9-2 How to start strong at work You’ve had a successful job interview. Congratulations! What comes next is equally important to your chances of career success - your first day on the job. How do you make a positive impact on your new colleagues and boss? Remember the preparation you did before your interview? You’ll need to be just as well-prepared for your first day of a new job. This means thinking about the questions you will need to ask in order to be successful in your role. On your first day, make sure you arrive for work at least 15 minutes early. If you haven’t done the commute before, practise it once or twice during rush hour. This will help to prevent you being surprised by heavy traffic. Make sure you introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Prepare a short introduction, saying who you are, where you worked before and what your new role is. Whatever you do, don’t spend the day alone, as this can become a habit which is hard to break. Remember to put your cell-phone on silent. You need to be 100 percent present at work, especially on your first day. You’ll find it harder to connect with your colleagues if you are busy checking your phone for messages. Finally, make sure to learn the unwritten rules of your office. Finding out about where to wash your coffee cups will show that you are the kind of person who cares about the workspace you share with others. 90. Why should you take care to find out the “unwritten rules” of your office?

A、  This will show your colleagues that you care about them.

B、  This will impress the boss, and you may be offered a better job.

C、  If you know these rules, your colleagues will make you coffee.

D、  You may be asked to leave your job if you don’t find them out.


10-1 What makes a job rewarding Not everyone wants the same things in a job. For some people, a good salary and benefits is the most important thing, while others are looking for some flexibility and the freedom to make decisions. What makes a job rewarding is very personal, but there are some common factors. Want to find out what these factors are? Then read on. For a job to be rewarding, it should not be too stressful. If you’re working long hours non-stop, you are unlikely to feel happy about your chosen career. However, a little stress at work can be a positive thing, as people feel good when they successfully meet challenges at work. Most people find caring for others rewarding. Nurses and doctors are obvious examples of caring jobs, but there are many other jobs which involve caring for other people’s well-being, for example teaching or even looking after customers in a hotel. There are jobs in every industry that involve caring for others in some way. People who find their jobs rewarding usually have positive relationships with their bosses, colleagues and customers. This doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with your colleagues. It does mean that you can turn to your colleagues for help when you need it. Finally, if you find your job difficult and can’t get any better at it, no matter how hard you try, you will probably not find your job rewarding. For a job to be rewarding, you need to feel as if you can do it well.95. What does it mean if you find your job very difficult, and can’t get better at it?
8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 78. According to Sally, what should you do about emails when you’re on vacation?
6-1 Be your own life coach! The demand for life coaches has grown in recent years, with many celebrities claiming that their lives have been improved by a few sessions of coaching. So, what does a life coach do, and can they change your life for the better? Life coaches claim to be able to help their clients work towards achieving their goals. Sue Berry, a life coach, says, “As a qualified life coach, I have several different clients now. Basically, I help people to feel better about their life, work and relationships. Many clients come to me feeling very unhappy. By asking them questions and listening carefully to their answers, I help them move forwards and achieve goals that they could never have dreamed of achieving themselves.” Life coaching is a multi-million-dollar industry, with many life coaches charging hundreds of dollars for a session. Is it worth it? Not everyone thinks so. Melvyn Clark, a careers advisor at Leicester University, thinks that people should take responsibility for their own destiny. He says, “People spend lots of money on getting advice from professionals. In fact, there’s a belief that the more you spend, the less you actually have to do by yourself. Well, I believe that if you want to make real changes in your life, it has to come down to you. Spending hundreds to talk to someone else about your problems will only empty your bank account.” What do you think? Would you pay someone to help you get some direction in your life? 51. According to the article, what has made life coaching more popular?
44. Employers shouldn’t _______ against candidates based on their appearance.
48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.
37. If Jim wants to be a police officer, he _______ (should / will have to)wear a uniform.
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 48. Why was there a staff shortage?
5. 他是最著名的雕刻家之一。
1-1 How to make the most of a career fair. If you get the opportunity to go to a career fair, you should make the most of it. Career fairs are a great way to speak to different employers. So, how can you take advantage of all that is on offer? The first thing you should do is to prepare yourself. Find out which organizations are going to be there and do your research. Make sure you know who you want to speak to and think about what you want to say. You should also prepare an up-to-date copy of your résumé to show to anyone who might be interested in your skills and experience. On the day of the career fair, you should make the right impression. You don’t have to wear your best suit, but dressing smartly will show that you are professional. If you think of the fair as an interview, then it’s more likely you’ll get one in future. It’s a good idea to arrive early on the day of the career fair. This can mean you don’t have to stand in a long queue. However, staying around until the end of the fair means you may have the chance to speak to an employer one to one. Finally, don’t forget to follow up on any interesting people you meet at the fair. If you’ve spoken to an employer, try to connect with him / her online. Stay in touch with potential employers and they will be reminded of who you are and what you can offer. 5. According to the writer, why should you connect with the employers you have met?

9-2 How to start strong at work You’ve had a successful job interview. Congratulations! What comes next is equally important to your chances of career success - your first day on the job. How do you make a positive impact on your new colleagues and boss? Remember the preparation you did before your interview? You’ll need to be just as well-prepared for your first day of a new job. This means thinking about the questions you will need to ask in order to be successful in your role. On your first day, make sure you arrive for work at least 15 minutes early. If you haven’t done the commute before, practise it once or twice during rush hour. This will help to prevent you being surprised by heavy traffic. Make sure you introduce yourself to your new colleagues. Prepare a short introduction, saying who you are, where you worked before and what your new role is. Whatever you do, don’t spend the day alone, as this can become a habit which is hard to break. Remember to put your cell-phone on silent. You need to be 100 percent present at work, especially on your first day. You’ll find it harder to connect with your colleagues if you are busy checking your phone for messages. Finally, make sure to learn the unwritten rules of your office. Finding out about where to wash your coffee cups will show that you are the kind of person who cares about the workspace you share with others. 90. Why should you take care to find out the “unwritten rules” of your office?

A、  This will show your colleagues that you care about them.

B、  This will impress the boss, and you may be offered a better job.

C、  If you know these rules, your colleagues will make you coffee.

D、  You may be asked to leave your job if you don’t find them out.


10-1 What makes a job rewarding Not everyone wants the same things in a job. For some people, a good salary and benefits is the most important thing, while others are looking for some flexibility and the freedom to make decisions. What makes a job rewarding is very personal, but there are some common factors. Want to find out what these factors are? Then read on. For a job to be rewarding, it should not be too stressful. If you’re working long hours non-stop, you are unlikely to feel happy about your chosen career. However, a little stress at work can be a positive thing, as people feel good when they successfully meet challenges at work. Most people find caring for others rewarding. Nurses and doctors are obvious examples of caring jobs, but there are many other jobs which involve caring for other people’s well-being, for example teaching or even looking after customers in a hotel. There are jobs in every industry that involve caring for others in some way. People who find their jobs rewarding usually have positive relationships with their bosses, colleagues and customers. This doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with your colleagues. It does mean that you can turn to your colleagues for help when you need it. Finally, if you find your job difficult and can’t get any better at it, no matter how hard you try, you will probably not find your job rewarding. For a job to be rewarding, you need to feel as if you can do it well.95. What does it mean if you find your job very difficult, and can’t get better at it?

A.   It’s probably not a very rewarding job.

B.   You need to try harder.

C.   You aren’t ambitious.

D.   You aren’t realistic enough.
8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 78. According to Sally, what should you do about emails when you’re on vacation?

A.  Check them regularly to make sure you’re not missing anything.

B.  Ask your colleagues to phone you, rather than send emails.

C.  Don’t check your emails.

D.  Check your emails, but just once or twice a day.
6-1 Be your own life coach! The demand for life coaches has grown in recent years, with many celebrities claiming that their lives have been improved by a few sessions of coaching. So, what does a life coach do, and can they change your life for the better? Life coaches claim to be able to help their clients work towards achieving their goals. Sue Berry, a life coach, says, “As a qualified life coach, I have several different clients now. Basically, I help people to feel better about their life, work and relationships. Many clients come to me feeling very unhappy. By asking them questions and listening carefully to their answers, I help them move forwards and achieve goals that they could never have dreamed of achieving themselves.” Life coaching is a multi-million-dollar industry, with many life coaches charging hundreds of dollars for a session. Is it worth it? Not everyone thinks so. Melvyn Clark, a careers advisor at Leicester University, thinks that people should take responsibility for their own destiny. He says, “People spend lots of money on getting advice from professionals. In fact, there’s a belief that the more you spend, the less you actually have to do by yourself. Well, I believe that if you want to make real changes in your life, it has to come down to you. Spending hundreds to talk to someone else about your problems will only empty your bank account.” What do you think? Would you pay someone to help you get some direction in your life? 51. According to the article, what has made life coaching more popular?

A.   People have become more ambitious about what they want in life.

B.   People have more money to spend on things they don’t need.

C.   Famous people have spoken about using life coaches.

D.   People are finding life more difficult and so need help to get through it.
44. Employers shouldn’t _______ against candidates based on their appearance.

A.   discriminate

B.   wary

C.   hinder

D.   tempt
48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.

A.   tempt

B.   cite

C.   vent

D.   steam
37. If Jim wants to be a police officer, he _______ (should / will have to)wear a uniform.
5-2 We all know that employers check out the social media accounts of potential candidates, but did you know that they also look at staff accounts? Three months ago, I had just started a job in a restaurant. The first Saturday I worked there we had a staff shortage as quite a few people were off ill. At lunch time, I was left to serve about 20 customers by myself! As you can imagine, service was slow, and a few customers were quite rude to me. By the end of the day, I had a terrible headache, sore feet and was in a very bad mood. I just wanted to let off some steam, so I went home and wrote a blog post about the terrible day I'd had. It was supposed to be funny, but I did bad-mouth some of the customers, especially a large woman wearing a purple coat who had shouted at me because her coffee was cold. Then I shared the blog post to my social media accounts. That was a big mistake. I had forgotten that I was friends with my boss on social media. Unfortunately for me, the woman in the purple coat who I had described in my blog post turned out to be his wife! I was called into my boss’ office and fired the next day. What did I learn from this? Never write anything negative about your work on social media: it will always come back to bite you. 48. Why was there a staff shortage?

A.   The boss couldn’t afford to pay a lot of staff.

B.   The boss had fired a lot of staff.

C.   A lot of staff members were ill.

D.   Nobody wanted to work there.
5. 他是最著名的雕刻家之一。
1-1 How to make the most of a career fair. If you get the opportunity to go to a career fair, you should make the most of it. Career fairs are a great way to speak to different employers. So, how can you take advantage of all that is on offer? The first thing you should do is to prepare yourself. Find out which organizations are going to be there and do your research. Make sure you know who you want to speak to and think about what you want to say. You should also prepare an up-to-date copy of your résumé to show to anyone who might be interested in your skills and experience. On the day of the career fair, you should make the right impression. You don’t have to wear your best suit, but dressing smartly will show that you are professional. If you think of the fair as an interview, then it’s more likely you’ll get one in future. It’s a good idea to arrive early on the day of the career fair. This can mean you don’t have to stand in a long queue. However, staying around until the end of the fair means you may have the chance to speak to an employer one to one. Finally, don’t forget to follow up on any interesting people you meet at the fair. If you’ve spoken to an employer, try to connect with him / her online. Stay in touch with potential employers and they will be reminded of who you are and what you can offer. 5. According to the writer, why should you connect with the employers you have met?

A.   So they will remember you and what you can offer.

B.   So you can ask them for an interview.

C.   So you can send them your CV.

D.   So you can arrange to meet them for coffee.