43. He’d get a job if he _______(spend / spent)more time looking for one.


6. I think you should ________ that post from your social media account. It doesn’t look good.
9-2 How to start strong at work You’ve had a successful job interview. Congratulations! What comes next is equally important to your chances of career success - your first day on the job. How do you make a positive impact on your new colleagues and boss? Remember the preparation you did before your interview? You’ll need to be just as well-prepared for your first day of a new job. This means thinking about the questions you will need to ask in order to be successful in your role. On your first day, make sure you arrive for work at least 15 minutes early. If you haven’t done the commute before, practise it once or twice during rush hour. This will help to prevent you being surprised by heavy traffic. Make sure you introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Prepare a short introduction, saying who you are, where you worked before and what your new role is. Whatever you do, don’t spend the day alone, as this can become a habit which is hard to break. Remember to put your cell-phone on silent. You need to be 100 percent present at work, especially on your first day. You’ll find it harder to connect with your colleagues if you are busy checking your phone for messages. Finally, make sure to learn the unwritten rules of your office. Finding out about where to wash your coffee cups will show that you are the kind of person who cares about the workspace you share with others. 89. How should you behave around your colleagues?
20. ---What’s the weather like?---_______________.
5-1 My dream job: being a social media manager I’ve been a social media manager since graduating last year. You might be asking yourself what a social media manager does. Well, let me explain. A social media manager manages the social media accounts of businesses or individuals to help them to achieve their business or career goals. Personally, I specialize in helping individuals to achieve their professional goals through social media. Often this means helping them to develop a presence on social media so that they are more likely to catch the eye of a recruiter in their chosen field. Often, I’ll work with a client for a few weeks, and then receive a message from them afterwards saying, “Guess what? I got the job of my dreams thanks to your advice!” When this happens, I feel my job is rewarding and that I am making a difference to people’s lives in my own way. Sometimes the work I do involves helping people to promote a product, for example a book they have written. Either way, I have to work with my clients on achieving good posting habits (not posting too often or too rarely) and developing a strong, positive brand. The first thing I have to do with any client is to ask them questions about what they want to achieve through social media. It’s important that I listen to their ideas. In fact, I’d say that being able to communicate effectively is the most important skill you need if you want to succeed in this career. 41. What’s the best description of a social media manager’s job?
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 65. What should you do if the technology goes wrong?
5.If you love art and food, then you might like to try making sculptor out of cheese.
17. - You should visit the careers _______.- I did, and I found the experience very helpful.
4.Turn the box over, please. Can’t you see the words “________”?
4.After five years of hard work, I’d like to have more responsibilities.
4. We were amazed when they agreed to publish our work!

43. He’d get a job if he _______(spend / spent)more time looking for one.


6. I think you should ________ that post from your social media account. It doesn’t look good.

A.   remove

B.   collect

C.   pick up

D.   earn
9-2 How to start strong at work You’ve had a successful job interview. Congratulations! What comes next is equally important to your chances of career success - your first day on the job. How do you make a positive impact on your new colleagues and boss? Remember the preparation you did before your interview? You’ll need to be just as well-prepared for your first day of a new job. This means thinking about the questions you will need to ask in order to be successful in your role. On your first day, make sure you arrive for work at least 15 minutes early. If you haven’t done the commute before, practise it once or twice during rush hour. This will help to prevent you being surprised by heavy traffic. Make sure you introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Prepare a short introduction, saying who you are, where you worked before and what your new role is. Whatever you do, don’t spend the day alone, as this can become a habit which is hard to break. Remember to put your cell-phone on silent. You need to be 100 percent present at work, especially on your first day. You’ll find it harder to connect with your colleagues if you are busy checking your phone for messages. Finally, make sure to learn the unwritten rules of your office. Finding out about where to wash your coffee cups will show that you are the kind of person who cares about the workspace you share with others. 89. How should you behave around your colleagues?

A.   Prepare to spend the first day mostly on your own.

B.   Tell them some funny stories about your last job.

C.   Prepare a short introduction about yourself to share with them.

D.   Offer to do some of their work for them.
20. ---What’s the weather like?---_______________.

A.   I like the weather

B.   It’s sunny

C.   I don’t like the weather

D.   It’s rain
5-1 My dream job: being a social media manager I’ve been a social media manager since graduating last year. You might be asking yourself what a social media manager does. Well, let me explain. A social media manager manages the social media accounts of businesses or individuals to help them to achieve their business or career goals. Personally, I specialize in helping individuals to achieve their professional goals through social media. Often this means helping them to develop a presence on social media so that they are more likely to catch the eye of a recruiter in their chosen field. Often, I’ll work with a client for a few weeks, and then receive a message from them afterwards saying, “Guess what? I got the job of my dreams thanks to your advice!” When this happens, I feel my job is rewarding and that I am making a difference to people’s lives in my own way. Sometimes the work I do involves helping people to promote a product, for example a book they have written. Either way, I have to work with my clients on achieving good posting habits (not posting too often or too rarely) and developing a strong, positive brand. The first thing I have to do with any client is to ask them questions about what they want to achieve through social media. It’s important that I listen to their ideas. In fact, I’d say that being able to communicate effectively is the most important skill you need if you want to succeed in this career. 41. What’s the best description of a social media manager’s job?

A.   A social media manager helps businesses to build their online networks.

B.   A social media manager designs websites for businesses and individuals.

C.   A social media manager works on developing new social media platforms.

D.   A social media manager helps people to achieve their goals through social media.
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 65. What should you do if the technology goes wrong?

A.   You should plan to do something different (e.g.: a telephone call).

B.   Write the interviewer a letter to apologize.

C.   Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault.

D.   Ask for a face-to-face interview instead.
5.If you love art and food, then you might like to try making sculptor out of cheese.
17. - You should visit the careers _______.- I did, and I found the experience very helpful.

A.   advise

B.   document

C.   candidate

D.   advisor
4.Turn the box over, please. Can’t you see the words “________”?




4.After five years of hard work, I’d like to have more responsibilities.
4. We were amazed when they agreed to publish our work!