10-1 What makes a job rewarding Not everyone wants the same things in a job. For some people, a good salary and benefits is the most important thing, while others are looking for some flexibility and the freedom to make decisions. What makes a job rewarding is very personal, but there are some common factors. Want to find out what these factors are? Then read on. For a job to be rewarding, it should not be too stressful. If you’re working long hours non-stop, you are unlikely to feel happy about your chosen career. However, a little stress at work can be a positive thing, as people feel good when they successfully meet challenges at work. Most people find caring for others rewarding. Nurses and doctors are obvious examples of caring jobs, but there are many other jobs which involve caring for other people’s well-being, for example teaching or even looking after customers in a hotel. There are jobs in every industry that involve caring for others in some way. People who find their jobs rewarding usually have positive relationships with their bosses, colleagues and customers. This doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with your colleagues. It does mean that you can turn to your colleagues for help when you need it. Finally, if you find your job difficult and can’t get any better at it, no matter how hard you try, you will probably not find your job rewarding. For a job to be rewarding, you need to feel as if you can do it well.93. What does the writer say about caring careers?

A、  Any job which involves caring for others is rewarding

B、  Being a nurse is much more rewarding than being a teacher

C、  Caring jobs are usually the worst paid.

D、  Caring jobs are good because they are flexible.


21. ---________________?---It’s Saturday.
3-2 Dressing for success Until recently, I had never thought about how important our work clothes are. However, this changed when I arrived for my first day of work at my new job. The first thing I noticed was that the receptionist was wearing jeans. Then I met my boss, who was wearing shorts and trainers. Most of my other colleagues were similarly dressed. At first, I felt happy to work in such a relaxed environment, but after a few days, I realized something. People were always checking their social media and eating food at their desks. One colleague even fell asleep sometimes. I am ambitious, and this wasn’t the way I wanted to work. Then I had an idea. I had read about how wearing smart clothes can make people work harder, and I wanted to see if it was true. I remembered that some workplaces let staff come to work in casual clothes on Fridays. I suggested to my boss that our workplace do the opposite, asking staff to dress smartly on Fridays. The first “dress smart” Friday my colleagues looked so smart! And guess what? They seemed to work harder too. Suddenly, it felt like that my workplace was a more energetic place to be. My colleagues noticed the difference—and so did my boss, because three Fridays later, she suggested staff come to work smartly dressed every day. Now my colleagues and I always dress smartly, and as a result, I think our team is happier and more productive.28. According to the writer, what is the relationship between clothes and work?
8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 79. What impact might paid vacations have on staff relationships, according to the writer?
46. I’m not enjoying this job. I think I’ll give it _______ (in / up)and find a new one.
8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 76. Which of the following sentences best sums up the writer’s opinion about vacations?
14.---Help yourself to some fruit.---__________
2. 别空想了,还是现实点吧。
8. I really love his work. It’s so _______.
19. I am really looking forward _______ (to / at)meeting the new boss, aren’t you?
22. Let’s _______ in touch. Here’s my email address.

10-1 What makes a job rewarding Not everyone wants the same things in a job. For some people, a good salary and benefits is the most important thing, while others are looking for some flexibility and the freedom to make decisions. What makes a job rewarding is very personal, but there are some common factors. Want to find out what these factors are? Then read on. For a job to be rewarding, it should not be too stressful. If you’re working long hours non-stop, you are unlikely to feel happy about your chosen career. However, a little stress at work can be a positive thing, as people feel good when they successfully meet challenges at work. Most people find caring for others rewarding. Nurses and doctors are obvious examples of caring jobs, but there are many other jobs which involve caring for other people’s well-being, for example teaching or even looking after customers in a hotel. There are jobs in every industry that involve caring for others in some way. People who find their jobs rewarding usually have positive relationships with their bosses, colleagues and customers. This doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with your colleagues. It does mean that you can turn to your colleagues for help when you need it. Finally, if you find your job difficult and can’t get any better at it, no matter how hard you try, you will probably not find your job rewarding. For a job to be rewarding, you need to feel as if you can do it well.93. What does the writer say about caring careers?

A、  Any job which involves caring for others is rewarding

B、  Being a nurse is much more rewarding than being a teacher

C、  Caring jobs are usually the worst paid.

D、  Caring jobs are good because they are flexible.


21. ---________________?---It’s Saturday.

A.   What’s the date

B.   What time is it

C.   What day is it today

D.   How much is it
3-2 Dressing for success Until recently, I had never thought about how important our work clothes are. However, this changed when I arrived for my first day of work at my new job. The first thing I noticed was that the receptionist was wearing jeans. Then I met my boss, who was wearing shorts and trainers. Most of my other colleagues were similarly dressed. At first, I felt happy to work in such a relaxed environment, but after a few days, I realized something. People were always checking their social media and eating food at their desks. One colleague even fell asleep sometimes. I am ambitious, and this wasn’t the way I wanted to work. Then I had an idea. I had read about how wearing smart clothes can make people work harder, and I wanted to see if it was true. I remembered that some workplaces let staff come to work in casual clothes on Fridays. I suggested to my boss that our workplace do the opposite, asking staff to dress smartly on Fridays. The first “dress smart” Friday my colleagues looked so smart! And guess what? They seemed to work harder too. Suddenly, it felt like that my workplace was a more energetic place to be. My colleagues noticed the difference—and so did my boss, because three Fridays later, she suggested staff come to work smartly dressed every day. Now my colleagues and I always dress smartly, and as a result, I think our team is happier and more productive.28. According to the writer, what is the relationship between clothes and work?

A.   If you work hard, you can afford to buy nice clothes.

B.   If you dress smartly, you will work better.

C.   If you dress casually, you will do better at work.

D.   If workplaces arrange a dress down day, staff will work harder.
8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 79. What impact might paid vacations have on staff relationships, according to the writer?

A.  Workers will return feeling relaxed, so will get on with their colleagues better.

B.  Vacations cause problems when staff have to do their colleagues’ work.

C.  Vacations will not have any impact on staff relationships.

D.  Vacations can cause workers to feel envious of each other and result in bad feeling.
46. I’m not enjoying this job. I think I’ll give it _______ (in / up)and find a new one.
8-2 The benefits of a paid vacation Taking a paid vacation is good for everyone. Not only are regular vacations good for the work-life balance of the individual employees, they also increase productivity, which is great for business. Vacations don’t need to be long to be effective. Sally Harper, a professional psychologist says: “Some people believe that a vacation is only worthwhile if it’s for two weeks or longer. In fact, taking several short two-day vacations each year can be even more energising. You don’t need to spend lots of money travelling somewhere new. The important thing is to try something you haven’t done before.” Sally continues: “It’s fine to stay at home, but go on a hike, or go swimming, you will feel better. Don’t spend your vacation cleaning out your kitchen closet, as this will not help you to return to work feeling recharged!” When you go on vacation, take a complete break from work. Sally says: “It can be tempting to respond to emails, so you don’t fall too far behind. If you do this, you’re not on vacation-you’re just working somewhere else.” If you’re still not convinced about the importance of taking regular vacations, think of the health benefits. Taking regular time off will improve your mental and physical health. You’ll return to work feeling relaxed and find it easier to get along with your colleagues. Better start planning your time off work now. And if you’re an employer, make sure you encourage all your employees to make the most of their vacations. 76. Which of the following sentences best sums up the writer’s opinion about vacations?

A.  They cost businesses a lot of money, and they are bad for the economy.

B.  They’re necessary, but employees need to be careful they don’t fall behind with work.

C.  They’re a positive thing, as long as employees aren’t away too regularly.

D.  They’re good for individual employees and, in the long term, they’re good for business.
14.---Help yourself to some fruit.---__________

A.   Thank you.

B.   Yes, I like it very much.

C.   OK. It’s nothing serious.

D.   Really?
2. 别空想了,还是现实点吧。
8. I really love his work. It’s so _______.

A.   creative

B.   creation

C.   creativity

D.   created
19. I am really looking forward _______ (to / at)meeting the new boss, aren’t you?
22. Let’s _______ in touch. Here’s my email address.

A.   make

B.   come

C.   keep

D.   do