6-1 Be your own life coach! The demand for life coaches has grown in recent years, with many celebrities claiming that their lives have been improved by a few sessions of coaching. So, what does a life coach do, and can they change your life for the better? Life coaches claim to be able to help their clients work towards achieving their goals. Sue Berry, a life coach, says, “As a qualified life coach, I have several different clients now. Basically, I help people to feel better about their life, work and relationships. Many clients come to me feeling very unhappy. By asking them questions and listening carefully to their answers, I help them move forwards and achieve goals that they could never have dreamed of achieving themselves.” Life coaching is a multi-million-dollar industry, with many life coaches charging hundreds of dollars for a session. Is it worth it? Not everyone thinks so. Melvyn Clark, a careers advisor at Leicester University, thinks that people should take responsibility for their own destiny. He says, “People spend lots of money on getting advice from professionals. In fact, there’s a belief that the more you spend, the less you actually have to do by yourself. Well, I believe that if you want to make real changes in your life, it has to come down to you. Spending hundreds to talk to someone else about your problems will only empty your bank account.” What do you think? Would you pay someone to help you get some direction in your life? 53. According to the article, is life coaching well-paid?

A、  Yes, very.

B、  Yes, quite.

C、  No, not very.

D、  No, not at all.


7. It can take _______ to an hour to get there on foot.
3. We ________ (don’t have to / shouldn’t)hurry. The train doesn’t leave till 10 a.m.
34. Robert was out shopping when the woman from the model agency _______ (noticed / noticing)him.
48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.
4. Knowledge of at least one foreign language is a _______.
45. I’m afraid your cover letter doesn’t come _______ as very professional.
9-2 How to start strong at work You’ve had a successful job interview. Congratulations! What comes next is equally important to your chances of career success - your first day on the job. How do you make a positive impact on your new colleagues and boss? Remember the preparation you did before your interview? You’ll need to be just as well-prepared for your first day of a new job. This means thinking about the questions you will need to ask in order to be successful in your role. On your first day, make sure you arrive for work at least 15 minutes early. If you haven’t done the commute before, practise it once or twice during rush hour. This will help to prevent you being surprised by heavy traffic. Make sure you introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Prepare a short introduction, saying who you are, where you worked before and what your new role is. Whatever you do, don’t spend the day alone, as this can become a habit which is hard to break. Remember to put your cell-phone on silent. You need to be 100 percent present at work, especially on your first day. You’ll find it harder to connect with your colleagues if you are busy checking your phone for messages. Finally, make sure to learn the unwritten rules of your office. Finding out about where to wash your coffee cups will show that you are the kind of person who cares about the workspace you share with others. 89. How should you behave around your colleagues?
16. ---Could you tell me how to get to Peterson Building, please?---________________.
1、Let’s begin with how to answer difficult job interview questions.
12. ---What are Johnson’s family like?---____________.

6-1 Be your own life coach! The demand for life coaches has grown in recent years, with many celebrities claiming that their lives have been improved by a few sessions of coaching. So, what does a life coach do, and can they change your life for the better? Life coaches claim to be able to help their clients work towards achieving their goals. Sue Berry, a life coach, says, “As a qualified life coach, I have several different clients now. Basically, I help people to feel better about their life, work and relationships. Many clients come to me feeling very unhappy. By asking them questions and listening carefully to their answers, I help them move forwards and achieve goals that they could never have dreamed of achieving themselves.” Life coaching is a multi-million-dollar industry, with many life coaches charging hundreds of dollars for a session. Is it worth it? Not everyone thinks so. Melvyn Clark, a careers advisor at Leicester University, thinks that people should take responsibility for their own destiny. He says, “People spend lots of money on getting advice from professionals. In fact, there’s a belief that the more you spend, the less you actually have to do by yourself. Well, I believe that if you want to make real changes in your life, it has to come down to you. Spending hundreds to talk to someone else about your problems will only empty your bank account.” What do you think? Would you pay someone to help you get some direction in your life? 53. According to the article, is life coaching well-paid?

A、  Yes, very.

B、  Yes, quite.

C、  No, not very.

D、  No, not at all.


7. It can take _______ to an hour to get there on foot.

A.   up

B.   down

C.   round

D.   over
3. We ________ (don’t have to / shouldn’t)hurry. The train doesn’t leave till 10 a.m.
34. Robert was out shopping when the woman from the model agency _______ (noticed / noticing)him.
48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.

A.   tempt

B.   cite

C.   vent

D.   steam
4. Knowledge of at least one foreign language is a _______.

A.   plus

B.   plan

C.   bug

D.   high
45. I’m afraid your cover letter doesn’t come _______ as very professional.

A.   out

B.   over

C.   around

D.   across
9-2 How to start strong at work You’ve had a successful job interview. Congratulations! What comes next is equally important to your chances of career success - your first day on the job. How do you make a positive impact on your new colleagues and boss? Remember the preparation you did before your interview? You’ll need to be just as well-prepared for your first day of a new job. This means thinking about the questions you will need to ask in order to be successful in your role. On your first day, make sure you arrive for work at least 15 minutes early. If you haven’t done the commute before, practise it once or twice during rush hour. This will help to prevent you being surprised by heavy traffic. Make sure you introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Prepare a short introduction, saying who you are, where you worked before and what your new role is. Whatever you do, don’t spend the day alone, as this can become a habit which is hard to break. Remember to put your cell-phone on silent. You need to be 100 percent present at work, especially on your first day. You’ll find it harder to connect with your colleagues if you are busy checking your phone for messages. Finally, make sure to learn the unwritten rules of your office. Finding out about where to wash your coffee cups will show that you are the kind of person who cares about the workspace you share with others. 89. How should you behave around your colleagues?

A.   Prepare to spend the first day mostly on your own.

B.   Tell them some funny stories about your last job.

C.   Prepare a short introduction about yourself to share with them.

D.   Offer to do some of their work for them.
16. ---Could you tell me how to get to Peterson Building, please?---________________.

A.   Don’t ask me

B.   Sure. You can take the No.3 bus

C.   You’re welcome

D.   Thank you all the same
1、Let’s begin with how to answer difficult job interview questions.
12. ---What are Johnson’s family like?---____________.

A.   His family is just like mine

B.   They all like sports and games

C.   Oh, it’s really a big one

D.   They are all warm-hearted and helpful