4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 40. What does Anna think about her success?

A、  She feels that it all came down to luck.

B、  She feels it all came down to her hard work.

C、  She thinks she was lucky, but she also worked hard.

D、  She feels she doesn’t deserve it.


6-2 New year, new goal! For the past five years, I made the same promise to myself every spring: “I am going to get into shape”. Each year, I promised myself that I was going to lose weight and go down two dress sizes, so that I would look good (or at least normal) on the beach. However, it was the same story every year. Just two weeks after I’d made the resolution, I went back to my old bad habits. This year I decided to do things differently. I realized that my goal of dropping two dress sizes was unrealistic, and probably even unhealthy. When I examined my goal, I decided that it was too short-sighted to be meaningful. Why would I work so hard for just two weeks on the beach? When I thought about it, I realized it was more important to be healthy and strong than to look slim. Examining and changing my goal made a big difference. Instead of trying to lose weight, a friend and I decided we’d run a marathon in July. We planned our exercise schedule together, which was really motivating. We ate healthily, without worrying about our weight. Instead of obsessing about how we looked, we focused on our running performance. So, what happened? Not only did I manage to run the marathon, I also went down a dress size. What did I take away from this experience? What we think we need isn’t always what’s good for us. It pays to examine our goals. 59. What helped to motivate the writer to achieve her goal?
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 48. Why was there a staff shortage?
7. ——Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow?---_________
2.It could be the start of a brilliant career.
44. If I invite her for coffee after work, do you think she _______(says / will say)yes?
17. ---Oh, what a nice picture! You draw very well.---________________.
9. ---What a nice meal! Thank you for having us.---________.
9. Please look over this document very __________ (careful / carefully).
5-1 My dream job: being a social media manager I’ve been a social media manager since graduating last year. You might be asking yourself what a social media manager does. Well, let me explain. A social media manager manages the social media accounts of businesses or individuals to help them to achieve their business or career goals. Personally, I specialize in helping individuals to achieve their professional goals through social media. Often this means helping them to develop a presence on social media so that they are more likely to catch the eye of a recruiter in their chosen field. Often, I’ll work with a client for a few weeks, and then receive a message from them afterwards saying, “Guess what? I got the job of my dreams thanks to your advice!” When this happens, I feel my job is rewarding and that I am making a difference to people’s lives in my own way. Sometimes the work I do involves helping people to promote a product, for example a book they have written. Either way, I have to work with my clients on achieving good posting habits (not posting too often or too rarely) and developing a strong, positive brand. The first thing I have to do with any client is to ask them questions about what they want to achieve through social media. It’s important that I listen to their ideas. In fact, I’d say that being able to communicate effectively is the most important skill you need if you want to succeed in this career. 44. According to the writer, what are “good posting habits”?

4-2 Have you ever dreamed about turning your hobby into your full-time job? This may sound too good to be true, but for fashion writer and model Anna King, the dream is now a reality. Anna had always found it difficult to find clothes to fit her. She says, “I am a plus-size woman, and so when I went shopping with my friends, I could never find anything big enough to fit me. So, I went online and found lots of great shops which sold fashionable clothes in bigger sizes. I took photos of myself wearing the clothes and shared my shopping experiences online, on a weekly fashion blog.” The blog called “Large Looks” became popular. Anna says, “Soon I had followers from all over the world! It turns out that many bigger women were having similar problems finding nice clothes.” After two years of blogging, a publisher asked me to write a book about my experiences. Just one week later, a model agency asked me to model some plus-size clothes for them. I just couldn’t believe it! Anna says, “I was able to give up my job as a secretary for a law firm and concentrate on my hobby. Now I never feel sad about going back to work on a Monday!” She adds, “Lots of people tell me how lucky I am. I tell them that yes, I was lucky, but I also worked very hard. I wrote hundreds of blog posts before I was noticed!” 40. What does Anna think about her success?

A、  She feels that it all came down to luck.

B、  She feels it all came down to her hard work.

C、  She thinks she was lucky, but she also worked hard.

D、  She feels she doesn’t deserve it.


6-2 New year, new goal! For the past five years, I made the same promise to myself every spring: “I am going to get into shape”. Each year, I promised myself that I was going to lose weight and go down two dress sizes, so that I would look good (or at least normal) on the beach. However, it was the same story every year. Just two weeks after I’d made the resolution, I went back to my old bad habits. This year I decided to do things differently. I realized that my goal of dropping two dress sizes was unrealistic, and probably even unhealthy. When I examined my goal, I decided that it was too short-sighted to be meaningful. Why would I work so hard for just two weeks on the beach? When I thought about it, I realized it was more important to be healthy and strong than to look slim. Examining and changing my goal made a big difference. Instead of trying to lose weight, a friend and I decided we’d run a marathon in July. We planned our exercise schedule together, which was really motivating. We ate healthily, without worrying about our weight. Instead of obsessing about how we looked, we focused on our running performance. So, what happened? Not only did I manage to run the marathon, I also went down a dress size. What did I take away from this experience? What we think we need isn’t always what’s good for us. It pays to examine our goals. 59. What helped to motivate the writer to achieve her goal?

A.   She started to enjoy feeling healthier.

B.   She kept thinking about how good she would look.

C.   She pictured herself on the beach.

D.   She worked towards her goal with a friend.
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 48. Why was there a staff shortage?

A.   The boss couldn’t afford to pay a lot of staff.

B.   The boss had fired a lot of staff.

C.   A lot of staff members were ill.

D.   Nobody wanted to work there.
7. ——Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow?---_________

A.   It doesn’t matter.

B.   That’s nothing.

C.   Good idea!

D.   You’re welcome.
2.It could be the start of a brilliant career.
44. If I invite her for coffee after work, do you think she _______(says / will say)yes?
17. ---Oh, what a nice picture! You draw very well.---________________.

A.   Yes, it’s very bad

B.   Yours is good

C.   Of course not

D.   Thank you
9. ---What a nice meal! Thank you for having us.---________.

A.   It doesn’t matter

B.   It was a pleasure

C.   Not nice enough

D.   With pleasure
9. Please look over this document very __________ (careful / carefully).
5-1 My dream job: being a social media manager I’ve been a social media manager since graduating last year. You might be asking yourself what a social media manager does. Well, let me explain. A social media manager manages the social media accounts of businesses or individuals to help them to achieve their business or career goals. Personally, I specialize in helping individuals to achieve their professional goals through social media. Often this means helping them to develop a presence on social media so that they are more likely to catch the eye of a recruiter in their chosen field. Often, I’ll work with a client for a few weeks, and then receive a message from them afterwards saying, “Guess what? I got the job of my dreams thanks to your advice!” When this happens, I feel my job is rewarding and that I am making a difference to people’s lives in my own way. Sometimes the work I do involves helping people to promote a product, for example a book they have written. Either way, I have to work with my clients on achieving good posting habits (not posting too often or too rarely) and developing a strong, positive brand. The first thing I have to do with any client is to ask them questions about what they want to achieve through social media. It’s important that I listen to their ideas. In fact, I’d say that being able to communicate effectively is the most important skill you need if you want to succeed in this career. 44. According to the writer, what are “good posting habits”?

A.   Always using quality images in your posts.

B.   Posting regularly, but not too often.

C.   Choosing the best times of the day to post.

D.   Posting a mixture of funny and serious things.