3-2 Dressing for success Until recently, I had never thought about how important our work clothes are. However, this changed when I arrived for my first day of work at my new job. The first thing I noticed was that the receptionist was wearing jeans. Then I met my boss, who was wearing shorts and trainers. Most of my other colleagues were similarly dressed. At first, I felt happy to work in such a relaxed environment, but after a few days, I realized something. People were always checking their social media and eating food at their desks. One colleague even fell asleep sometimes. I am ambitious, and this wasn’t the way I wanted to work. Then I had an idea. I had read about how wearing smart clothes can make people work harder, and I wanted to see if it was true. I remembered that some workplaces let staff come to work in casual clothes on Fridays. I suggested to my boss that our workplace do the opposite, asking staff to dress smartly on Fridays. The first “dress smart” Friday my colleagues looked so smart! And guess what? They seemed to work harder too. Suddenly, it felt like that my workplace was a more energetic place to be. My colleagues noticed the difference—and so did my boss, because three Fridays later, she suggested staff come to work smartly dressed every day. Now my colleagues and I always dress smartly, and as a result, I think our team is happier and more productive. 26. What did the writer notice on the first day of her new job?

A、  Her colleagues were very friendly.

B、  Her colleagues were dressed very casually.

C、  Her colleagues seemed to be overworked.

D、  Her colleagues were often late for work.


3. We ________ (don’t have to / shouldn’t)hurry. The train doesn’t leave till 10 a.m.
6-1 Be your own life coach! The demand for life coaches has grown in recent years, with many celebrities claiming that their lives have been improved by a few sessions of coaching. So, what does a life coach do, and can they change your life for the better? Life coaches claim to be able to help their clients work towards achieving their goals. Sue Berry, a life coach, says, “As a qualified life coach, I have several different clients now. Basically, I help people to feel better about their life, work and relationships. Many clients come to me feeling very unhappy. By asking them questions and listening carefully to their answers, I help them move forwards and achieve goals that they could never have dreamed of achieving themselves.” Life coaching is a multi-million-dollar industry, with many life coaches charging hundreds of dollars for a session. Is it worth it? Not everyone thinks so. Melvyn Clark, a careers advisor at Leicester University, thinks that people should take responsibility for their own destiny. He says, “People spend lots of money on getting advice from professionals. In fact, there’s a belief that the more you spend, the less you actually have to do by yourself. Well, I believe that if you want to make real changes in your life, it has to come down to you. Spending hundreds to talk to someone else about your problems will only empty your bank account.” What do you think? Would you pay someone to help you get some direction in your life? 52. According to Sue Berry, what key skills does a life coach need?
47. Watch _______ for spelling mistakes when you post things online.
3. 他是一名深海潜水员。
31. What were you _______ (do /doing)when they came into the office?
1-1 How to make the most of a career fair. If you get the opportunity to go to a career fair, you should make the most of it. Career fairs are a great way to speak to different employers. So, how can you take advantage of all that is on offer? The first thing you should do is to prepare yourself. Find out which organizations are going to be there and do your research. Make sure you know who you want to speak to and think about what you want to say. You should also prepare an up-to-date copy of your résumé to show to anyone who might be interested in your skills and experience. On the day of the career fair, you should make the right impression. You don’t have to wear your best suit, but dressing smartly will show that you are professional. If you think of the fair as an interview, then it’s more likely you’ll get one in future. It’s a good idea to arrive early on the day of the career fair. This can mean you don’t have to stand in a long queue. However, staying around until the end of the fair means you may have the chance to speak to an employer one to one. Finally, don’t forget to follow up on any interesting people you meet at the fair. If you’ve spoken to an employer, try to connect with him / her online. Stay in touch with potential employers and they will be reminded of who you are and what you can offer. 2. What does the writer suggest you take with you?
18. I'm sorry you don't like your job, but you should put up _______ (by / with)it for now.
4-1 Do you often feel stressed out on a Sunday night? Do you dream of how much better your life would be if you had a different job? And are you jealous of your friends’ careers, which always sound much better than yours? If you recognise any of the above, you probably need a career change. The question is, how are you going to go about getting one? First of all, think about what you’d rather do. Deciding what you like and dislike in your current job is a good starting point. Once you have a good idea of what you want to do, it's time to upgrade your skill set. Think about what you are able to do and how this matches the career you are interested in. For example, you may be interested in a career as a tour guide. Which skills does a tour guide need? Which of these do you have, and which do you need to work on developing? Finally, set yourself some goals, both long and short term. Write a list in which you include your goals for the year, the next six months and then the next six weeks. It can be a good idea to share the goals you have made with a friend, as this can help you to stay motivated. Changing your career is not always easy, but life is too short to stay in a job which does not make us happy and which does not fully utilise our skills. 31. Choose the best title for the article.
6-2 New year, new goal! For the past five years, I made the same promise to myself every spring: “I am going to get into shape”. Each year, I promised myself that I was going to lose weight and go down two dress sizes, so that I would look good (or at least normal) on the beach. However, it was the same story every year. Just two weeks after I’d made the resolution, I went back to my old bad habits. This year I decided to do things differently. I realized that my goal of dropping two dress sizes was unrealistic, and probably even unhealthy. When I examined my goal, I decided that it was too short-sighted to be meaningful. Why would I work so hard for just two weeks on the beach? When I thought about it, I realized it was more important to be healthy and strong than to look slim. Examining and changing my goal made a big difference. Instead of trying to lose weight, a friend and I decided we’d run a marathon in July. We planned our exercise schedule together, which was really motivating. We ate healthily, without worrying about our weight. Instead of obsessing about how we looked, we focused on our running performance. So, what happened? Not only did I manage to run the marathon, I also went down a dress size. What did I take away from this experience? What we think we need isn’t always what’s good for us. It pays to examine our goals. 60. In addition to running the marathon, what did the writer achieve?
41. Be wary _______ seeming too relaxed during your job interview.

3-2 Dressing for success Until recently, I had never thought about how important our work clothes are. However, this changed when I arrived for my first day of work at my new job. The first thing I noticed was that the receptionist was wearing jeans. Then I met my boss, who was wearing shorts and trainers. Most of my other colleagues were similarly dressed. At first, I felt happy to work in such a relaxed environment, but after a few days, I realized something. People were always checking their social media and eating food at their desks. One colleague even fell asleep sometimes. I am ambitious, and this wasn’t the way I wanted to work. Then I had an idea. I had read about how wearing smart clothes can make people work harder, and I wanted to see if it was true. I remembered that some workplaces let staff come to work in casual clothes on Fridays. I suggested to my boss that our workplace do the opposite, asking staff to dress smartly on Fridays. The first “dress smart” Friday my colleagues looked so smart! And guess what? They seemed to work harder too. Suddenly, it felt like that my workplace was a more energetic place to be. My colleagues noticed the difference—and so did my boss, because three Fridays later, she suggested staff come to work smartly dressed every day. Now my colleagues and I always dress smartly, and as a result, I think our team is happier and more productive. 26. What did the writer notice on the first day of her new job?

A、  Her colleagues were very friendly.

B、  Her colleagues were dressed very casually.

C、  Her colleagues seemed to be overworked.

D、  Her colleagues were often late for work.


3. We ________ (don’t have to / shouldn’t)hurry. The train doesn’t leave till 10 a.m.
6-1 Be your own life coach! The demand for life coaches has grown in recent years, with many celebrities claiming that their lives have been improved by a few sessions of coaching. So, what does a life coach do, and can they change your life for the better? Life coaches claim to be able to help their clients work towards achieving their goals. Sue Berry, a life coach, says, “As a qualified life coach, I have several different clients now. Basically, I help people to feel better about their life, work and relationships. Many clients come to me feeling very unhappy. By asking them questions and listening carefully to their answers, I help them move forwards and achieve goals that they could never have dreamed of achieving themselves.” Life coaching is a multi-million-dollar industry, with many life coaches charging hundreds of dollars for a session. Is it worth it? Not everyone thinks so. Melvyn Clark, a careers advisor at Leicester University, thinks that people should take responsibility for their own destiny. He says, “People spend lots of money on getting advice from professionals. In fact, there’s a belief that the more you spend, the less you actually have to do by yourself. Well, I believe that if you want to make real changes in your life, it has to come down to you. Spending hundreds to talk to someone else about your problems will only empty your bank account.” What do you think? Would you pay someone to help you get some direction in your life? 52. According to Sue Berry, what key skills does a life coach need?

A.   Being able to motivate people.

B.   Being able to communicate well with people.

C.   Being able to manage people effectively.

D.   Being able to post interesting content online.
47. Watch _______ for spelling mistakes when you post things online.

A.   in

B.   out

C.   on

D.   of
3. 他是一名深海潜水员。
31. What were you _______ (do /doing)when they came into the office?
1-1 How to make the most of a career fair. If you get the opportunity to go to a career fair, you should make the most of it. Career fairs are a great way to speak to different employers. So, how can you take advantage of all that is on offer? The first thing you should do is to prepare yourself. Find out which organizations are going to be there and do your research. Make sure you know who you want to speak to and think about what you want to say. You should also prepare an up-to-date copy of your résumé to show to anyone who might be interested in your skills and experience. On the day of the career fair, you should make the right impression. You don’t have to wear your best suit, but dressing smartly will show that you are professional. If you think of the fair as an interview, then it’s more likely you’ll get one in future. It’s a good idea to arrive early on the day of the career fair. This can mean you don’t have to stand in a long queue. However, staying around until the end of the fair means you may have the chance to speak to an employer one to one. Finally, don’t forget to follow up on any interesting people you meet at the fair. If you’ve spoken to an employer, try to connect with him / her online. Stay in touch with potential employers and they will be reminded of who you are and what you can offer. 2. What does the writer suggest you take with you?

A.   A pen and notepad.

B.   An address book.

C.   Your business card.

D.   A copy of your résumé.
18. I'm sorry you don't like your job, but you should put up _______ (by / with)it for now.
4-1 Do you often feel stressed out on a Sunday night? Do you dream of how much better your life would be if you had a different job? And are you jealous of your friends’ careers, which always sound much better than yours? If you recognise any of the above, you probably need a career change. The question is, how are you going to go about getting one? First of all, think about what you’d rather do. Deciding what you like and dislike in your current job is a good starting point. Once you have a good idea of what you want to do, it's time to upgrade your skill set. Think about what you are able to do and how this matches the career you are interested in. For example, you may be interested in a career as a tour guide. Which skills does a tour guide need? Which of these do you have, and which do you need to work on developing? Finally, set yourself some goals, both long and short term. Write a list in which you include your goals for the year, the next six months and then the next six weeks. It can be a good idea to share the goals you have made with a friend, as this can help you to stay motivated. Changing your career is not always easy, but life is too short to stay in a job which does not make us happy and which does not fully utilise our skills. 31. Choose the best title for the article.

A.   How to know if you need a career change and what to do about it.

B.   The best way to look for a new job.

C.   How to make a good impression at a career fair.

D.   How to improve a job which isn’t going well.
6-2 New year, new goal! For the past five years, I made the same promise to myself every spring: “I am going to get into shape”. Each year, I promised myself that I was going to lose weight and go down two dress sizes, so that I would look good (or at least normal) on the beach. However, it was the same story every year. Just two weeks after I’d made the resolution, I went back to my old bad habits. This year I decided to do things differently. I realized that my goal of dropping two dress sizes was unrealistic, and probably even unhealthy. When I examined my goal, I decided that it was too short-sighted to be meaningful. Why would I work so hard for just two weeks on the beach? When I thought about it, I realized it was more important to be healthy and strong than to look slim. Examining and changing my goal made a big difference. Instead of trying to lose weight, a friend and I decided we’d run a marathon in July. We planned our exercise schedule together, which was really motivating. We ate healthily, without worrying about our weight. Instead of obsessing about how we looked, we focused on our running performance. So, what happened? Not only did I manage to run the marathon, I also went down a dress size. What did I take away from this experience? What we think we need isn’t always what’s good for us. It pays to examine our goals. 60. In addition to running the marathon, what did the writer achieve?

A.   She went down a dress size.

B.   She went down two dress sizes.

C.   She ran the marathon in record time.

D.   She became much stronger.
41. Be wary _______ seeming too relaxed during your job interview.

A.   of

B.   out

C.   in

D.   if