make us happy and which does not fully utilise our skills. 32. According to the writer, which of the following is a sign you need a career change?
24. ---I’ve passed the exam.---__________________.
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 50. Who was the woman in the purple coat?

14. When they first met, they ______ (were doing / did)internships at a design company.

答案:were doing

32. A typical workday for me usually consists _______ lots of meetings.

A.   by

B.   of

C.   in

D.   at
9. ---What a nice meal! Thank you for having us.---________.

A.   It doesn’t matter

B.   It was a pleasure

C.   Not nice enough

D.   With pleasure
34. I'm fed _______ with my job. I think I need to do something different.

A.   then

B.   down

C.   through

D.   up
1.How about trying something unusual?
13. ---Do you mind if I open the door?---_______.

A.   No, of course not

B.   Yes, please

C.   Yes, you can

D.   No, you can’t open it
8-1 Sometimes, interviewers will ask questions to find out more about the skills you have. For example, employers might want to see if you are a good team worker or if you are able to solve problems. A good way to answer these questions is with the STAR acronym. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. Here is how this works. Imagine you are asked to talk about a time you showed leadership skills. Using the STAR technique, you might say something like: “Two years ago I was made captain of the basketball team. We had a big competition coming up, and the team hadn’t won a match in ten years. I decided to start an intensive training program. We trained every night for three hours. It was hard work, but I motivated my team members by giving them small rewards, like candy, when they scored a basket. In the end we won the competition and now we’re the most successful basketball team in our city!” The story is a good example of the STAR technique. It describes the situation (being captain of the basketball team) the task (having to win the competition) the action (motivating the team) and the result (winning). It’s impossible to predict exactly what you’ll be asked at an interview, but If you practice talking about some of your work and study experiences using the STAR technique, your answers will be well-structured and more likely to make a good impression.72 What kind of questions should you use the STAR technique to help you answer?

A.  Questions about your personal information, e.g.: date of birth

B.  Questions about the skills you have

C.  Questions about your qualifications

D.  Questions about your plans for the future
4-1 Do you often feel stressed out on a Sunday night? Do you dream of how much better your life would be if you had a different job? And are you jealous of your friends’ careers, which always sound much better than yours? If you recognise any of the above, you probably need a career change. The question is, how are you going to go about getting one? First of all, think about what you’d rather do. Deciding what you like and dislike in your current job is a good starting point. Once you have a good idea of what you want to do, it's time to upgrade your skill set. Think about what you are able to do and how this matches the career you are interested in. For example, you may be interested in a career as a tour guide. Which skills does a tour guide need? Which of these do you have, and which do you need to work on developing? Finally, set yourself some goals, both long and short term. Write a list in which you include your goals for the year, the next six months and then the next six weeks. It can be a good idea to share the goals you have made with a friend, as this can help you to stay motivated. Changing your career is not always easy, but life is too short to stay in a job which does not make us happy and which does not fully utilise our skills. 32. According to the writer, which of the following is a sign you need a career change?

A.   Feeling that you don’t earn enough money.

B.   Feeling anxious at the end of the weekend.

C.   Spending lots of time reading job advertisements.

D.   Not getting on well with your colleagues.
24. ---I’ve passed the exam.---__________________.

A.   Congratulations!

B.   Bad luck!

C.   Thank you for telling me.

D.   It’s nothing.
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 50. Who was the woman in the purple coat?

A.   The writer’s boss.

B.   The writer’s mother.

C.   The wife of the writer’s boss.

D.   The manager of another restaurant.