30. If Nora _______ (works / worked)harder, she would get promoted to a higher position.


2-2 What to do after an interview There are many articles telling you how to prepare before an interview, but there is less advice about what to do afterwards. However, what you do after an interview is really important. Not only can it help you to prepare for future interviews, but it might also help you to increase your chances of getting the job. It is very important to think about your interview performance. Write down everything you remember, especially the questions you were asked. Then think about how you answered them. Don’t use this as an opportunity to be too negative about your performance, as this will not help with your confidence. Instead, try to be honest with yourself about what you did well, and where you could improve for the next time. Write a thank-you letter to the hiring manager. Not only does this show them that you are grateful for the time they took to speak to you, it is also an opportunity to make you stand out from the other candidates. After your interview, take time to connect with your interviewer on professional social media sites. If they accept your request, it could mean that they are interested in staying in touch. Even if you do not get the job, you will have taken an important step in growing your professional network. Finally, don’t spend all your time waiting to hear how the interview went. Stay calm, focus on learning new skills and start preparing for your next interview. 20. What should you do while you wait to hear back from the interviewer?
4. This can be good news or bad news.
2-1 Advice from a Hiring Manager As a hiring manager I’ve conducted hundreds of interviews over the years. I believe this puts me in a good position to offer advice about how to make the best possible impression at interview. First of all, it is a good idea to arrive early for the interview, but not too early. 10-15 minutes before your interview starts is ideal. Candidates often believe that they should arrive as early as possible for an interview. However, arriving too early can be inconvenient for the hiring manager, who may well be interviewing other candidates. Once you have arrived, make sure you’re polite to everyone you meet, especially the receptionist. As a hiring manager, I often check with the receptionist after interviews to find out which candidates were most polite. It is important to me that team members will get on well with everyone they work with. Another important tip is this: if the interviewer tries to make small talks with you (by talking about the weather for example), make sure you are friendly. I often ask candidates about how their journey was, as their response will tell me what they are like as a person. Finally, bring a copy of your résumé. So many candidates forget to mention important dates or qualifications. If you have your résumé in front of you, it can really help you to answer challenging questions. Follow this advice, research the job and the position and you’ll be in with a good chance of passing the interview. 11. Why does the writer think the advice about interviews will be useful?
3. We ________ (don’t have to / shouldn’t)hurry. The train doesn’t leave till 10 a.m.
3. 他是一名深海潜水员。
3-1 Internships are a great way for graduates to get valuable work experience. However, they don’t always go smoothly. To find out more about potential internship problems, and how to solve them, read on. Being given trivial work For ambitious interns, being given small tasks such as making tea can be very frustrating. Just remember that all tasks, no matter how small, are important to your company’s success. Complete these tasks as well as you can—you will soon be given more interesting things to do. Feeling worried about asking questions It can be hard to ask questions when everybody else seems to know exactly what they're doing. However, everybody knows that you are an intern and they do not expect you to know everything. So, focus on what you need to know and ask the questions you need to ask. Getting too much work Some companies hire fewer interns than they need. This can result in your feeling overworked. Speak to your manager if think you have too much to do. Perhaps the problem is your poor time management skills, and in this case, your manager will help you to become more organized. Or, if you have been given too much work, they will try to reduce it. Finally remember that starting a new job is always challenging, but with time it becomes easier. Keep a positive attitude and you will soon settle into your new role. 25. According to the writer, what should you do if you feel your workload is too heavy?
8. I really love his work. It’s so _______.
3. What kind of content should job seekers be wary of posting online?
14. I’ve heard they are interviewing 10 _______ for that position.

30. If Nora _______ (works / worked)harder, she would get promoted to a higher position.


2-2 What to do after an interview There are many articles telling you how to prepare before an interview, but there is less advice about what to do afterwards. However, what you do after an interview is really important. Not only can it help you to prepare for future interviews, but it might also help you to increase your chances of getting the job. It is very important to think about your interview performance. Write down everything you remember, especially the questions you were asked. Then think about how you answered them. Don’t use this as an opportunity to be too negative about your performance, as this will not help with your confidence. Instead, try to be honest with yourself about what you did well, and where you could improve for the next time. Write a thank-you letter to the hiring manager. Not only does this show them that you are grateful for the time they took to speak to you, it is also an opportunity to make you stand out from the other candidates. After your interview, take time to connect with your interviewer on professional social media sites. If they accept your request, it could mean that they are interested in staying in touch. Even if you do not get the job, you will have taken an important step in growing your professional network. Finally, don’t spend all your time waiting to hear how the interview went. Stay calm, focus on learning new skills and start preparing for your next interview. 20. What should you do while you wait to hear back from the interviewer?

A.   Go over the things you said at the interview.

B.   Do more research on the company.

C.   Check your voicemail in case you have missed any messages.

D.   Start learning new skills and thinking about your next interview.
4. This can be good news or bad news.
2-1 Advice from a Hiring Manager As a hiring manager I’ve conducted hundreds of interviews over the years. I believe this puts me in a good position to offer advice about how to make the best possible impression at interview. First of all, it is a good idea to arrive early for the interview, but not too early. 10-15 minutes before your interview starts is ideal. Candidates often believe that they should arrive as early as possible for an interview. However, arriving too early can be inconvenient for the hiring manager, who may well be interviewing other candidates. Once you have arrived, make sure you’re polite to everyone you meet, especially the receptionist. As a hiring manager, I often check with the receptionist after interviews to find out which candidates were most polite. It is important to me that team members will get on well with everyone they work with. Another important tip is this: if the interviewer tries to make small talks with you (by talking about the weather for example), make sure you are friendly. I often ask candidates about how their journey was, as their response will tell me what they are like as a person. Finally, bring a copy of your résumé. So many candidates forget to mention important dates or qualifications. If you have your résumé in front of you, it can really help you to answer challenging questions. Follow this advice, research the job and the position and you’ll be in with a good chance of passing the interview. 11. Why does the writer think the advice about interviews will be useful?

A.   The writer teaches a course on interview skills.

B.   The writer has written a book about making a good impression at job interviews.

C.   The writer always performs well in interviews.

D.   The writer’s job involves interviewing people.
3. We ________ (don’t have to / shouldn’t)hurry. The train doesn’t leave till 10 a.m.
3. 他是一名深海潜水员。
3-1 Internships are a great way for graduates to get valuable work experience. However, they don’t always go smoothly. To find out more about potential internship problems, and how to solve them, read on. Being given trivial work For ambitious interns, being given small tasks such as making tea can be very frustrating. Just remember that all tasks, no matter how small, are important to your company’s success. Complete these tasks as well as you can—you will soon be given more interesting things to do. Feeling worried about asking questions It can be hard to ask questions when everybody else seems to know exactly what they're doing. However, everybody knows that you are an intern and they do not expect you to know everything. So, focus on what you need to know and ask the questions you need to ask. Getting too much work Some companies hire fewer interns than they need. This can result in your feeling overworked. Speak to your manager if think you have too much to do. Perhaps the problem is your poor time management skills, and in this case, your manager will help you to become more organized. Or, if you have been given too much work, they will try to reduce it. Finally remember that starting a new job is always challenging, but with time it becomes easier. Keep a positive attitude and you will soon settle into your new role. 25. According to the writer, what should you do if you feel your workload is too heavy?

A.   Work on developing your time management skills.

B.   Try to have a more positive attitude.

C.   Wait and see if things improve after a while.

D.   Speak to your manager.
8. I really love his work. It’s so _______.

A.   creative

B.   creation

C.   creativity

D.   created
3. What kind of content should job seekers be wary of posting online?
14. I’ve heard they are interviewing 10 _______ for that position.

A.   weaknesses

B.   documents

C.   workplaces

D.   candidates