10-1 What makes a job rewarding Not everyone wants the same things in a job. For some people, a good salary and benefits is the most important thing, while others are looking for some flexibility and the freedom to make decisions. What makes a job rewarding is very personal, but there are some common factors. Want to find out what these factors are? Then read on. For a job to be rewarding, it should not be too stressful. If you’re working long hours non-stop, you are unlikely to feel happy about your chosen career. However, a little stress at work can be a positive thing, as people feel good when they successfully meet challenges at work. Most people find caring for others rewarding. Nurses and doctors are obvious examples of caring jobs, but there are many other jobs which involve caring for other people’s well-being, for example teaching or even looking after customers in a hotel. There are jobs in every industry that involve caring for others in some way. People who find their jobs rewarding usually have positive relationships with their bosses, colleagues and customers. This doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with your colleagues. It does mean that you can turn to your colleagues for help when you need it. Finally, if you find your job difficult and can’t get any better at it, no matter how hard you try, you will probably not find your job rewarding. For a job to be rewarding, you need to feel as if you can do it well.92. What is the writer’s opinion about workplace stress?

A、  The most rewarding jobs are very stressful ones.

B、  If you sometimes feel a bit stressed, this can be positive.

C、  Feeling stressed at work is never a good thing.

D、  Workers take stress back home to their families.


34. I'm fed _______ with my job. I think I need to do something different.
32. A typical workday for me usually consists _______ lots of meetings.
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 65. What should you do if the technology goes wrong?
35. I _______ (had / was having)an interview yesterday and I think it went really well.
25. The boss __________ (did not give / hadn’t given)him permission to take time off, but he took it anyway.
17. ---Oh, what a nice picture! You draw very well.---________________.
4.After five years of hard work, I’d like to have more responsibilities.
30. I had an interview this morning, but I don’t feel confident _______ my performance.
21. ---________________?---It’s Saturday.
37. I find it much easier to concentrate when there is _______.

10-1 What makes a job rewarding Not everyone wants the same things in a job. For some people, a good salary and benefits is the most important thing, while others are looking for some flexibility and the freedom to make decisions. What makes a job rewarding is very personal, but there are some common factors. Want to find out what these factors are? Then read on. For a job to be rewarding, it should not be too stressful. If you’re working long hours non-stop, you are unlikely to feel happy about your chosen career. However, a little stress at work can be a positive thing, as people feel good when they successfully meet challenges at work. Most people find caring for others rewarding. Nurses and doctors are obvious examples of caring jobs, but there are many other jobs which involve caring for other people’s well-being, for example teaching or even looking after customers in a hotel. There are jobs in every industry that involve caring for others in some way. People who find their jobs rewarding usually have positive relationships with their bosses, colleagues and customers. This doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with your colleagues. It does mean that you can turn to your colleagues for help when you need it. Finally, if you find your job difficult and can’t get any better at it, no matter how hard you try, you will probably not find your job rewarding. For a job to be rewarding, you need to feel as if you can do it well.92. What is the writer’s opinion about workplace stress?

A、  The most rewarding jobs are very stressful ones.

B、  If you sometimes feel a bit stressed, this can be positive.

C、  Feeling stressed at work is never a good thing.

D、  Workers take stress back home to their families.


34. I'm fed _______ with my job. I think I need to do something different.

A.   then

B.   down

C.   through

D.   up
32. A typical workday for me usually consists _______ lots of meetings.

A.   by

B.   of

C.   in

D.   at
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 65. What should you do if the technology goes wrong?

A.   You should plan to do something different (e.g.: a telephone call).

B.   Write the interviewer a letter to apologize.

C.   Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault.

D.   Ask for a face-to-face interview instead.
35. I _______ (had / was having)an interview yesterday and I think it went really well.
25. The boss __________ (did not give / hadn’t given)him permission to take time off, but he took it anyway.
17. ---Oh, what a nice picture! You draw very well.---________________.

A.   Yes, it’s very bad

B.   Yours is good

C.   Of course not

D.   Thank you
4.After five years of hard work, I’d like to have more responsibilities.
30. I had an interview this morning, but I don’t feel confident _______ my performance.

A.   about

B.   on

C.   over

D.   around
21. ---________________?---It’s Saturday.

A.   What’s the date

B.   What time is it

C.   What day is it today

D.   How much is it
37. I find it much easier to concentrate when there is _______.

A.   silence

B.   silent

C.   silencer

D.   silences