18. I'm sorry you don't like your job, but you should put up _______ (by / with)it for now.


10. --Wish you a happy New Year!---________.
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 50. Who was the woman in the purple coat?
37. If Jim wants to be a police officer, he _______ (should / will have to)wear a uniform.
6-1 Be your own life coach! The demand for life coaches has grown in recent years, with many celebrities claiming that their lives have been improved by a few sessions of coaching. So, what does a life coach do, and can they change your life for the better? Life coaches claim to be able to help their clients work towards achieving their goals. Sue Berry, a life coach, says, “As a qualified life coach, I have several different clients now. Basically, I help people to feel better about their life, work and relationships. Many clients come to me feeling very unhappy. By asking them questions and listening carefully to their answers, I help them move forwards and achieve goals that they could never have dreamed of achieving themselves.” Life coaching is a multi-million-dollar industry, with many life coaches charging hundreds of dollars for a session. Is it worth it? Not everyone thinks so. Melvyn Clark, a careers advisor at Leicester University, thinks that people should take responsibility for their own destiny. He says, “People spend lots of money on getting advice from professionals. In fact, there’s a belief that the more you spend, the less you actually have to do by yourself. Well, I believe that if you want to make real changes in your life, it has to come down to you. Spending hundreds to talk to someone else about your problems will only empty your bank account.” What do you think? Would you pay someone to help you get some direction in your life? 53. According to the article, is life coaching well-paid?
2. Can you pick _______ my glasses, please? They’re on the chair.
10-2 The benefits of flexible working Many job applicants cite paid vacation, health insurance and a good salary as being most important to them in a job. However, an increasing number of employers now offer flexible working. So, what could flexible working mean for you? Put simply, flexible working means that you, the employee, have some say over when you work. This could mean working from home for some of the time, job-sharing, or working flexitime (adapting your working hours to suit your own life, for example, starting later and finishing later). Flexible working can have many benefits. For example, it can reduce the time you spend travelling to work. If you work 9 to 5 every day, you will be travelling to and from work when the roads are busy. You might be surprised at how much shorter your journey is if you travel to work at 10am instead of 8am. A flexible working schedule can reduce employees’ stress and improve their work-life balance. A recent survey in The Business Times showed that 20 percent of working people are stressed by family relationships and the difficulty of managing their personal and private lives. Working flexibly can allow employees to switch off from their work when they need to, and to spend more quality time with their families. Improved work-life balance can give you more energy, and this will make you more productive when you are at work, leading to increased job satisfaction. So, next time you are job hunting, consider adding flexible working to your wish list. 98. According to the article, how can flexible working make travelling to work easier?
10-2 The benefits of flexible working Many job applicants cite paid vacation, health insurance and a good salary as being most important to them in a job. However, an increasing number of employers now offer flexible working. So, what could flexible working mean for you? Put simply, flexible working means that you, the employee, have some say over when you work. This could mean working from home for some of the time, job-sharing, or working flexitime (adapting your working hours to suit your own life, for example, starting later and finishing later). Flexible working can have many benefits. For example, it can reduce the time you spend travelling to work. If you work 9 to 5 every day, you will be travelling to and from work when the roads are busy. You might be surprised at how much shorter your journey is if you travel to work at 10am instead of 8am. A flexible working schedule can reduce employees’ stress and improve their work-life balance. A recent survey in The Business Times showed that 20 percent of working people are stressed by family relationships and the difficulty of managing their personal and private lives. Working flexibly can allow employees to switch off from their work when they need to, and to spend more quality time with their families. Improved work-life balance can give you more energy, and this will make you more productive when you are at work, leading to increased job satisfaction. So, next time you are job hunting, consider adding flexible working to your wish list. 99. How can flexible working help family life?
1. 他对孩子们非常好,很有耐心。
4. Paul ________ (have to / should)start arriving on time for work. The boss is getting annoyed.
38. I wrote the story for fun. I wasn't expecting anyone to _______ it.

18. I'm sorry you don't like your job, but you should put up _______ (by / with)it for now.


10. --Wish you a happy New Year!---________.

A.   The same to you

B.   You do too

C.   The same as you

D.   You have it too
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 50. Who was the woman in the purple coat?

A.   The writer’s boss.

B.   The writer’s mother.

C.   The wife of the writer’s boss.

D.   The manager of another restaurant.
37. If Jim wants to be a police officer, he _______ (should / will have to)wear a uniform.
6-1 Be your own life coach! The demand for life coaches has grown in recent years, with many celebrities claiming that their lives have been improved by a few sessions of coaching. So, what does a life coach do, and can they change your life for the better? Life coaches claim to be able to help their clients work towards achieving their goals. Sue Berry, a life coach, says, “As a qualified life coach, I have several different clients now. Basically, I help people to feel better about their life, work and relationships. Many clients come to me feeling very unhappy. By asking them questions and listening carefully to their answers, I help them move forwards and achieve goals that they could never have dreamed of achieving themselves.” Life coaching is a multi-million-dollar industry, with many life coaches charging hundreds of dollars for a session. Is it worth it? Not everyone thinks so. Melvyn Clark, a careers advisor at Leicester University, thinks that people should take responsibility for their own destiny. He says, “People spend lots of money on getting advice from professionals. In fact, there’s a belief that the more you spend, the less you actually have to do by yourself. Well, I believe that if you want to make real changes in your life, it has to come down to you. Spending hundreds to talk to someone else about your problems will only empty your bank account.” What do you think? Would you pay someone to help you get some direction in your life? 53. According to the article, is life coaching well-paid?

A.   Yes, very.

B.   Yes, quite.

C.   No, not very.

D.   No, not at all.
2. Can you pick _______ my glasses, please? They’re on the chair.

A.   on

B.   in

C.   up

D.   down
10-2 The benefits of flexible working Many job applicants cite paid vacation, health insurance and a good salary as being most important to them in a job. However, an increasing number of employers now offer flexible working. So, what could flexible working mean for you? Put simply, flexible working means that you, the employee, have some say over when you work. This could mean working from home for some of the time, job-sharing, or working flexitime (adapting your working hours to suit your own life, for example, starting later and finishing later). Flexible working can have many benefits. For example, it can reduce the time you spend travelling to work. If you work 9 to 5 every day, you will be travelling to and from work when the roads are busy. You might be surprised at how much shorter your journey is if you travel to work at 10am instead of 8am. A flexible working schedule can reduce employees’ stress and improve their work-life balance. A recent survey in The Business Times showed that 20 percent of working people are stressed by family relationships and the difficulty of managing their personal and private lives. Working flexibly can allow employees to switch off from their work when they need to, and to spend more quality time with their families. Improved work-life balance can give you more energy, and this will make you more productive when you are at work, leading to increased job satisfaction. So, next time you are job hunting, consider adding flexible working to your wish list. 98. According to the article, how can flexible working make travelling to work easier?

A.   Employers will be more relaxed if you are late.

B.   Employees can travel at less busy times.

C.   You will work from home everyday.

D.   You can share transport with colleagues.
10-2 The benefits of flexible working Many job applicants cite paid vacation, health insurance and a good salary as being most important to them in a job. However, an increasing number of employers now offer flexible working. So, what could flexible working mean for you? Put simply, flexible working means that you, the employee, have some say over when you work. This could mean working from home for some of the time, job-sharing, or working flexitime (adapting your working hours to suit your own life, for example, starting later and finishing later). Flexible working can have many benefits. For example, it can reduce the time you spend travelling to work. If you work 9 to 5 every day, you will be travelling to and from work when the roads are busy. You might be surprised at how much shorter your journey is if you travel to work at 10am instead of 8am. A flexible working schedule can reduce employees’ stress and improve their work-life balance. A recent survey in The Business Times showed that 20 percent of working people are stressed by family relationships and the difficulty of managing their personal and private lives. Working flexibly can allow employees to switch off from their work when they need to, and to spend more quality time with their families. Improved work-life balance can give you more energy, and this will make you more productive when you are at work, leading to increased job satisfaction. So, next time you are job hunting, consider adding flexible working to your wish list. 99. How can flexible working help family life?

A.   You will be able to take a vacation whenever you want one.

B.   You will have more time to do the housework.

C.   You will have more money to spend on your family.

D.   When you are with your family, you will be more relaxed.
1. 他对孩子们非常好,很有耐心。
4. Paul ________ (have to / should)start arriving on time for work. The boss is getting annoyed.
38. I wrote the story for fun. I wasn't expecting anyone to _______ it.

A.   publish

B.   publisher

C.   publication

D.   publishes