46. I’m not enjoying this job. I think I’ll give it _______ (in / up)and find a new one.


4.Turn the box over, please. Can’t you see the words “________”?
8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 80. What does the writer think employers should do about vacations?
9. Please look over this document very __________ (careful / carefully).
15. He has his own company car, in addition to earning a high _______.
10-2 The benefits of flexible working Many job applicants cite paid vacation, health insurance and a good salary as being most important to them in a job. However, an increasing number of employers now offer flexible working. So, what could flexible working mean for you? Put simply, flexible working means that you, the employee, have some say over when you work. This could mean working from home for some of the time, job-sharing, or working flexitime (adapting your working hours to suit your own life, for example, starting later and finishing later). Flexible working can have many benefits. For example, it can reduce the time you spend travelling to work. If you work 9 to 5 every day, you will be travelling to and from work when the roads are busy. You might be surprised at how much shorter your journey is if you travel to work at 10am instead of 8am. A flexible working schedule can reduce employees’ stress and improve their work-life balance. A recent survey in The Business Times showed that 20 percent of working people are stressed by family relationships and the difficulty of managing their personal and private lives. Working flexibly can allow employees to switch off from their work when they need to, and to spend more quality time with their families. Improved work-life balance can give you more energy, and this will make you more productive when you are at work, leading to increased job satisfaction. So, next time you are job hunting, consider adding flexible working to your wish list. 96. Which sentence best describes the purpose of this article?
29. When it rains, we _______ (eat / will eat)lunch in the office instead of going outside.
3-1 Internships are a great way for graduates to get valuable work experience. However, they don’t always go smoothly. To find out more about potential internship problems, and how to solve them, read on. Being given trivial work For ambitious interns, being given small tasks such as making tea can be very frustrating. Just remember that all tasks, no matter how small, are important to your company’s success. Complete these tasks as well as you can—you will soon be given more interesting things to do. Feeling worried about asking questions It can be hard to ask questions when everybody else seems to know exactly what they're doing. However, everybody knows that you are an intern and they do not expect you to know everything. So, focus on what you need to know and ask the questions you need to ask. Getting too much work Some companies hire fewer interns than they need. This can result in your feeling overworked. Speak to your manager if think you have too much to do. Perhaps the problem is your poor time management skills, and in this case, your manager will help you to become more organized. Or, if you have been given too much work, they will try to reduce it. Finally remember that starting a new job is always challenging, but with time it becomes easier. Keep a positive attitude and you will soon settle into your new role. 21. Choose the best title for the article.
39. Roger _______ (don’t have to / shouldn’t)listen to such loud music. I can’t hear myself think!
48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.
3-2 Dressing for success Until recently, I had never thought about how important our work clothes are. However, this changed when I arrived for my first day of work at my new job. The first thing I noticed was that the receptionist was wearing jeans. Then I met my boss, who was wearing shorts and trainers. Most of my other colleagues were similarly dressed. At first, I felt happy to work in such a relaxed environment, but after a few days, I realized something. People were always checking their social media and eating food at their desks. One colleague even fell asleep sometimes. I am ambitious, and this wasn’t the way I wanted to work. Then I had an idea. I had read about how wearing smart clothes can make people work harder, and I wanted to see if it was true. I remembered that some workplaces let staff come to work in casual clothes on Fridays. I suggested to my boss that our workplace do the opposite, asking staff to dress smartly on Fridays. The first “dress smart” Friday my colleagues looked so smart! And guess what? They seemed to work harder too. Suddenly, it felt like that my workplace was a more energetic place to be. My colleagues noticed the difference—and so did my boss, because three Fridays later, she suggested staff come to work smartly dressed every day. Now my colleagues and I always dress smartly, and as a result, I think our team is happier and more productive.27. Why was the writer unhappy in her new workplace?

46. I’m not enjoying this job. I think I’ll give it _______ (in / up)and find a new one.


4.Turn the box over, please. Can’t you see the words “________”?




8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 80. What does the writer think employers should do about vacations?

A.  Ask staff to take “working vacations”, by checking their emails when they are away.

B.  Offer workers alternative benefits, such as health insurance.

C.  Make sure the working conditions are good, so their staff don’t need vacations.

D.  Encourage their staff to take regular vacations.
9. Please look over this document very __________ (careful / carefully).
15. He has his own company car, in addition to earning a high _______.

A.   salary

B.   candidate

C.   money

D.   benefit
10-2 The benefits of flexible working Many job applicants cite paid vacation, health insurance and a good salary as being most important to them in a job. However, an increasing number of employers now offer flexible working. So, what could flexible working mean for you? Put simply, flexible working means that you, the employee, have some say over when you work. This could mean working from home for some of the time, job-sharing, or working flexitime (adapting your working hours to suit your own life, for example, starting later and finishing later). Flexible working can have many benefits. For example, it can reduce the time you spend travelling to work. If you work 9 to 5 every day, you will be travelling to and from work when the roads are busy. You might be surprised at how much shorter your journey is if you travel to work at 10am instead of 8am. A flexible working schedule can reduce employees’ stress and improve their work-life balance. A recent survey in The Business Times showed that 20 percent of working people are stressed by family relationships and the difficulty of managing their personal and private lives. Working flexibly can allow employees to switch off from their work when they need to, and to spend more quality time with their families. Improved work-life balance can give you more energy, and this will make you more productive when you are at work, leading to increased job satisfaction. So, next time you are job hunting, consider adding flexible working to your wish list. 96. Which sentence best describes the purpose of this article?

A.   To weigh up the pros and cons of flexible working

B.   To describe the advantages of flexible working

C.   To show that flexible working is good for employers

D.   To show that flexible working costs businesses money
29. When it rains, we _______ (eat / will eat)lunch in the office instead of going outside.
3-1 Internships are a great way for graduates to get valuable work experience. However, they don’t always go smoothly. To find out more about potential internship problems, and how to solve them, read on. Being given trivial work For ambitious interns, being given small tasks such as making tea can be very frustrating. Just remember that all tasks, no matter how small, are important to your company’s success. Complete these tasks as well as you can—you will soon be given more interesting things to do. Feeling worried about asking questions It can be hard to ask questions when everybody else seems to know exactly what they're doing. However, everybody knows that you are an intern and they do not expect you to know everything. So, focus on what you need to know and ask the questions you need to ask. Getting too much work Some companies hire fewer interns than they need. This can result in your feeling overworked. Speak to your manager if think you have too much to do. Perhaps the problem is your poor time management skills, and in this case, your manager will help you to become more organized. Or, if you have been given too much work, they will try to reduce it. Finally remember that starting a new job is always challenging, but with time it becomes easier. Keep a positive attitude and you will soon settle into your new role. 21. Choose the best title for the article.

A.   How to find an internship which pays well.

B.   Common internship problems—and how to solve them.

C.   How to find an internship which suits you.

D.   How to make a good impression during an internship.
39. Roger _______ (don’t have to / shouldn’t)listen to such loud music. I can’t hear myself think!
48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.

A.   tempt

B.   cite

C.   vent

D.   steam
3-2 Dressing for success Until recently, I had never thought about how important our work clothes are. However, this changed when I arrived for my first day of work at my new job. The first thing I noticed was that the receptionist was wearing jeans. Then I met my boss, who was wearing shorts and trainers. Most of my other colleagues were similarly dressed. At first, I felt happy to work in such a relaxed environment, but after a few days, I realized something. People were always checking their social media and eating food at their desks. One colleague even fell asleep sometimes. I am ambitious, and this wasn’t the way I wanted to work. Then I had an idea. I had read about how wearing smart clothes can make people work harder, and I wanted to see if it was true. I remembered that some workplaces let staff come to work in casual clothes on Fridays. I suggested to my boss that our workplace do the opposite, asking staff to dress smartly on Fridays. The first “dress smart” Friday my colleagues looked so smart! And guess what? They seemed to work harder too. Suddenly, it felt like that my workplace was a more energetic place to be. My colleagues noticed the difference—and so did my boss, because three Fridays later, she suggested staff come to work smartly dressed every day. Now my colleagues and I always dress smartly, and as a result, I think our team is happier and more productive.27. Why was the writer unhappy in her new workplace?

A.   The hours weren’t flexible.

B.   The workplace was cold and unattractive.

C.   Her colleagues weren’t friendly.

D.   She was ambitious and wanted to work hard.